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15,000 Strong Demonstration in Montréal Against the Budget

a report from Union Communiste Libertaire (UCL)

Against privatization and price increases: ONLY THE STRUGGLE PAYS!

On April 1st 2010, some 15,000 people descended on the business district in Montreal at the call of more than 95 unions, popular, feminist and student groups. Is this the first stage of a response against the Liberal budget? Only time will tell. In any case, it was a nice demonstration--a popular grand procession, very diverse and militant (at least in discourse).

We now know that the budget tabled on March 30th by Minister Bachand introduced a host of measures, each more regressive than the one before. The introduction of new fees for healthcare or the rapid growth of sales tax (QST) are examples. The rich will fare quite well, as usual. Nothing in this budget calls into question their privilege and their little schemes to stash their money in tax-free havens. Again, we are required to sacrifice for them. Enough!

The History of NEFAC in Quebec-city (2001-2008)

from 'Ruptures' – Spring 2009 special edition

While it is too early to draw a comprehensive balance sheet of NEFAC (in Québec City, and in the province of Québec), one can nevertheless find some items that are food for thought.

Mohamed Cherfi recognized as a political refugee by the United States


Mohamed Cherfi recognized as a political refugee by the United States
Will Ottawa and Quebec finally take action?

Montreal and Quebec City, June 2, 2005. The Board of Immigration
Appeal in the United States has just recognized Mohamed Cherfi as a political refugee by overturning the refusal handed down by a U.S. Immigration Court judge on October 22, 2004. That recognition highlights all the injustice suffered by Mr. Cherfi in conjunction with the processing of his application for immigration to Canada and Quebec, which have several
times denied the serious risks facing him in Algeria. The organizations and individuals supporting Mr. Cherfi, along with his partner, Louise Boivin, demand that the Quebec and Canadian authorities take measures so that he can return to Canada immediately.

Mohamed Cherfi - your Support is still needed!


Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Below is the Mohamed Cherfi Solidarity Committee’s press release from the
press conference held in Quebec City on March 15, 2005. The following
people took part in the press conference: Reverend Gérald Doré,
spokesperson for the Mohamed Cherfi sponsorship group; Louise Boivin,
Mohamed Cherfi’s partner; Smail Behlouli, spokesperson for the Action
Committee for Non-Status Algerians; Msgr. Pierre-André Fournier, Auxiliary
Bishop and representative of Msgr. Ouellet, Archbishop of Quebec City; and

Grève Générale!: The 1972 Rebellion in Quebec

by George "Mick" Sweetman

"Not since the days of the Industrial Workers of the World, since the days of Joe Hill and the battle for the eight-hour day, has a North American union movement been so dedicated to the tradition of revolutionary syndicalism."
- Marcel Pepin (jailed President of the Confederation of National
Trade Unions, 1972)

Thirty-two years ago one of the largest working class rebellions in North American history exploded in Quebec. 300,000 workers participated in North America's largest general strike to that date, radio stations were seized, factories were occupied, and entire towns were brought under workers' control. What made the rebellion possible was not only an explosive mix of economic exploitation, national oppression, and government repression, but was also a strong, young, and radicalized rank and file of the Quebec trade union movement.

Northeastern Anarchist #2

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