
We’ve had enough of this shit. So how are we gonna finish off this rotten system and make a world we can live in? Any ideas?

“Down with the maxi-prison”: transcripts from last year’s meetings without borders in Brussels


Last year between 29 September and 3 October some comrades from around Europe and beyond gathered for a few days of discussions and encounters in Brussels, where anarchists and other rebels have been waging a concerted struggle against the construction of the massive new maxi-prison project. Some transcripts from the … Continue reading

The Veil Drops: thoughts for proto-insurgents in the age of terrors


We repost below a long text “The Veil Drops: anti-extremism or counter-insurgency?” from the third issue of Return Fire magazine. We think it is rich with insights, information and ideas about the situation we are living in today and how we can fight. But we know not everyone has the … Continue reading