Luciano Arruga Brigade responds to street cleaner’s death

22 07 2010

From Liberación Total (July 21, 2010):


For the time being, let’s clarify a number of concerns that our Revolutionary Cells comrades have expressed regarding our operations.

1. In the case of our first communiqué, the comrade who disseminated it made an error. Said comrade is part of the Simon  Radowitzky Unit, which had previously published a claim under the name “Revolutionary Cells,” so the name was used again. This error will be corrected in future communiqués, which will be signed by the Luciano Arruga Brigade and the Unit(s) involved.

2. During the Cipolletti attacks, an innocent worker—toiling for this exploitative regime’s scraps and drippings—sadly fell victim to one of the bombs. The brothers in the Unit had previously observed that when a bag of garbage was left at the location, a police officer would remove it. Therefore, they thought that planting a bomb there would only hurt one of the system’s brutes. Regrettably, this was not the case. The Unit is undergoing a self-criticism regarding the action, and it will plan future attacks more thoroughly.

Almost all of us are anarchists, and we agree with most of what the Revolutionary Cells set forth, but we have decided to begin our own project through the Luciano Arruga Brigade.

Our Units support the regional struggle against the police and the oppressor state, and we also back the Autonomous Mapuche in their fight for land and liberty against the MPN (Neuquén People’s Movement) government of Neuquén province and against those supported by the national state in Río Negro. It should be noted that there has been no support for the investigations into police abuse in Río Negro because the province is “allied” to the system’s main party.

Likewise, our war is against the state and the church, which is a dirty opiate that destroys human freedom.

We also are collaborating with a group of class-conscious comrades who have decided to link their fate to ours in a truly anti-systemic struggle against the union bureaucracy.

War on the State and the system that corrupts human freedom!
Freedom for the prisoners in struggle: Martino, La Galle, and so many others

—Luciano Arruga Brigade
—Juan Bianchi Unit
—August 22 Classist Collective
—Diego Petrissans Unit
—Bonefoi-Carrasco Unit
—Cardenas-Fuentealba Unit
—Simon Radowitzky Unit
—Leandro Morel Unit
—Heroes of the Tragic Week Unit

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Expropriations of banks and security companies in Buenos Aires, Argentina

13 07 2010

From Liberación Total (July 9, 2010):

Buenos Aires
July 8, 2010

Via this communiqué, the Luciano Arruga Brigade—operating through the Diego Petrissans and Leandro Morel Units—claims responsibility for the expropriation of ill-gotten gains from international and state loan sharks during the robberies of the Banco Provincia in Buenos Aires today, July 8, 2010, and the Standard Bank at 1064 Calle L.N. Além two weeks ago. On both occasions, we took money from the tellers and—after a hasty retreat—left behind fake bombs in order to delay the pigs.

In the struggle against the bourgeoisie and the exploiters, the Luciano Arruga Brigade welcomes the addition of the Juan Bianchi and Simon Radowitzky Units, which have expropriated weapons from private security company employees in General Pacheco and Quilmes.

We also salute the August 22 Classist Collective, which strengthens our comradely ranks in the struggle against the bourgeoisie and the union bureaucracy, and which has begun to attack certain yellow unions in the south.

Additionally, we salute the comrades in Neuquén and Bariloche who have clashed with the forces of repression and suffered the losses of young comrades.

Their deaths will be avenged, and the blood of their executioners will water the soil of Bariloche and wherever it is spilled.

Freedom for Social Fighter Martino of the FAR.

—Revolutionary Cells
—Luciano Arruga Brigade
—Diego Petrissans Unit
—Leandro Morel Unit
—Juan Bianchi Unit
—August 22 Classist Collective
—Simon Radowitzky Unit

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Attack on metropolitan police recruitment center in Buenos Aires

11 01 2010

From Ai Ferri Corti:

January 11, 2010

Continuing the campaign of offensives against capital and the state, we decided to visit the executioners at their own house. So, this morning, Monday, January 11, we took a little trip to the metropolitan police recruitment center, right in the middle of Parque Chacabuco. We attacked with two powerful Molotov cocktails, causing minimal material damage to the front of the building and almost completely burning up a motorcycle parked near the entrance.

We again show our presence, and that nothing is going to silence the voices of the oppressed in revolt. We send a greeting to all the world’s fighters, and tell the executioners once more: THIS IS A WAR AND WE WILL NOT STOP UNTIL YOU FALL!

Fire and hate for the metropolitan police!
Fire and hate for all police!

- Revolutionary Cells (Curt Wilkens Brigade)

Bombing at Banco Francés in Buenos Aires

30 12 2009

From Ai Ferri Corti:

December 30, 2009

In solidarity with the international hunger strike being carried out by anarchist comrades, we used a medium-powered homemade device to attack a Banco Francés branch on the corner of Calle Corrientes and Calle Uruguay in downtown Buenos Aires.

In this way we show the vulnerability of spaces controlled by capital, and the uselessness of its faithful servants.

We salute all those who struggle every day against this system of misery and hunger, and we call on them to not lower their guard and to continue the campaign of offensives against the state and capital.

- Revolutionary Cells (Salvador Puig Antich Brigade)

Bombing near Federal Prison System headquarters in Buenos Aires, Argentina

29 12 2009

From Liberación Total:

December 28, 2009

Direct action in solidarity with the prisoners on hunger strike


At around 2 a.m. on Sunday, December 27, we left an explosive device in the vicinity of the Federal Prison System headquarters located at the corner of Calle Lavalle and Calle Pueyrredon. We hid the charge under an SUV owned by some bourgeois, once again showing the vulnerability of the control these hired killers try to exert over our lives.

We want to dedicate this action to the anarchist prisoners on hunger strike from December 20 to January 1, thereby spreading the offensive they began and remembering our fallen comrades in the struggle against the state, capital, and prison—like Mauricio Morales, like Zoe, like Paco Ortiz, like so many others.

While our enemies hold our brothers and sisters captive in their death camps, they will not have a moment’s peace, even in their own cellars.

- Revolutionary Cells (Xosé Tarrio Group)