
'Not fair at all, mate': Man who knifed woman complains over four-year sentence

A Victorian man jailed for stabbing a woman repeatedly in the face and almost severing her nose says it's unfair his sentence is almost as long as the one given to a man who shot dead a friend while taking a selfie.

Christos Papathanasiou, who has schizophrenia, had a psychotic episode when he stabbed his cousin's ex-wife after she made him a coffee on December 14, 2015.

The 34-year-old pleaded guilty to intentionally causing serious injury, and theft and burglary charges, and was on Friday sentenced to a maximum of seven years and six months in prison, with a non-parole period of four years.

Moments after Victorian Supreme Court justice Michael Croucher sentenced Papathanasiou, the former drug addict accused the judge of corruption.

"That's not fair at all, mate," he said.

"That's corrupt."


Papathanasiou also compared his non-parole period with the one given to convicted killer Albert Rapovski a day earlier.

"He got five years for shooting a guy in the head, and I get four years ... for something that wasn't attempted murder," he said.

Rapovski, 20, was sentenced to eight years in prison on Thursday, with a non-parole period of five, after pleading guilty to the manslaughter of his good friend Mahamd Hassan.

Rapovski shot Mr Hassan, 22, in the face in March while posing for a photograph with a loaded shotgun during a night of drug-taking in a hotel room.

Justice Croucher said Papathanasiou could be charged with contempt for accusing him of corruption.

Papathanasiou later apologised.

"Sorry, your honour. I didn't mean to be disrespectful," Papathanasiou said.

Papathanasiou stabbed his victim after she invited him inside her Berwick home and made him a coffee.

She thought Papathanasiou had gone into the kitchen to make another coffee but he came back into the lounge room armed with a 20-centimetre knife.

He asked her "why would you do that to me?" and, as she tried to get away, he cornered her and stabbed her in the face and head.

Papathanasiou continued to stab her after she fell to the ground.

"She thought she was going to die," Justice Croucher said.

The terrified woman managed to get up and ran towards a bedroom where her friends were sleeping, as Papathanasiou continued to stab her from behind.

The friends woke and screamed at Papathanasiou to stop. He ran out the front door and remained at large for another six days before he was arrested.

At a previous hearing, Papathanasiou said he was pleading guilty to take responsibility for not seeking treatment for his mental health before someone was hurt.

