The ties that bind

Tuesday, 22 April 2014   State of the parties   14 comments 

This is moving towards something new: cutting any overt links to social groups and special interests and formalising the detachment of the political system from voters that is already there.

What is more important is that Gillard and Labor, detached as they (like the Coalition) are, can be seen to relate to someone in society.

It is now becoming clear what caused the collapse of the NSW Labor government. There was no one running it.

The lack of options is why they are less wanting to talk about reconnecting with the electorate than preferring to retreat up their own safe seats.

No going back

Tuesday, 19 January 2010   State of the parties   14 comments 

It will be a confusing year as the media mixes up the decay of the old for its revival, as it waits for the old comfortable parameters of the past to return.

Review of 2008 – Labor

Wednesday, 24 December 2008   Key posts, State of the parties  Comments Off on Review of 2008 – Labor 

It was the political assault on the old power bases of the party that was the underlying theme of federal Labor in 2008.

No revival, just decay – an update

Tuesday, 9 September 2008   Media analysis  Comments Off on No revival, just decay – an update 

By proposing a deal with Labor in the first place Grylls and Carpenter have already changed the old bi-polar landscape.


Saturday, 6 September 2008   State and federal politics  Comments Off on RIP NSW Right 

Iemma’s fall and the rise of an unknown from the left mark the collapse of the national party’s most important faction over the last three decades, the NSW Right.

The mythical truisms of Australian politics

Tuesday, 19 August 2008   State and federal politics  Comments Off on The mythical truisms of Australian politics 

What seems to be one enduring legacy of the Howard era has been the decline in political commentary in this country.

Morris Iemma: Political maestro

Friday, 27 June 2008   Political figures  Comments Off on Morris Iemma: Political maestro 

Analysis of Iemma’s position suffers too much from seeing him as a victim of fate, rather than also, partly, a maker of it.

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