About half of millennials say their ideal relationship is not completely monogamous.

  • Zachary Zane
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  • Sexuality
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  • 16 hours ago
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When Graham writes about how life rarely goes as planned, she sounds a lot like Lorelai Gilmore.

Seeing other people can feel healthy when you're the one doing it. But the other way around? Not so much.


Friends grow apart all the time, but we rarely talk about it

A breakup without the breakup talk.

The cards remind me that your family is together and mine is fractured.

Millennials think I'm too old for them. And most baby boomers are too old for me.

The single mom is all about blazing her own trail, not following someone else's.

Just because I don’t feel comfortable voicing my opinions in front of groups, doesn’t mean they’re not useful.

She has a career, a love life and great friends.

Through breakups and job losses, "Gilmore Girls" has always been there for me.

With the rush of daily life, it's a luxury to have an entire day or two all to myself.

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