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A diverse ABC is a strong ABC


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Thank you for inviting me here today. It is a great pleasure to be speaking at this conference and to participate in the colourful mix of cultures and voices. The conversations you are engaging in this weekend not only improve our work as broadcasters, they will do much to enrich society as a whole.

This is quite a week to be discussing diversity in Australia. As some of your panellists have made clear, while many Australians embrace diversity and the tangible benefits it brings, others struggle with concepts of identity that challenge their own.

In many ways, diversity and inclusiveness remain challenging topics not just for our community, but as the US election or Brexit vote show, in the international sphere as well. The history of migration and multiculturalism in this country is a continuous flow of new Australians attempting to make a home and a future, sometimes in the face of resistance or at least wariness among existing populations. It is very much the story of my family.

The theme of your 2016 conference – Identity and Representation – is one that resonates with migrant communities and their descendants. The majority of new Australians work hard to make a life for themselves and their families and to build new relationships, new friends. Not surprisingly, many still maintain a connection with past lives and lands. Their identity is entwined between the two and waxes and wanes over time.

It took Australia as a nation many decades to recognise this and to appreciate the value of diversity to our national culture. Despite the ferocity of debate around diversity and migration, the majority of Australians remain fairly relaxed about multiculturalism. I say this based not only on my own conversations and experiences, but on quantitative evidence.

The Scanlon Foundation’s 2016 Mapping Social Cohesion Survey, released just last week, found the lowest level of concern about immigration in the nine years it has been researching immigration, population and other issues.

    • An overwhelming majority of people surveyed (83 per cent) believe that multiculturalism is good for the country; and
    • a clear majority of people surveyed (59 per cent) believe that the current levels of immigration are either “about right” or “too low”.

Over the course of the last six surveys by the Scanlon Foundation, there has been NO significant shift in negative opinion towards Muslims. The backlash component remains in the range of 22-25 per cent. These results run sharply counter to the views of some prominent media commentators and opinion makers who feel that they alone understand the thinking of ‘real’ Australians.

As an Australian with a multicultural background and one who has spent many years working overseas, the Scanlon Survey results are welcome. They indicate that despite the rhetoric, most Australians are inclusive and accepting of new cultures. Moreover, that they accept that the live in a vastly-different Australia to that of their parents and grandparents.

Curiously, little of this seems to be reflected in mainstream media. The disconnect is obvious to me as someone who has lived and worked abroad. But it is also evident to any visitor who switches on a television and notes that the faces on screen are remarkably different to those they see as they walk the streets.

I have remarked before that there seems to be a peculiar obsession with the British royal family in some news bulletins and programs. Yet, there is little interest displayed in Asian culture, business, and politics despite the obvious relevance and significance to Australia.

The point I would like to make today is one about which I feel deeply and that is that a diverse ABC is a strong ABC.

The road to relevance in a rapidly-changing and saturated media landscape is being representative of many cultures, and not just the dominant one, if such a term is even applicable today. As Managing Director of the national broadcaster, the imperative to embrace diversity amongst our staff, on our screens and behind our cameras and microphones is very clear. If the ABC is to remain relevant to audiences as we move towards 2020 and beyond, then the ABC must reflect the geographic, demographic and socio-economic differences. And, of course, ensuring the widest possible breadth of viewpoints in our programs and on-air personalities.

The goal for the ABC is to both look and sound like modern day Australia. Looking around, it is clear we need to do much more to accurately reflect our community. The simple truth is: -the ABC must change as the diversity of our nation changes.

The imperative is linked to the ambition. I have spoken about the goal to reach all Australians in some way, every day. To achieve this, we need to harness our talent, our skills and our technology to make sure we connect with our audiences. It is not about chasing ratings or dumbing down. The aim is to focus on our strengths – to be unique and distinctive. To reach 100% we need to include audiences from diverse cultures.

I acknowledge the important work done by the ethnic media in this space. You do much to explain Australia and the world to your audiences. If the ABC is to improve its reach, we will need your help. And in return, the ABC is willing to work closely with you; to explore ways in which our content can reach further into areas where we lack penetration. The programs and services we provide are funded by all taxpayers and deserve to reach a wider audience.

The latest migration figures give us a clear indication of just how the audiences are changing.

    • Over 9.5 million people in Australia were born overseas or have a parent who was born overseas. 28 per cent of Australians were born overseas.
    • 2.69 million people are projected to migrate to Australia by mid-2025
    • Migration from China grew 37 per cent between 2008-2013; from India, 47 per cent.

And yet mainstream media fails to reflect this. In fact, PwC has identified a problem that is evident to anyone in this room. There is a distinct lack of diversity on our screens and speakers. This year PwC’s Geospatial Economic Modelling Report identifies the average industry worker as 27, male, Caucasian living in Bondi, Newtown, St Kilda or Richmond.

Australian content producers need to wake up to the fact that this is not in any way reflective of modern Australian audiences. We are living at a time of major population inflows – not only through settlement programs but through our workforce and education systems.

My friend and opposite number at SBS, Managing Director Mike Ebeid, is right when he says diversity is not just a buzzword. Diversity should be hardwired into everything broadcasters do, from our back office functions to our most loved and valued programs. In a perfect world, diversity should not be something we have to think about and create a strategy to achieve. But perfection being elusive, we need plans and targets.

The ABC Equity and Diversity Plan for 2016-2018 guides the Corporation’s activities and operations and ensures we pursue the objectives of:

    • encouraging a culture of diversity, engagement and flexibility;
    • embracing diversity in the workplace; and
    • representing, engaging and connecting with various communities.

What does this mean? It means being focused on leadership, communication, an inclusive culture and flexibility around work/life balance. It means opening yourself to the broadest possible infusion of talent and ideas.  It means doing the best to retain the talent you already have in the workplace, like making sure culturally and linguistically diverse staff are not impeded by barriers. And at the same time we will connect and engage communities through our great asset – our ability to tell great stories, to prompt conversations and to promote culture. As I said earlier, developing closer relations with the ethnic media is very much part of that plan.

I am pleased to say in terms of our Equity and Diversity Plan and our targets for cultural and linguistic diversity, the ABC has made good progress. We have 12.3% of employees reporting themselves as being from non‑English speaking backgrounds, compared with 11.8% the previous year. This equates to 15% of senior executives and 12% of content makers.

Women make up 52.1% of the ABC’s workforce – 45.8% as senior executives and 52.6% as content makers. Seven per cent of staff or 213 employees are identified as having a disability.

It’s a solid track record but obviously we have plenty of work to do.

For example, given that 20 per cent of all Australians speak a language other than English at home, it is not ideal that just over 9 per cent of television content makers identify as NESB. This problem is apparent in the wider TV industry, but clearly shows the ground we need to make up. You will be pleased to know our TV teams have committed to reaching 12 per cent in the next 12 months.

The ABC’s Reconciliation Action Plan 2016-2018 also commits the ABC to a set of actions that acknowledge and value Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their heritage and culture, as well as increasing employment opportunities and developing content that is about, created by, or features them.

ABC TV is also working on additional ways to improve diversity in front of and behind the camera. Screen Australia recently surveyed diversity in Australian content and reported that only 18% of main characters on our television screens were identified as from non-Anglo Celtic backgrounds, compared to 32 per cent of the population. Through policies geared to improving on-screen representation, and the increasing use of talented actors like Miranda Tapsell and Jessica Mauboy, our TV teams aim to improve these results.

Behind the camera, ABC TV currently requires all drama and comedy productions to have a diverse staff member attachment as a pre-condition to all commissions. The ABC is extending that policy across the slate of all ABC TV productions and working closely with Screen Australia and with the state screen agencies and independent producers to ensure ongoing support for this initiative.

We announced recently that the ABC is launching a key initiative to build opportunities for careers in TV for students from diverse backgrounds. This program will start with four internships to students from Indigenous or CALD backgrounds and include up to $15,000 for up to 15 weeks’ work experience per year for 2 years, and potential opportunities for employment on completion.

ABC Radio is also working hard to ensure a range of diversity across ABC Radio programs through vibrant personalities like Patricia Karvelas and Northern Territory journalist Dan Bourchier. Dan has just joined the ABC and will be one of our busiest broadcasters in 2017 as he takes on the dual demands of ABC Canberra’s nightly television news bulletin and presenter of 666 ABC’s breakfast radio program.

I note that allegations of racism seem to be very prominent of late. Some recent comments by Indigenous leader Noel Pearson go directly to the important role played by the ABC in reflecting cultural diversity across Australia. It is written into the ABC Charter. Now I recognise Mr Pearson as a respected spokesman and advocate for his community. Mr Pearson is entitled to his views – as a taxpayer he owns the ABC as much as everyone else in this room.

But it does not mean I have to agree with him. I am not proposing to reignite the debate. I am already on the record as describing his views as wrong and misplaced.

I simply reinforce the view of the ABC Board, ABC staff and, I believe, the vast bulk of Australians who put their trust and faith in the national broadcaster and who overwhelmingly feel that it delivers on the Charter and delivers a very great service to this country. The ABC is proud of its record in engaging with Indigenous communities and in delivering stories from these communities to the rest of the nation. Additionally, the ABC has a track record in reflecting Indigenous diversity through its own staff initiatives: the ABC News cadet journalist program, the annual ABC’s Indigenous Staff Summit and a strong recruitment program.

As I have already mentioned, we have an effective Reconciliation Action Plan and all of our endeavours in this space are done so with the collaboration and support of the Bonner Committee.

Only two weeks ago, I revealed that ABC News is establishing a dedicated Indigenous reporting team, led by a dedicated Indigenous Affairs editor, Stan Grant. This team will enhance the breadth and depth of our Indigenous coverage, across policy, the challenges to those communities and the contributions they make. Just as importantly, the work of the team around him will be supported by an absolute commitment by the ABC to its Indigenous coverage. This will include providing cultural awareness training for our staff and professional development plans for our Indigenous staff across our newsrooms and platforms.

Along with Stan, both ABC TV and ABC Radio each have Indigenous Units, run by the talented Kelrick Martin and Lorena Allam respectively. Their roles are important to the ABC’s commitment of telling stories that are important to our Indigenous communities.

The ABC is, of course, not perfect, but we are committed to ensuring that we provide a strong voice for Indigenous communities in our staffing and in our storytelling. We do not make apologies for the journalism we deliver that from time to time examines uncomfortable topics or hardship.

To tell these stories and bring them to a wider audience is not to “wallow in misery” as Mr Pearson suggests. Rather, it is to highlight those problems and inform the wider community about them.

I see absolutely no reason for the ABC to apologise for this very important work.

Mr Pearson’s comments also ignored the other part of the equation- the stories and content that the ABC delivers to audiences which clearly contradict the assertion that we only ever portray indigenous people as victims. It is important that I list these programs and activities because I do not want to let the perception linger that the ABC is falling down in its responsibilities. That would be a grave disservice to the many talented and inspired people who labor so hard and so passionately to bring these stories to the public.

The ABC’s 2016 television slate included several ambitious Indigenous programs including Cleverman, Black Comedy, Black As, Nan and a Whole Lot of Trouble and Korroyul. These productions each feature Indigenous actors, writers and producers and provide a vital showcase to their narratives and stories.

The Corporation’s arts coverage has included Kev Carmody: Songman, a brilliant documentary about that unique musical voice and one of Australia’s most celebrated songwriters often referred to as Australia’s black Bob Dylan.

Meet the Mavericks features indigenous filmmaker and visual artist Warwick Thornton and Award winning actor, Miranda Tapsell, with her mentor and fellow actor/director Leah Purcell. Anh’s Brush With Fame has profiled the former rugby league player, boxer and very vocal activist Anthony Mundine sharing his own life experiences.

This year we also screened Recognition: Yes or No?, a documentary in which Indigenous politician Linda Burney and controversial commentator Andrew Bolt interrogate a question all Australians need to grapple with: How important is it to the nation that the unique nature of Indigenous Australia is recognised in the Constitution?

Landline travelled to the Seven Emu Station to report on a scheme to take troubled kids and teach them skills for employment, a second chance and a path to a more fulfilling life.

ABC Radio is home to important programs like Awaye! on RN which broadcasts diverse and vibrant Aboriginal arts and culture from across Australia and the best from Indigenous radio broadcasters around the world. And Speaking Out on RN hosted by Larissa Behrendt brings important indigenous discussions to our airwaves.

ABC Classic FM has broadcast programs featuring Deborah Cheetham, Yorta Yorta woman, soprano, composer, educator and broadcaster has been a familiar voice in the Australian arts landscape for more than 25 years.

triple j has announced many initiatives in collaborations with Indigenous organisations, including a partnership with the Indigenous education mentoring scheme AIME, and Indigenous sections in the Unearthed competition. triple j and Double j are constant sources of programs involving acts like Dan Sultan, Gawurra, Gurrumul, the Warumpi Band, Yothu Yindi, Kev Carmody and Archie Roach.

Across all ABC platforms we are a long-term supporter of NAIDOC Week and the Garma Festival. We look forward to always providing that level of support and of joining in these important celebrations.

ABC Regional has partnered with First Languages Australia to begin the process of producing Local Station IDs in Australian Indigenous languages. The IDs are spoken in the languages local to each station’s broadcast region. The partnership with First Languages Australia has also led to the Mother Tongue project, which received more than 90 contributions from Australians, representing 50 First Languages.

The ABC produces two local Indigenous language bulletins in the NT.

Our teams in ABC News can also point to many stories that tell of Indigenous communities and people tackling their problems head on. They include the Four Corners program Backing Bourke about the Western NSW town’s bold experiment to save its young people from a life of crime.

They include news reports about Aboriginal leaders at the Garma Festival this year calling for a settlement between the Federal Government and Indigenous communities; or attempts by traditional owners at remote Wadeye to stop tourists visiting sacred land without permission or permits.

They include ABC News Specials about the Indigenous Recognition in the Constitution Discussion Panel; A Big Mob in the House about how two billion dollars has been spent on Indigenous housing in the Northern Territory by various governments over the past 8 years, but in many areas conditions are still appalling. And it includes our extensive coverage of Indigenous issues in the recent NT election.

The award winning Australian Story has reported on Ronald “Ronno” Morgan a young tour guide from Wyndham in Western Australia’s spectacular Kimberley region who is lucky to be alive, having twice faced life-threatening health threats. Australian Story has also told the story of one of Australia’s first Indigenous doctors, Mark Wenitong combining his skills as a physician and a musician to fight disease and ill health in Far North Queensland. He’s now determined to prevent the Ice drug epidemic from gaining a hold in the region.

These are just some of the programs and content we have produced. An exhaustive list across all of our local offices would produce a long list of stories, debates and conversations about the issues affecting Indigenous Australians.

The ABC must be judged by its performance. I sense in some of the emotive language of the past few days that there are other agendas at work. I also find it ironic that those attacking the ABC are often the first to take advantage of its platforms.

Why? Because the ABC is accepted as the trusted, independent source of Australian stories, conversations and culture. Because it has a charter to reflect Australia in all its cultural diversity – both good and bad. And because it is the platform for the debates that shape our nation.

While other media outlets may pursue their own agendas, as is their right, my job as managing director is to ensure that we remain focused on that mission and that charter remit.

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