A habit that drives the Internet wild.

"Globalization is not going to end with Mr. Trump. The United States cannot and will not isolate. It is not possible.”

During his campaign, the president-elect Donald Trump vowed to move the seaside embassy — and pronto.

Hollande has set new negative records.

Kazakhstan leader Nursultan Nazarbayev has put together a state where there was none.

He's yet another casualty amid the horror of Aleppo.

In many cases, the bodies are only identified by parts: A mother seeing her son's wristwatch on a dismembered arm, another recognizes her son's jeans.

The “New Titanic” is expected to be part of a larger tourist resort in Sichuan.

As I spoke to a Syrian grandfather via Skype, I could hear booms in the background.

Millions of anxious citizens lined up at banks to take out their salaries, but there was not enough cash for everybody.

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