WL Research Community - user contributed research based on documents published by WikiLeaks

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Welcome to the WL Research Community. We are a community driven effort of volunteers who compile summarized information from data published by WikiLeaks. Join us as we bring truth to light on some of the most powerful political and corporate entities in the world. Interested in joining? Checkout our Getting Started guide.

Recent Publications


German BDN Inquiry Materials

Dec 1, 2016 - is a 90 GB collection of 2,420 documents relating to the German parliamentary inquiry into the surveillance activities of Germany's foreign intelligence agency Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) and its cooperation with the United States' National Security Agency (NSA).


The HBGary Emails

Nov 29, 2016 - WikiLeaks publishes in searchable format more than 60 thousand emails from private intelligence firm HBGary. The publication today marks the early release of US political prisoner Barrett Brown, who was detained in 2012 and sentenced to 63 months in prison in connection with his journalism on Stratfor and HBGary.


The Carter Cables 3

Nov 28, 2016 - As part of our Public Library of U.S. Diplomacy or PLUSD, this publication is a collection of diplomatic messages (cables) sent to and from the US government, it's liasons, and others around the world while Jimmy Carter was president of United States. This installment of cables is from 1979.


The Yemen Files

Nov 25, 2016 - This publication consists of over 500 documents pertaining to the U.S. Embassy, Sana'a, Yemen. These documents range from years 2009 to early 2015 before the Yemeni Civil War broke out.

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Publication Categories / Tags Browse Publication
German BND Inquiry Materials NSA, BND, Germany Search Documents
HBGary Emails HBGary, United States Search Emails
Yemen Files Yemen, United States Browse Documents & Emails
Podesta Emails Clintons Custom Search
DNC Emails DNC, Politics Custom Search
Hillary Clinton Email Archive Clintons, United States Custom Search
Public Library of U.S. Diplomacy PLUSD, Politics, United States Custom Search
Trade in Services Agreement TISA, Trade Browse Documents
Trans Pacific Partnership TPP, Trade Browse Documents
Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership TTIP, Trade Browse Documents
The Saudi Cables Saudi Arabia Custom Search
The Syria Files Syria Custom Search
AKP Emails Turkey Custom Search
IMF Internal Greek Disaster Greece Browse Documents
NSA Targets World Leaders NSA, European Union, Germany Browse Documents
EU Military Operations Refugees European Union Browse Documents
The New Dirty War for Africa's Uranium and Minderal Rights Africa Browse Documents
The SourceAmerica Tapes United States Browse Documents
CIA Director John Brennan Emails CIA Browse Documents
NSA World Spying NSA Browse Documents
Hacking Team Emails Investigations Custom Search
German BDN Inquiry into NSA Investigations Browse Documents
Sony Emails Investigations Custom Search
CIA Travel Advice Investigations Browse Documents
Spy Files Surveillance Browse Documents
Pirate Bay Founder Prosecution Sweden Browse Documents
Detainee Policies Investigations Browse Documents
Global Intelligence Files Stratfor Browse Documents
Guantánamo Files GITMO Browse Documents
Iraq War Logs Iraq Search Documents
Afghan War Logs Afghanistan Search Documents