Paul Smith for Bristol West

Welcome to the Website of the Bristol West Labour Party and our prospective parliamentary candidate Paul Smith.

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>> Liberal Democrats Fantasy Tax Policy
The Liberal Democrats have maintained their ability to promise people anything they want to hear irrespective of the facts.  The latest is the myth that a 'mansion tax' on the most valuable homes can pay for the first £10k of earnings being tax...

>> Lib Dem council pursues Tory Ryanair service charges
Concern at ‘RyanAir’ Museums    Labour Prospective Parliamentary candidate who introduced free charges for Bristol's museums has struck out at plans to reintroduce museum charges.   Paul Smith introduced free museum entry for a...

>> Paul Smith Launches Blog
Paul Smith's Blog can be found at   ...

>> Grafitti Artists Invade House of Commons
  The Banksy exhibition has been the most successful ever at the Bristol Museum.  Around 1/2 million people queued in good British fashion to see pictures, sculpture and amusing visuals in a exhibition room and dotted around the whole museu...

>> Bristol does not want to be led by Bigots
Conservative leader in Bristol, Bristol Eddy, has once again used he attack on so-called 'political correctness' to demonstrate that he is no more than a small minded bigot.  This time he has attacked a lottery grant to Bristol West charity EA...

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>>Communities to benefit from energy fund
Communities across the country will benefit from money to spend on cutting carbon emissions and saving on energy bills. The first communities to receive money from Labour’s “Low Carbon Communities Challenge” have been announced. Communities in Norfolk, Isle of Wight, London, Nottinghamshire, Pembrokeshire, Cheshire, Northumberland, Yorkshire, Oxfordshire and Devon will share part of the £10m fund. The areas will spend their portion on projects such as solar panels and wind turbines, insulating homes, low carbon heating systems and electric car charging points. The fund will not only cut carbon emissions and save money on energy bills, but also create income for the communities through Labour’s clean energy cashback scheme. Another ten communities will benefit in the next phase of the challenge. Labour's Energy Minister Joan Ruddock said: “We’ve had more than 300 communities register their interest with the Low Carbon Communities Challenge, so there’s a real appetite out there to save energy to help tackle global warming and save money on fuel bills. The ten winning projects will now spend the money on things like community wind turbines, solar panels, heat pumps, insulation or green transport projects to cut emissions.”...

>>Gordon Brown in Copenhagen
Labour's Prime Minister, Gordon Brown has spoken about his initial talks with world leaders in Copenhagen and his intention to bring people together to get a deal. Attending the climate change summit in Copenhagen, Gordon Brown said that he hoped there would be an agreement by the end of the week - with a legally binding treaty following in subsequent months. On the financial aspects of the deal, the Prime minister outlined the need to help developing countries. Britain has pledged £1.5 billion over the next three years to fund anti-global warming initiatives. Gordon Brown said: "This deal matters for Britain. I think if we could get a carbon change, then it is worth about half a million jobs to Britain in the longer run, so it is worth it for jobs. "But I also think our children, growing up, going to school every day, I don’t want them to live in a world of floods, of droughts, of extreme weather. "It is really important, therefore, for Britain that we get this deal and it is important that I do everything I can in the next few days to make that possible."...

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