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Why does my baby want to feed all night?
So often I hear mums say, “My baby wants to breastfeed all evening – I’m worried about my milk supply.”
Does your baby really need night feeds?
There's a lot of conflicting advice about when to stop night time breastfeeds. Pinky McKay explains why extending these nocturnal feeds is a good idea - for both mum and baby.
A breastfeeding emoji may be on its way
It's how many new mums spend much of their time, so it makes sense that a breastfeeding emoji is being considered for inclusion in the next round of updates.
Help! My baby won't drink my expressed breast milk
"I need my baby to drink my milk because I am going back to work in a couple of weeks – please tell me I won't have to ditch my entire freezer stash!"
How one mum is helping others to honour their breastfeeding journeys
A Queensland mother and jewellery designer has devised a beautiful – and incredibly unique – way to honour women's breastfeeding journeys.
Mum donates 59 litres of breastmilk after her son was stillborn
Three days after losing her son, Cruz-Chan pumped began pumping milk to donate to babies in need.
The tandem breastfeeding photo that got a mum's Facebook account shut down
A mother of six from the US claims that Facebook disabled her account because she posted a photograph of herself tandem breastfeeding a stranger's baby along with her own.
What should breastfeeding women eat - and avoid?
If you look carefully at the food recommendations for breastfeeding, you will see only minor changes to the diet recommended for all healthy people.
Laziness and other (non-judgmental) reasons I breastfeed my baby
At the end of the day, how I feed my babies, and the reason behind it just doesn't matter. What matters is they being fed.
Is it becoming more common to breastfeed another woman's baby?
Once upon a time, in an age where breastfeeding was the norm and formula hadn't been invented, women fed each other's babies. Some say the practice could be on the rise again.
Marathon mum pumps breastmilk while on the run
When you're a breastfeeding mama, you're likely to find yourself out and about when you need to feed your baby.
The park bench making life easier for new mums
Here's some breastfeeding news that will have you cheering.
Beautiful photos show baby's 'breast crawl' after birth
Jessica was keen to allow her baby daughter to attempt the breast crawl, and her care providers were supportive of the idea.
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