• Fight with the Jungle, Fight with the Zad. Nique La France!


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If you want to send us something …

We very much welcome contributions. But be aware that this is not an open publishing site: we will publish articles we find useful, interesting or informative. This doesn’t mean that we necessarily agree with everything we publish. Our aim is to spread information to help destroy the rotten capitalist system and create new worlds of freedom. We may edit articles, e.g., for length or style: if we do so, we will state this.

More positively, this is some of the kind of stuff we’d really like to see on this site:

** Anarchy, rebellion and solidarity.

** Breaking news that corporate media aren’t reporting.

** Writing that couldn’t care less about liberal dogmas, about what ‘the public’ is supposed to want to hear.

** Accessible style: writing you don’t need a degree to follow. If jargon or specialist terms are necessary, maybe explain them for people who haven’t come across them before.

** Writing that reaches out beyond a ‘ghetto’ of self-proclaimed radicals.

** News reports that are short and succinct. Ideas pieces might be longer, but if it’s really long publish it somewhere else and just post a summary here.

** Translations of stuff that isn’t available in English.

** Ideas for how to fight and actually win.

** And maybe some stuff that makes us laugh (through all the tears and rage).

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