'This is not a hypothetical conflict,' say House members, but legal experts are divided.

A new study financed by the D.C. mayor's office found stark racial inequalities in IT business ownership.

The McLean-based contractor is buying a prominent mid-sized firm.

As Fannie Mae prepares to move downtown, its current campus will be redeveloped.

Fewer than six weeks from becoming president, Trump continues to haggle with chefs in court.

A young company seeks help expanding a business that works 'inside' another.

Despite questions on transportation and design, team says plans are still on track for 2018 opening.

  • Shaun Courtney
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  • Digger
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  • 2 days ago
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You know have until Jan. 20 to nominate your company for our list of Top Workplaces.

We say we want more stuff made in America, but are we willing to pay for it?

  • Jonathan Aberman
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  • 3 days ago
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Heir to the family real estate and financial empire, Frank Saul goes out on his own.

These firms recently filed with a U.S. Bankruptcy Court’s local court clerk’s office.

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