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RIP Gavin MacFadyen, 1940-2016

Sarah Harrison remembers the vital journalistic voice: "We would not be who we are without him, and we will miss him dearly."

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Chelsea Manning petitions Obama for clemency

Manning, who has already spent six years in prison, asks Obama to cut her sentence to time served; Obama could reverse course on whistleblowers before a Trump administration takes the reins


Courage announces new board of trustees

With Gavin MacFadyen's passing, Courage appoints a new board: Vivienne Westwood, John Pilger, Renata Avila and Susan Benn


114 British MPs call on Obama to stop Lauri Love’s extradition

Letter sent to the US President demonstrates strong support for Lauri across the political spectrum


NSA whistleblower William Binney joins Courage’s Advisory Board

Binney, who has become an outspoken critic of the NSA since blowing the whistle on one of its data collection programmes, is supporting several legal challenges to US mass surveillance

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URGENT CALL: ask your MP to sign letter to Obama

On Friday a letter from UK Parliamentarians will be sent to the US President, asking him to withdraw Lauri Love's extradition warrant. Make sure your MP's name is on it!