The early mobilization strikingly recalls scientists' criticism of the last Republican administration, that of George W. Bush.

President-elect Donald Trump speaks during an election night rally, Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2016, in New York. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)

Women who fight wildfires have reported sexual harassment and discrimination. On Thursday, angry House committee members called the response “incompetent.”

The League of Conservation Voters points to an open letter the president-elect and his oldest children signed in 2009 urging President Obama to act on climate change.

The payment represents the largest-ever criminal penalty involving deliberate pollution at sea.

A surprising climate lawsuit filed by young people is gaining traction.

The move by EPA on Wednesday could make it harder for the Trump administration to relax vehicle emissions standards.

'The depression that comes with watching this steamroller ... is taking its toll,' he wrote.

The soil-carbon feedback is "of the same order of magnitude as having an extra U.S. on the planet."

'In the areas experiencing the drought, the temperatures have been well above normal,' one expert explains.

The comments appeared aimed at President-elect Donald Trump's vows to end the United States' leading role in global climate change efforts.

Trump probably can't doom the climate alone. But he could start a wave.

The visit would make a powerful statement about where a Trump presidency might come down on a revival of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline

More than 53 million acres in the Great Plains have been converted to cropland since 2009, a new report suggests.

The number of coal-fired power plants is down, and so are levels of mercury in Atlantic bluefin tuna. The declines track almost perfectly.

Fortunately, the latest data also shows large regions where corals bleached, but mostly survived.

A small island in American Samoa is making the switch from diesel generators.

The sale would eliminate one possible conflict of interest for Trump, who has vowed to speed up permits for oil and gas pipelines in order to spur more oil and gas development in the United States.

A provocative new study calls into question when the destabilization of the huge Pine Island glacier began.

The byzantine program has been strongly criticized by many oil refiners.

That's still a little off from the scientific consensus, though.

What the president-elect's first 100 days of environmental rollbacks could look like

A new study finds that both accelerated in the late 1800s, the time of the industrial revolution.

The move marks the latest in a flurry of efforts by the Obama administration to safeguard public lands and waters from the mining and oil industries.

Gina McCarthy says the country will either lead on a clean-energy future or choose to be left behind.

Those in favor of keeping the agreement included 57 percent of Republicans.

The election of Donald Trump threatens the backbone of U.S. federal climate policy, but there are reasons to be optimistic about global climate action and the Paris Agreement.

The oiling damaged coastal wetlands, new NASA research finds.

Sea ice is at record low levels in the Arctic and Antarctic, simultaneously.

The decision sets a likely collision course with President-elect Donald Trump.

In the wake of Trump's election, world leaders took a resolute stance and strongly backed the Paris climate agreement.

The new study is the second to show carbon dioxide can be mineralized in layers of volcanic basalt.

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder's administration said a judge's order forcing deliveries of bottled water to Flint residents is unnecessary and unwieldy.

The Arctic is super-hot, even as a vast area of cold polar air has been displaced over Siberia.

It's called carbon capture and storage.

Some have discussed whether the world should impose economic penalties if the U.S. withdraws.

The inexorable march of wind and solar has largely been driven by both private-sector forces.

The White House just released a vision of 2050 featuring radical U.S. emissions cuts.

The settlement comes as the Obama administration seeks to wrap up outstanding issues.

The new rule is intended, in part, to reduce 'fugitive' methane gases from contributing to climate change.

An Australian kelp forest vanished with a slight warming of ocean temperatures and an incursion of tropical fish.

The president argues that the move toward clean energy has helped the U.S. economy.

Here are some pictures of John Kerry in Antarctica to remind you that climate change is still happening.

The World Meteorological Organization made a preliminary announcement amid unprecedented warmth.

Global emissions have not risen much in three years -- but researchers remain hesitant to call this the "peak."

Myron Ebell is a Washington fixture and well-known climate skeptic eager to help roll back the Obama administration's environmental actions.

His administration could roll back Obama's push to regulate methane emissions from oil and gas operations.

'This is one of the instances in which elections have consequences.'

Advocacy groups hail the ruling as an “important, but rare victory” for residents.

"I hope that he will work with the overwhelming majority of us who believe that the climate crisis is the greatest threat we face as a nation,” Gore wrote.

Plants are gobbling up more carbon dioxide.

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