After Wells Fargo moved to block a lawsuit from dozens of customers affected by unauthorized accounts, Democrats introduced a bill that would let those customers sue.

John Stumpf resigned from his roles as chairman and chief executive of Wells Fargo following a scandal involving unauthorized customer accounts. He was replaced by Tim Sloan, another long-time veteran of the bank. (AP Photo/CX Matiash, File)

Post columnist Michelle Singletary offers her advice and answers your questions.

It's too early to know how his policies will affect pocketbooks

Be a lifeguard, not a lifeline: Aging parents have to learn to live within their means, not yours.


That is NOT the IRS Calling You!

If you owe the IRS money, you will receive a polite letter informing you. It will never ever call you.

How to keep your cash from leaving the nest when your kids do

Parents should view this new period in their lives as a time to re-evaluate their financial plans, financial advisers say.

The federal insurance fund protecting millions of pensions is running out of cash

With no rescue plan in place for one of the nation's largest pension funds, the insurance program for multiemployer plans faces a troubled future.

Survey: 51 percent of American workers are concerned that they will not be able to retire when they want.

The eye-opening realities of how Americans save for retirement.

The answer will be in the details, analysts say.

There is a growing campaign on Twitter with the hashtag #grabyourwallet to boycott companies that do business with Trump or carry merchandise with his brand.

How not to lose your mind — and all your money — during the holiday shopping frenzy.

The rule, which was supposed to go into effect Dec. 1, could have boosted the pay of 4.2 million workers.

A smart guide to help you decide.

The No. 1 rule for holiday shopping should be to stay out of debt.

And they say they need more help from employers.

The agency says the decision could affect all independent bodies in the federal government.

This column is dedicated to all who live not to spend. If you’re being a good money manager, let the worry go.

Planning, preparation and the right state of mind play significant roles before hanging it up, financial planners say.

The consumer watchdog launched an inquiry into how financial firms are sharing consumer data with Fintech start-ups. The move is a sign that business continues despite the uncertainty caused by the election.

Boosting your credit score can be one of the easiest ways to lower your mortgage rate, but the benefits wear off for scores above a certain point.

Post columnist Michelle Singletary offers her advice and answers your questions.

Protesters are calling for a boycott of Trump-branded products

If nothing changes, the insurance program that protects 10 million pension plans could run out of money by 2025.

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