The unpopular Socialist leader’s approval rating has sunk to 4 percent.

About 350 alleged victims have reported accusations possibly spanning decades.

He recently professed his innocence after a former model accused him of raping her three decades ago.

Kids across the country run, jog or walk a mile every school day — in addition to regular physical education.

In the Kremlin leader’s TV performances, Russians see their hopes and fears.

The agent was held for seeking to cooperate with the Islamists he was supposed to counter.

Aid groups accuse smugglers of using talk of a crackdown to spur migrants to ignore bad weather.

Austria’s Freedom Party is rebranding itself as pro-Israel and pro-Jew.

The Democrats are just the latest members of a beleaguered club.

Thomas Mair faces a “whole life-term” sentence for the attack during the tense run-up to the Brexit vote.

Svalka sells donated goods for charity and lets people come in and smash unwanted items.

The Kremlin leader’s warning comes as Russia places more missiles in the Baltic region.

He held his ceremonial position mostly under moderate socialist Prime Minister Costas Simitis.

  • Demetris Nellas
  • ·
  • Nov 20
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Saying she shopes to promote a politics without “hate,” Germany chancellor announces she will seek a fourth term.

Both ends of Britain’s bridge between the U.S. and Europe are now looking creaky.

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