This Is Not a Dialogue – AudioZine


This Is Not a Dialogue: notes on anti-fascism and free speech – by CrimethInc- MP3Read PDFArchiveTorrentYouTube

“Maybe you missed this, but you’re not in a dialogue. Your views are beside the point.  Argue all you want—your adversaries are glad to see you waste your breath. Better yet if you protest: they’d rather you carry a sign than do anything. They’ll keep you talking as long as they can, just to tire you out—to buy time.

They intend to force their agenda on you. That’s what all the guns are for, what the police and drones and surveillance cameras are for, what the FBI and CIA and NSA are for, what all those laws and courts and executive orders are for. It’s what their church is for, what those racist memes are for, what online harassment and bullying are for. It’s what gay bashings and church burnings are for.”

Musical Interludes: The sound of Richard Spencer getting punched by an anonymous hero,  Kersed by Ceremony, Legacy by Trial, Enough is Enough by Chumbawamba, TimeBomb by Chumbawaba, Police State by Dead Prez,  Antifascista  by ZSK

A Wager On The Future – AudioZine


1:40:05 – A Wager On The Future – Josep Gardeneyes – MP3ReadImposed – TorrentArchiveYouTube

Anarchist organization, the Islamic State, the crisis, and outer space

“To have any possibility of destroying this prison society and averting
the horrible destiny that is unfolding around us, it is indispensable:
to stop conceiving of our weakness in terms of dissemination; to abandon
the practice of recruitment and the delirium of mass organization that
it represents; and to energetically criticize those currents that make
use of marketing and populism. But much more than attacking our errors,
we have to mark out other paths to follow, with actions more than with

To start with, it cannot be a single path. No one practice is capable of
including all the activities necessary for a revolution. We must think
of revolt as an ecosystem. If we try to be the only species, we kill the

Here is a Spanish version of the text

Music – Don’t Mind Me – Nosaj Thing

The People VS. The United States – AudioZine


53:19 – People VS. The United States – By The Conspiracy to Incite a Riot – MP3 PDFTorrentArchiveYouTube

Right now, the FBI is keeping an eye on what websites you browse, on what your neighbors are saying in chat rooms. Right now, folks are sitting in prison for talking about Illegal acts. Right now, the military is restructuring for domestic deployment. Right now, a million people are plotting the overthrow of the United States government, and these people may one day become your best friends and greatest allies.
We want to explain why.

Musical Interludes: Nirvana – Something In The Way,  Imagine Dragons – Who We Are,  Nirvana – Lounge Act, Rage Against The Machine – Bomb Track, Xiu Xiu – I Luv The Valley Oh!, Crystal Castles – Doe Deer, Bikini Kill – Double Dare Ya

Understanding Patriarchy – AudioZine


30:48 – Understanding Patriarchy – By bell hooks – MP3PDFTorrent ArchiveYouTube

In this short essay bell hooks offers a quick introduction to patriarchy and particularly the way it affects men. She draws on examples from her own life and from other writers. This essay comes from an older feminist perspective that has not taken into account the experiences or existence of trans, intersex, or genderqueer people; however we believe it still offers a useful understanding of patriarchy.
“Patriarchy is a political-social system that insists that males are inherently dominating, superior to everything and everyone deemed weak, especially females, and endowed with the right to dominate and rule over the weak and to maintain that dominance through various forms of psychological terrorism and violence. When my older brother and I were born with a year separating us in age, patriarchy determined how we would each be regarded by our parents. Both our parents believed in patriarchy; they had been taught patriarchal thinking through religion.
 At church they had learned that God created man to rule the world and everything in it and that it was the work of women to help men perform these tasks, to obey, and to always assume a subordinate role in relation to a powerful man. They were taught that God was male. These teachings were reinforced in every institution they encountered– schools, courthouses, clubs, sports arenas, as well as churches. Embracing patriarchal thinking, like everyone else around them, they taught it to their children because it seemed like a “natural” way to organize life.”

A Crime Called Freedom – AudioZine

Crime Called Freedom (Cover).jpg

3:04:00 – A Crime Called Freedom: Writings of Os Cangaceiros Vol. 1 – by Os Cangaceiros – MP3ReadPrintTorrentArchiveYouTube

Click Here for a Chapterized Version

Os Cangaceiros was a group of delinquents caught up in the spirit of the French insurrection of 1968 who refused to let that spirit die. With nothing but contempt for the self-sacrificial ideology practiced by “specialists in armed struggle”, this uncontrollable band of social rebels wreaked havoc on the French state—attacking infrastructures of oppression, supporting popular revolts, stealing and releasing secret blueprints for high-tech prisons, raiding the offices of corporate collaborators, and creating their lives in complete opposition to the world based on work. This volume, translated by Wolfi Landstreicher and originally published by Eberhardt Press, is the first substantial collection of the writings of Os Cangaceiros in English.

“Have you recovered from your wounds, architect? Have you guessed why it happened? Shamelessly, without a single scruple, inch-by-inch, you have designed the cells in which even the handicapped will be locked up. Inside the walls that you design, people who are worth much more than you are will be beaten regularly. It was about time that you had a taste of what thousands of prisoners will have to suffer to a much greater degree. Of course, architect, your corporation is no less infamous. Seeing the habitations you construct for normal city dwellers, one can recognize your competence for locking up delinquents. It is easy to pass from the towers of the 13th district to the prison cell. Pig, seeing your snout up close, we were able to observe on your weary face how much you busy yourself with your projects. Earlier you built walls; now you keep close to them.”

– Os Cangaceiros

Musical Interludes: “Trop de temps” – Le Gale

Delusions of Progress – AudioZine

30:24 – Delusions of Progress: Tracing the Origins of the Police in the Slave Patrols of the Old South – by Neal Shirley & Saralee Stafford – MP3Text ArchiveTorrentYouTube
The following was originally written for Scalawag, a magazine of southern culture and politics, with the aim of contributing to ongoing discussions of where the institution of police comes from and how it might be destroyed. While many have a general awareness that American policing has its origins in slave patrols, we found some of the specifics of how and when that transition occurred to be illuminating and worthy of looking at in greater detail.
“These are just some of the questions attending to the history of slavery and policing, as those forces continue to haunt both normal, daily life as well as the increasingly common moments where that normality is ruptured in some way. But slavery doesn’t just hover in the background like a spectre from another century; it actively tells us who we are and where our loyalties lie, it distinguishes the dead from the living, it holds the keys to prison cells and patrols our streets.”

Bern Notice – AudioZine


26:59 – Bern Notice: Building A Material Force In The Age Of Trumpism – from Its Going Down –  MP3ReadPrintTorrentArchiveYouTube

Radio Edit – MP3

“If we strive to create a material force within the social landscape; an autonomous anti-capitalist and anti-colonial movement that builds counter-power and new forms of life, then we must take stock of the other emerging forces in the current terrain. We have to think about how we can fight—and win, against the growing rise of the autonomous far-right, especially after Trump’s presidential run ends. For after Trump returns to being a real estate billionaire baron full-time, the cadres that gathered their forces during his campaign will take further shape autonomously, as backlash will surely build against Hilary, assuming that she takes the Presidency. At the same time, as we take a position in this ‘three-way fight,’ we must make sure that our resistance to the far-right is also linked to our struggle against the state and capital; attacking white supremacy as a neo-colonial system and not simply a fight against white nationalist formations on the fringes.”

“For those that worked with Sanders’ campaign, we state plainly that nothing they have done has gotten us closer to this goal. With Sanders’ defeat now official in the eyes of many, the Democrats are now in a position to finally harness all the grassroots mobilization that the Bernie campaign has developed, and push people in the millions to pull the level for Clinton. ‘Anybody but Trump!,’ will be the new rallying cry, as millions will choose to either drag their feet or tow the party line. In this way, Sanders will have served his biggest role: playing revolutionary for the most counter-revolutionary party in history.”

Musical Interludes: YG & Nipsey Hussle – FDT (Fuck Donald Trump), Savage Fam – Rezizt, Rihanna – Take a Bow, AntLoc (from Savage Fam) – Hand of Vengeance, Sindicato Latino “20 de abril” Fuck nazis, Tinashe – All Hands on Deck,  Yung Joc – Its Going Down