Boris Johnson vs the virtue signallers

22 November 2016 12:42

As the government ‘consider’ inviting Donald Trump for a state visit, the president-elect was top of the agenda at today’s Foreign Office…

If Trump abandons the Trans-Pacific Partnership, he plays into China’s hands

22 November 2016 12:39

Donald Trump is not wasting any time on trade. Or is he? In his video message about what he’ll do on…

Don’t send Farage to Washington; invite him to Chevening

22 November 2016 10:15

Donald Trump has been putting the cat amongst the diplomatic pigeons—again. His tweet suggesting that Nigel Farage should be made…

What the papers say: Theresa May’s ‘betrayal’ of workers

22 November 2016 8:37

Theresa May’s decision to row back on her pledge to put workers on company boards receives a mixed reception in…

Will Philip Hammond be arrested after the Autumn Statement?

22 November 2016 7:53

So, austerity is to end. Or that is what the briefings for Wednesday’s Autumn Statement seem to indicate: Philip Hammond…

Donald Trump’s undiplomatic move

22 November 2016 7:52

Since Donald Trump won the presidential election, he has made it clear that he has no intention to play by the…

Diane James’s exit proves costly for Ukip

21 November 2016 17:34

Here we go again. First Steven Woolfe quit Ukip following a row with his MEP colleagues and now it is…

Why did the government prevent Milo Yiannopoulos from speaking at my sons’ school?

21 November 2016 16:40

Discovering my sons’ school had invited back former pupil Milo Yiannopoulos as a guest speaker was the highlight of an…

Theresa May rows back on pledge to put workers on boards

21 November 2016 15:05

Today Theresa May used her speech at the CBI annual conference to both reassure and inspire business leaders about Brexit Britain.…

Angela Merkel wants to be liberal Europe’s answer to Donald Trump

21 November 2016 14:50

So, Angela Merkel has ignored the Spectator’s advice and has decided to run for a fourth term as German Chancellor…

Subscribe to The Spectator’s Evening Blend email

21 November 2016 13:06

You already know that Coffee House serves up the best analysis, comment and insight into the day’s political events. Why…

Juppé, Fillon or Le Pen: who will define the French right?

21 November 2016 12:36

And once more the polls have got it wrong. For months French pollsters confidently predicted that the first round of…

Theresa May’s awkward reunion at CBI event

21 November 2016 9:11

Today the Confederation of British Industry hosts its annual conference. Last year, David Cameron gave a speech to attendees and…

Thatcherism for France: Sarkozy bows out as François Fillon surges in presidency race

21 November 2016 8:34

So farewell, then, Nicolas Sarkozy. After winning just 21pc of the votes in the primary to decide the conservative candidate…

Insulting people who think differently from you isn’t the way to engage people

20 November 2016 13:26

There were two items on BBC radio this morning which rather summed up the Corporation thinking about the State of…

Watch: James McGrory’s car-crash interview on Sunday Politics

20 November 2016 13:14

Oh dear. Today James McGrory of Open Britain appeared on Sunday Politics to explain why exactly the group are campaigning for Britain…

Meet the man who created the Middle East

20 November 2016 12:30

When turbaned warriors from Daesh (or Isis) advanced on Raqqa in Syria two years ago, they whooped wildly about having…

Philip Hammond and John McDonnell go head-to-head – but are we any clearer on Brexit?

20 November 2016 10:48

Sofa chat with Chancellor @PHammondMP & Shadow Chancellor @johnmcdonnellMP #marr — The Andrew Marr Show (@MarrShow) November 20, 2016…

Why Conrad Black was right about the genius of Trump

20 November 2016 10:00

At least two former Spectator figures understood things about the recent American contest which eluded most commentators. The first is…

Leonard Cohen – not Bob Dylan – should have won the Nobel prize

20 November 2016 8:30

It’s rare for me to celebrate anyone’s financial misfortune, but if Leonard Cohen had not lost $5 million of his…

Dating apps are making mixed-attractiveness couples a dying breed

19 November 2016 11:30

“Is she really going out with him?’ asks the old Joe Jackson song about a mixed-attractiveness couple. ‘They say that…

Is patriotism a virtue?

19 November 2016 11:14

Michael Gove makes a semi-persuasive case for patriotism in The Times this week. Brexit and Trumpism are largely just assertions of…

Tory Brexiteers pressure May to quit EU single market and customs union

19 November 2016 10:10

Normally, the Saturday before an autumn statement would be dominated by speculation about what is in it. But, as I…

Spectator competition winners: a resignation letter from God

19 November 2016 9:45

This time around you were invited to supply resignation letters from God. Despite mankind’s attempts to kill Him off, God…