The Washington Post
(Martin Bureau / AFP/Getty Images)
(Martin Bureau / AFP/Getty Images)
François Fillon, the new leader of the center-right party, may be the only option to defeat Marine Le Pen’s National Front.

An era of autocracy looms.

The Pentagon hopes for a smooth handoff on plans for advanced technology that could offset Russian and Chinese military gains.

Moscow’s agents are implicated in two dangerous plots in Eastern Europe.

In the general chaos, the loudest, clearest and most convincing voices are the most radical.

Somalian presidential candidate Fadumo Dayib: I do not want to legitimize this system by running in it.

Can the new administration succeed where others have failed?

  • Dennis Ross
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  • 1 day ago
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Americans may have lost their moral authority for the next four years.

Rudy Giuliani’s first foreign contract after leaving the mayor's office involved Mexico’s leading leftist politician, an interesting twist should Donald Trump nominate him to be secretary of state.

Propaganda is rampant thanks to social media and those with no concern for facts.

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