This Is What The Inside Of Donald Trump's Twitter Account Looks Like

Everything makes sense now.

02/12/2016 2:24 PM AEDT | Updated 15 hours ago
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Hold up.

Call us Melania Trump because we just took President-elect Donald Trump's Twitter account and made it our own.

Kidding. We gave him credit for it, but we've pulled everyone he follows into a list so you can now see exactly what Trump sets his eyes upon when he opens up Twitter.

The President-elect may have tweeted over 34 thousand times to his 16.5 million followers, but Trump only follows 40 accounts, so who exactly made the cut? And why?

If we're the average of the five people we spend the most time with, surely who you follow is a reflection of your own reality. So welcome to Trump's mind (read: Twitter account). And brace yourself.

Trump Handles

There's one rule here: if Trump is in the business name, the President-elect generally gives it a follow. Every account from Trump Golf, Trump Vegas Hotel and Trump Washington DC to Trump Los Angeles and Trump Hotel Chicago is followed by (you guessed it) Trump.

Trump Family Members

Again, if Trump is your last name, you also generally get a follow from Donald Trump. Of course Ivanka Trump is followed by the President-elect but other followed family members include his other adult children -- Tiffany, Eric and Trump Jr. His wife, Melania is also followed while Ivanka's husband, Jared Kushner, didn't make the cut. Although to be fair, he has never tweeted.


Official Team Trump is followed by the President-elect while the Republican National Committee (along with most politicians) are not. Because there's no Trump in the Republican National Committee handle, is there.

Fox News

The media outlets followed by the President-elect are few and far between, unsurprisingly.

Trump follows Fox News accounts as well as a number of his favourite media personalities including Fox hosts Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and Greta Van Susteren. Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski from MSNBC TV are also followed by the President-elect.

A couple of media outlets/personalities/Trump supporters are followed by the President-elect, too. Aussies may not have heard of them but North Caroline sisters Diamond and Silk scored a follow (probably because they sell 'Women United 4 Trump' t-shirts) and the Drudge Report which is a conservative news aggregation site.

Another honourable mention goes out to pro wrestler and CEO of WWE Vince McMahon.

As to why all of the above made the cut, we'll let you read between the lines. If you're still stuck have a scroll through Trump's news feed. We dare you.

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