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Video-Photos: 47th Native American National Day Of Mourning-Nov. 24, 2016
47th day of mourning 11-24-16 edit (22).jpgPlymouth, Mass.-Nov.24, 2016:
About 1000 Native Americans and their supporters held their annual Thanksgiving day protest in Plymouth -protesting the genocide committed by the European invaders against the indigenous peoples of the Americas.
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26 Nov 2016 | Filed under: News / Human Rights
Video-Photos: Jill Stein in Boston yesterday
Jill Stein for president-Green-edit Boston 10-30-16 (8).jpgBoston-Oct. 30, 2016:
Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein spoke to a large rally in Boston.The only candidate for peace and social justice.
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31 Oct 2016 | Filed under: News / Politics
Harvard Dining Workers 'Tentative' Agreement to End Strike - 25 Oct 2016
Cambridge, MA - After a long evening of negotiations that went past midnight the Harvard dining services labor union UNITE HERE Local 26 president Brian Lang emerged from 124 Mount Auburn Street, the Harvard Administration building the negotiations took place in, to announce to a small crowd that the labor union workers had "accomplished all our goals."
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26 Oct 2016 | Filed under: News / Labor
(A-Radio) Presentation: the Prison Strike in the USA 2016
As Anarchist Radio Berlin, we recorded a presentation about the ongoing prison strike in the United States of America, its backgrounds as well as the methods of support and solidarity that are used in- and outside of prisons. The presentation was held in October 2016 in Berlin.
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26 Oct 2016 | Filed under: Commentary / Labor : Police and Prisons
Harvard Dining Hall Strike Gathering Momentum
Harvard's dining hall workers have been on strike for a week, demanding a living wage and affordable health care. Harvard is attempting to fill the void with a combination of cafeteria managers and volunteer scabs, few of whom have any practical food service experience. The results have been predictably unappetizing.
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13 Oct 2016 | Filed under: News / Education : Human Rights : Labor
Boston Carmen’s Union Pickets, Shuts Down MBTA Money Room - Defend Labor Union Jobs!
Carmen Picket Money  Room.jpgThe Boston Carmen’s Union Local 589, facing a vote to privatize their work at the MBTA Money Room today, took a stand against the outsourcing of their work to a private company. Members of the Executive Board, joined by fellow MBTA Union leaders and members, formed a picket line at the Money Room in Charlestown, preventing Money Room workers and armored trucks from leaving the site.
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07 Oct 2016 | Filed under: News / Labor
Video-Photos:Indigenous Peoples Day rally in front of Boston city hall-10/5/2016
Indigenous Day Boston 10-5-16 edit (1310).jpgBoston, Mass. 10/5/2016:
Indigenous people and their supporters rallied in front of Boston city hall to get the mayor and city council to change the Columbus Day holiday Oct. 12 to "Indigenous Peoples Day"-in protest against the genocide of Native peoples in the Americas that Columbus started.
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06 Oct 2016 | Filed under: News / Human Rights
(A-Radio) Antifenix: Interview on the repression against anarchists in Czech Republic
In the context of the International Week of Solidarity with Anarchist Prisoners (23.-30th of August 2016), we had the opportunity of talking to a comrade from Anarchist Black Cross (ABC) in Czech Republic. The interview gives a short summary of the repression that started in 2015 and explains the singular cases and their current development, but deals also with the problems the movement had in the beginning to show solidarity. Last but not least, you get very good advice on the topic of solidarity and what to do yourselves.

Since the interview, another comrade is in prison. Lukáš Borl, who had been living underground, has been arrested by the police on September 4.
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27 Sep 2016 | Filed under: Interview / Police and Prisons
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