In short, Yes.

President-elect has reported owning millions in stock in companies that could benefit from his policies.

Trump on Carrier's plant in Mexico: 'Rent it, sell it, knock it down, I don’t care'

President-elect Donald Trump spoke at a Carrier plant in Indiana on Dec. 1, and lauded his input into their decision not to move production jobs to a Mexico plant. "It's hard to negotiate when the plant is built," he said, "What are we going to do with the plant? Rent it, sell it, knock it down, I don't care."

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The new procedure will start Jan. 1.

President-elect Trump picked the Alabama senator to be his attorney general. Now, special education advocates are concerned.

The devastation has been “unfathomable,” with numerous deaths and more than 700 structures damaged or destroyed, officials said.

Presidents-elect often tries to connect with ordinary Americans following elections, but Trump is bring his own signature style to the effort.

Top Clinton strategists accuse their Trump counterparts of fueling racism to win the election.

The decision will require nearly unprecedented legislation from Congress because Mattis is recently retired.

Carrier negotiations set the stage an unusual level of intervention by the White House into private enterprise.

President-elect Donald Trump announced during a speech in Cincinnati, Dec. 1, that he has chosen retired Marine Gen. James N. Mattis to be secretary of defense.

Protesters interrupted a "thank you" rally hosted by President-elect Donald Trump in Cincinnati on Thursday, prompting Trump to say that there "should be consequences" for people who burn the American flag.

During a speech in Cincinnati, Dec. 1, President-elect Donald Trump said he had ‘a lot of fun’ running against his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

During a speech in Cincinnati, Dec. 1, President-elect Donald Trump pledged “to seek a truly inclusive society” as he started a victory tour of states he won.

President-elect Donald Trump said that his administration will crack down on what he referred to as "foreign trade abuses" during a rally in Cincinnati on Thursday.

Here's what you need to know about Myron Ebell, who is overseeing Trump’s EPA transition.

President-elect Donald Trump held a rally in Cincinnati on Thursday, holding what his team called "USA Thank You Tour 2016."

Never shy to take on public policy debates, can a political career be far behind?

A roundup of business news from around the world.

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