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    RELEASE: 90 Gigabytes of exhibits and other information from inside Germany's ongoing - inquiry

  2. RELEASE: 90 Gigabytes of exhibits and other information from inside Germany's ongoing - inquiry

  3. A sole member of Congress voted against the post Sep 2001 "anywhere,anytime" use of military force bill. Her speech:

  4. Francois Hollande says he won't seek re-election. Hollande was seen as a weak, including by accepting NSA spying:

  5. Assange on the Merkel government's attempt to ban from Germany See

  6. pide libertad luego de fallo de a su favor

  7. VERÖFFENTLICHUNG: 90GB Beweise und andere Dokumente aus dem -Untersuchungsausschuss

  8. Assange’s dilemma: ‘The UK & Sweden are vassals of the United States' (Op-Ed)

  9. hat nicht-öffentliche Dokumente aus dem -Untersuchungsausschuss im Bundestag ins Netz gestellt.

  10. reclama libertad tras fallo de la ONU a su favor ►

  11. оприлюднила 90ГБ документів з розслідування скандалу з німецькою та американською розвідками

  12. Merkel has approved 150 million Euro BND spend to spy on WhatsApp according to German press today. More:

  13. Hoy publica 90GB documentos de la investigación sobre la y

  14. VERÖFFENTLICHUNG: 90GB Beweise und andere Dokumente aus dem -Untersuchungsausschuss

  15. Media reporting UK Foreign Office "disappointed" with ruling. Feelings are irrelevant: ruling is binding.

  16. WikiLeaks Top Ten. #9 NSA spying Want to see more? Make it happen:


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