

  1. OPEC's nifty wrangling

    Given the fraught political nature of "Big Oil" and low expectations of an outcome, the agreement hammered out by OPEC is quite a nifty bit of diplomatic wrangling.

  2. Shares explained simply

    Thought about share investing, but not sure where to start? Here are the basics, including the pitfalls and upsides, of jumping into the market.

  3. Australia's economic risks

    Some leading analysts are warning 2017 could be a tough year for Australia's economy as the housing boom peaks while the mining bust has a couple more years to run.

  4. Netflix and fly?

    Streaming service Netflix announces a new download option to take your favourite shows on the road.

  5. Backpacker tax debacle

    With time running out until Federal Parliament pulls up stumps for the year, the backpacker tax ball is now firmly in Labor's court.

  6. Apple Pay collusion halted

    The banks could have used their collective bargaining power not only against Apple for Apple Pay but also to stall the adoption of mobile payments in Australia.

ASX Quotes

Table showing ASX index quotes for today (as of Fri Dec 02 2016 16:11:00 GMT+1100 (AEDT))
Index Opening Closing Change
5560.40 5502.60 -1%
5500.20 5444.00 -1%
2097.50 2077.40 -1%
9137.90 9026.90 -1.2%
6295.10 6240.40 -0.9%
19763.70 19501.70 -1.3%
785.10 767.40 -2.3%
9675.60 9561.40 -1.2%
5068.00 5027.60 -0.8%
8740.20 8572.10 -1.9%
1758.80 1741.60 -1%
7313.10 7264.70 -0.7%
2322.00 2289.70 -1.4%

Last updated

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