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ABC Response to Open Letter regarding RN Music changes for 2017


At ABC Radio, we’re really proud of the way we cover Australian music across varied genres, locations and styles.

In the past few years alone, ABC Radio has significantly expanded its coverage of music by introducing Double J and creating Classic 2. We’ve improved the music programming on Local Radio, increasing the proportion of Australian performance on the national playlist.

triple j Unearthed’s unique online community recently celebrated its 10th anniversary and has made an undeniable impact on contemporary Australian music.

Meanwhile, Classic FM and the Jazztrack program both celebrated 40 years on air in 2016.  ABC Radio now encompasses seven different music networks and platforms across the analogue and digital spectrum. Two of those, ABC Jazz and Double J, are also available nationally and regionally via digital TV.

Moving music programs off RN fits with the network strategy to be an ideas network, the centre of the national debate, setting political agendas and leading conversations around Australian issues.  ABC Radio has made the strategic decision for RN to focus on the talk and ideas content for which it is renowned, rather than on pure music programs.

You will still hear music on RN.  Music, and the ideas that surround it, will continue to intersect with religion, science, philosophy, history and politics and all the genres where RN leads the way with the ABC.  The RN Music Show itself is remaining on the network. There is still a place for RN to focus on diverse and unique musicians within its 2017 programming plans.

To focus solely on the reduction of music content on RN, and compare the new programs on Double J, overlooks the rich tapestry of music culture that is covered by ABC Radio every day.  RN does not exist within its own universe, but within a broader ABC radio ecosystem which currently includes seven music networks and platforms.  ABC Radio itself exists within an increasingly digital world with endless options for music consumption.

Artists and genres featured on RN music programs are also heard on programs such as triple j’s Roots N All and Home & Hosed, Double J’s Tower of Song, Beat Eclectic and Sky High, ABC Jazz’s Jazztrack and the general playlists of both Double J and ABC Local Radio.

Collectively across ABC Radio, we have specialist music programs that cover roots (including blues and world), metal, punk, hip hop, dance, electronic, alt-country, indie, funk and soul, jazz, opera and country. We also cover specific genres via campaigns, festival broadcasts and our own events. Ausmusic Month is an annual highlight for us, where we highlight the diverse range of Australian music being made around the country.

Most of the artists and organisations listed in this letter have received support from multiple ABC Radio music networks across their career, and given the breadth of our continuing music coverage we do not expect that to end. That breadth of coverage is available to new and emerging artists as well.

The ABC has increased resources to Double J, to introduce a live music program, a global music show and expanded the Beat Eclectic program to air Monday – Thursday.  Although the program briefs don’t directly correspond with RN music shows, they open up ABC Radio to other new sounds and artists previously unrepresented.

We do concede that not all genres and artists will be covered in the same way that has occurred historically on RN music programs and some artists and areas of music won’t be consistently covered by Double J or Local Radio in the same way.  There are so many music genres out in the world, even seven music networks can’t cover them all or cover them all evenly.

The ABC Radio music networks will keep listening and talking to the Australian music community about getting the balance right.  To that end, this letter and associated petitions are helpful. We have heard, and we understand, the feelings expressed in this letter and via the petition that it promotes.

We wouldn’t expect any musician to be happy about having less music on RN.  But we do ask that the Australian music community looks at the bigger picture of what ABC Radio provides for artists, musicians, festivals and organisations across the country.  We encourage RN music program listeners to find the music they love on our other ABC music networks.

The music world is going to keep evolving.  That’s what makes it such an exciting and rewarding creative industry.  ABC Radio will keep evolving with it.

Chris Scaddan, Head Of Music, ABC Radio
Judith Whelan, Head Of Spoken Content, ABC Radio


Response to questions contained in the Open Letter

1. Can you assure the listening public that the changes will not reduce the diversity of music styles played, the amount of new Australian music promoted, the number of Australian musicians profiled and the resources devoted to these activities?

Despite the overlap between RN Music programs and programs on the ABC Radio music networks, there will be some artists and genres of music that are currently covered by RN that won’t be consistently covered by Double J, Local Radio or other ABC music networks to the same degree.

As outlined earlier, artists and genres featured on RN music programs are also heard on programs on triple j, Double J, ABC Jazz, Local Radio, ABC Country and within the general playlists of both Double J and ABC Local Radio.

There will be genres that are covered by RN at the moment that will continue to be covered on other music networks, but not to the same degree. The petition and the letter are helpful for us to see which sectors of the industry are most concerned by these changes. We’ll keep evolving the offer on our music networks to ensure we’re getting the balance right.

2. Will the changes reduce regional access to Australian music?

The changes to RN Music programs are outweighed by the access to Australian music made possible via ABC Radio expansion over the past 5-10 years.  We have steadily increased regional access to Australian music, via the expansion of triple j Unearthed and the introduction of Double J and ABC Jazz which are available to regional audiences via their TV.

The improvement of music programming on ABC Local Radio enables a higher proportion of Australian music in its playlist and music programs.

Regional audiences in Australia can access all these stations and platforms.

3. Is the ABC confident the changes won’t reduce audiences for the genres covered by RN Music, or adversely impact the live music ecosystem for these musicians and their audiences?

The ABC covers music across a broad range of networks and platforms, providing support and connecting artists with audiences in many ways.

Genres covered by RN Music are already being covered by other ABC music programs, including those heard on triple j, Double J, ABC Local Radio, ABC Jazz, Classic FM and ABC Country. The RN Music Show itself is remaining on the network and will continue to offer a unique take on Australia’s diverse music community.

If there are genre gaps, we will keep listening to feedback, including that contained in this letter and petition, to make sure we have the right mix across our music networks.

4. Has the ABC considered, in delivering on its charter, its responsibility to the broader music community and to the country, to contribute to an original, national musical culture and identity, to support viable careers and to support an important national industry, culturally and economically?

The ABC is proud of the way its music networks cover an immense variety of Australian music, spanning many genres and styles.  We are confident that the content we provide upholds the ABC’s Charter responsibility to support Arts content and showcase music and performances by Australian artists.

Creating new ABC stations and platforms with the specific purpose of advancing and promoting local content and increasing the amount of Australian music on Local Radio all speak to our investment in music for the benefit of Australian audiences.



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