The Washington Post
Tired of Trump? In Theory, the Post’s home for ideas, is launching a new series to tackle the real questions of this election.

Changing the budget to two years instead of one could save Congress a bunch of political headaches.

  • Reid Ribble
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  • Nov 3
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Public campaign financing would allow our elected officials to chase down constituents, not dollars.

  • Ellen L. Weintraub
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  • Nov 3
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Members of Congress have no idea who's attacking them. Greater transparency can help rebuild trust.

  • Steve Israel
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  • Nov 3
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We forget that politics, like life, is a matter of give and take.

  • Jason Grumet
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  • Nov 3
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Pay for what works: Give money to states that reduce incarceration and crime.

  • Hilary O. Shelton, Inimai Chettiar
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  • Nov 1
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Criminal justice reform should be easy for the next president. It's already underway.

  • Pat Nolan
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  • Nov 1
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The federal government must keep college prices in check.

  • Ben Miller
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  • Oct 20
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The next president should work to reclaim the mission of higher education.

  • Lynn Pasquerella
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  • Oct 20
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We should address economic anxiety over globalization and technology through education and job training.

  • Carla A. Hills
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  • Oct 17
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Trade has been strategically important across the globe. We should give it the credit it deserves.

  • Douglas Holtz-Eakin
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  • Oct 17
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  • Lori Wallach
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  • Oct 17
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The next president should put housing at the top of his or her agenda.

  • Erika C. Poethig
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  • Oct 11
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But we do need help paying rent.

  • Edgar Olsen
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  • Oct 11
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Cities that restrict their growth are choking out low-income housing.

  • Randal O'Toole
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  • Oct 13
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To protect Social Security benefits, we must raise taxes.

  • Alicia H. Munnell
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  • Oct 6
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We can slow down the growth of Social Security by fixing absurd rules for benefits.

  • C. Eugene Steuerle
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  • Oct 6
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Fixing Social Security with high taxes is both unwise and unnecessary.

  • Rachel Greszler
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  • Oct 6
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An incremental strategy may be unpopular, but it's a realistic approach to the conflict.

  • Derek Chollet
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  • Sep 29
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We must be willing to take action against Bashar al-Assad, if necessary.

  • Frederic C. Hof
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  • Sep 29
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What's worked and what hasn't when it comes to fighting terror.

  • Michael Vickers
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  • Sep 26
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The federal government should follow state and local strategies to invest in renewable energy.

  • Heather Zichal
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  • Sep 19
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We're subsidizing green energy, but money spent elsewhere could have greater impact.

  • Bjorn Lomborg
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  • Sep 19
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Enforcement without legalization alienates communities.

  • David A. Martin
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  • Sep 12
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Here's what the first step to fix our immigration system could look like.

  • Ali Noorani
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  • Sep 12
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Enforcement without legalization alienates communities.

  • David A. Martin
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  • Sep 12
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Presidential candidates are missing the essential nuances of the school choice debate.

  • Andrew J. Rotherham
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  • Sep 6
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This will ultimately be an economic contest.

  • Jennifer M. Harris
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  • Sep 2
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No presidential candidate should take any reform or new taxes off the table.

  • Maya MacGuineas
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  • Aug 29
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We need more deficit financing to solve our infrastructure crisis.

  • Josh Bivens
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  • Aug 29
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The ACA has remained stable despite many challenges -- this time will be no different.

  • Ezekiel Emanuel, Topher Spiro
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  • Aug 22
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The Affordable Care Act's exchanges suffer from fundamental design flaws.

  • Avik Roy
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  • Aug 22
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The Russia challenge has radically changed since the 1990s.

  • Angela Stent
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  • Aug 18
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The next administration should recognize that the nature of the Putin regime precludes real partnership

  • David J. Kramer
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  • Aug 18
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Prioritizing inequality betrays indifference to policy outcomes.

  • Scott Winship
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  • Aug 16
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If we advance a bolder vision, we can ensure a more equitable distribution.

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