Kevin Maguire

Kevin Maguire

Kevin Maguire is associate editor of the Daily Mirror and politics columnist. Our man in the corridors of power.

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The way we beat the demagogues spouting prejudice is by selling a better alternative

Kevin Maguire says excuses are for apologists and cowards when the forces of extreme neoconservativism and a whiff of fascism threaten America and Europe

Predatory, lying racist Donald Trump is a $5billion political fraud wallowing in a mega inheritance

Doormat Theresa May invited the White House racist to walk all over Britain with a shamefully mealy-mouthed squeak

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump appears at campaign rally in Grand Rapids, Michigan

How can Americans be so dumb as to make lying racist sexual predator Donald Trump President?

Donald Trump is on the way to the White House, leaving a shattered Hillary Clinton in his wake. America, what have you done?

Where did it all go wrong? Lib Dem days of Tory Liz Truss revealed

The Justice Secretary wouldn't criticise Tories for OTT attacks but it wasn't always like this

Kevin Maguire

Beware the weapons of mass deception used by Donald Trump and Brexit Brigands

Trump is the rich guy who plays the dishonest victim card and Leavers here deliberately deceived – especially with the invented, non-existent £350million a week for the NHS line

Theresa May grasses up a cabinet minister like a bad workman blaming his tools

Theresa May will have Tories pining for David Cameron after a performance with all the bounce of a punctured ball

The Poppy Police need to stop their bullying

Kevin Maguire has had enoughof being told when to wear a poppy. And he warns the Poppy Police their hectoring could backfire

Kevin MaGuire cartoon

Theresa May is on the rack over not attacking Zac Goldsmith

Kevin Maguire says PM's cowardice over MP's challenge damages her authority by splitting Conservative MPs

Theresa May has been battered by Brexit storms and is out of her depth and sinking fast

Mrs May is becoming a mediocre Prime Minister at best, says Mirror columnist Kevin Maguire

You Brexit, You Owns It cartoon

It's time to blame Brexiteers for the economic mess that we are in

Boris Johnson, Nigel Farage and Michael Gove are slippery charlatans who weaved a web of treachery to promote their jaundiced ideologies above the nation’s true interest