Cubans want change but are grateful for free schooling and health care and dearth of crime.

(Ramon Espinosa / AP)

Gambia’s Independent Electoral commission chair says opposition candidate Adama Barrow has won the country’s presidential election, defeating President Yahya Jammeh who led the country for more than two decades.

  • Associated Press
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  • 49 minutes ago
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Authorities prepared Thursday to transport home the bodies of dozens of victims of this week’s air tragedy in Colombia as grief turned to anger amid indications the airliner ran out of fuel before slamming into the Andes. Bolivian aviation officials announced they were indefinitely suspending the charter company that operated the flight.

  • Fernando Vergara and Hannah Dreier | AP
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  • 14 hours ago
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The unpopular Socialist leader’s approval rating has sunk to 4 percent.

The other side of the global right-wing surge: Nostalgia for empire

In the West, nationalism is cloaked in myths of an imperial past.

Russia’s obsession with whether Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is asleep or not

A habit that drives the Internet wild.

Mexico to Trump: Those Carrier jobs are not the story

"Globalization is not going to end with Mr. Trump. The United States cannot and will not isolate. It is not possible.”

About 350 alleged victims have reported accusations possibly spanning decades.

Thailand has a new king, with the country’s crown prince formally taking the throne to succeed his much-revered late father, who reigned for 70 years.

  • Grant Peck | AP
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  • 18 hours ago
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The prime minister and an ex-cricket star square off in a legal battle over corruption.

Exploding vehicles have been the defensive tactic of choice for militants battling the Iraqi advance.

The president-elect’s business ties with India and lack of foreign-policy expertise remain concerns.

The Kremlin leader focused his annual address on consolidating society, avoiding upheaval.

Merera Gudina spoke out earlier this month in Brussels against the campaign of arrests in Ethiopia.

The North American economy is a vast web. Unraveling it risks big blow to consumers.

The vote comes nearly two months after the peace pact failed in a national referendum.

Accounts from the surviving crew describe chaos and darkness in final moments.

He recently professed his innocence after a former model accused him of raping her three decades ago.

Children are dying as conflict pushes the Middle East’s poorest country closer to a famine.

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Lithuania has opened a 24-hour hotline for citizens to report potential foreign spies in an effort to increase public awareness of potential threats.

  • Associated Press
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  • 16 minutes ago
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German authorities have arrested an Afghan man suspected of being a member of the Taliban.

  • Associated Press
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  • 16 minutes ago
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French far-right presidential candidate Marine Le Pen says the spring election will pit nationalists and patriots like herself against those in favor of globalization, the European Union and immigration.

  • Sylvie Corbet and Elaine Ganley | AP
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  • 23 minutes ago
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Nelson Mandela’s dream of a hospital to provide specialized care for children has opened in Johannesburg on Friday.

  • Stuart Graham | AP
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  • 25 minutes ago
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Iraqi special forces fighting Islamic State militants in the northern city of Mosul seized a new neighborhood on Friday and took full control of a densely populated neighborhood, according to an Iraqi field commander.

  • Qassim Abdul-Zahra | AP
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  • 26 minutes ago
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On the second floor of a noisy sports center in the Macedonian town of Veles, a teenage purveyor of fake news cracked open his laptop and laid out his case for why lying is more lucrative than the truth.

  • Zana Cimili and Raphael Satter | AP
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  • 30 minutes ago
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