The president-elect is said to have chosen a former senior military officer. An announcement is likely by early next week, according to the people familiar with the decision.

(Jabin Botsford / The Washington Post)

We combed through the transcript of Sen. Jeff Sessions's 1986 Senate hearing to provide a fuller context of his comments about race and civil rights.

Presidents-elect often tries to connect with ordinary Americans following elections, but Trump is bring his own signature style to the effort.

Top Clinton strategists accuse their Trump counterparts of fueling racism to win the election.

Carrier negotiations set the stage an unusual level of intervention by the White House into private enterprise.

President-elect Donald Trump announced during a speech in Cincinnati, Dec. 1, that he has chosen retired Marine Gen. James N. Mattis to be secretary of defense.

Protesters interrupted a "thank you" rally hosted by President-elect Donald Trump in Cincinnati on Thursday, prompting Trump to say that there "should be consequences" for people who burn the American flag.

During a speech in Cincinnati, Dec. 1, President-elect Donald Trump said he had ‘a lot of fun’ running against his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.

During a speech in Cincinnati, Dec. 1, President-elect Donald Trump pledged “to seek a truly inclusive society” as he started a victory tour of states he won.

President-elect Donald Trump said that his administration will crack down on what he referred to as "foreign trade abuses" during a rally in Cincinnati on Thursday.

Here's what you need to know about Myron Ebell, who is overseeing Trump’s EPA transition.

President-elect Donald Trump held a rally in Cincinnati on Thursday, holding what his team called "USA Thank You Tour 2016."

“Virginians do not want a government that mimics the swamp of Washington, D.C.,” the state senator said.

The president-elect said he didn't remember one of his campaign's rallying cries — until he saw it on television.

“Stein is not an aggrieved candidate, she cannot possibly win, and she is putting the participation of every single Michigan voter in jeopardy,” said Michigan GOP Chairman Ronna Romney McDaniel.

Liberal groups launched a service that connects people with a random Trump property via phone, allowing them to air their concerns about his upcoming presidency.

President-elect Trump made some serious promises during the 2016 campaign – but appears to have changed his mind on several of them in the weeks since.

President-elect Donald Trump on Dec. 1 celebrated a deal that will keep jobs at a Carrier plant in Indianapolis and announced that he chose retired Marine Gen. James N. Mattis for secretary of defense.

The president-elect is said to have chosen a former senior military officer. An announcement is likely by early next week, according to the people familiar with the decision.

President-elect Donald Trump traveled, Dec. 1, to Indianapolis to visit the Carrier plant and tout his role in keeping up to 1,000 manufacturing jobs in the United States. Here is his full speech.

Pennsylvania Rep. Lou Barletta is best known for introducing the first local law punishing businesses who knowingly hired undocumented immigrants.

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