Changing the budget to two years instead of one could save Congress a bunch of political headaches.
Public campaign financing would allow our elected officials to chase down constituents, not dollars.
Members of Congress have no idea who's attacking them. Greater transparency can help rebuild trust.
Pay for what works: Give money to states that reduce incarceration and crime.
Criminal justice reform should be easy for the next president. It's already underway.
The federal government must keep college prices in check.
The next president should work to reclaim the mission of higher education.
We should address economic anxiety over globalization and technology through education and job training.
Trade has been strategically important across the globe. We should give it the credit it deserves.
The next president should put housing at the top of his or her agenda.
Cities that restrict their growth are choking out low-income housing.
To protect Social Security benefits, we must raise taxes.
We can slow down the growth of Social Security by fixing absurd rules for benefits.
Fixing Social Security with high taxes is both unwise and unnecessary.
An incremental strategy may be unpopular, but it's a realistic approach to the conflict.
We must be willing to take action against Bashar al-Assad, if necessary.
What's worked and what hasn't when it comes to fighting terror.
The federal government should follow state and local strategies to invest in renewable energy.
We're subsidizing green energy, but money spent elsewhere could have greater impact.
Enforcement without legalization alienates communities.
Here's what the first step to fix our immigration system could look like.
Enforcement without legalization alienates communities.
Presidential candidates are missing the essential nuances of the school choice debate.
This will ultimately be an economic contest.
No presidential candidate should take any reform or new taxes off the table.
We need more deficit financing to solve our infrastructure crisis.
The ACA has remained stable despite many challenges -- this time will be no different.
The Affordable Care Act's exchanges suffer from fundamental design flaws.
The next administration should recognize that the nature of the Putin regime precludes real partnership
Prioritizing inequality betrays indifference to policy outcomes.
If we advance a bolder vision, we can ensure a more equitable distribution.