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Introduced 1990; 26 years ago (1990)
TLD type Country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry LK Domain Registry
Sponsor LK Domain Registry
Intended use Entities connected with  Sri Lanka
Actual use Popular in Sri Lanka
Registration restrictions Registrants must provide clear justification for registering particular name; some third-level names restricted by category
Structure Registrations are made directly at the second level, or at the third level beneath second-level names
Documents Policy
Website www.nic.lk
Introduced 2011; 5 years ago (2011)
TLD type Internationalized country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry LK Domain Registry
Sponsor LK Domain Registry
Intended use Entities connected with  Sri Lanka
Actual use Popular in Sri Lanka
Registration restrictions Website must be in the Sinhalese language.
Website www.nic.lk
Introduced 2011; 5 years ago (2011)
TLD type Internationalized country code top-level domain
Status Active
Registry LK Domain Registry
Sponsor LK Domain Registry
Intended use Entities connected with  Sri Lanka
Actual use Popular in Sri Lanka
Registration restrictions Website must be in Tamil language.
Website www.nic.lk

.lk is the Internet country code top-level domain (ccTLD) for Sri Lanka. Foreign companies who do not have a local presence can only reserve their top-level and corresponding open second-level domains (either through the LK Domain Registry or agents). In order to register and use a name they must have a contact address in Sri Lanka (which may be obtained through an agent or law firm).

Second-level domains[edit]

Registrations are taken at the second level and also at the third level beneath various categorized second level names. A second-level registration automatically blocks the name from registration by anybody else under any of the third-level names.

These second-level names are available for registrations within them:

Restricted registration:

  • .gov.lk: Governmental Departments of Sri Lanka (Automatically reserves name at second level and under all other second level names)
  • .ac.lk; Research and Higher Education Institutions in Sri Lanka
  • .sch.lk: Registered Schools in Sri Lanka
  • .net.lk: Licensed Internet Service Providers in Sri Lanka
  • .int.lk: International Treaty Organizations

Open registration:

  • .com.lk: Commercial entities
  • .org.lk: Noncommercial Organizations
  • .edu.lk: Educational sites
  • .ngo.lk: Non-governmental Organizations
  • .soc.lk: Registered Societies
  • .web.lk: Web Sites
  • .ltd.lk: Limited Liability Companies
  • .assn.lk: Associations
  • .grp.lk: Groups of Companies
  • .hotel.lk: Hotels

Internationalized top-level domains[edit]

In September 2010 two new top-level domains were registered for Sri Lanka. They became active during 2011.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]