
What do you call that feeling when you see something cute?

What do you call that emotion you feel when you see something cute?

A Brisbane professor has decided it is time to name that emotion that makes us melt after he realised it was missing from the English vocabulary.

Professor Ralf Buckley, from Griffith University's School of Environment, first realised there was not a word for the emotion attached to what people determined cute while he was looking at how tourism was a tool to help fund conservation projects.

"I work in conservation and I work particularly in using tourism as a tool to fund conservation," he said.

"There are lots of places around the world where people will pay to see wildlife and that money allows private owners, trusts, governments (and) owners to continue conservation.

"What attracts the people to see that wildlife is emotion, the emotion that people feel when they see wildlife is important for conservation."


Professor Buckley said while the "awe" factor is what attracted most people to become interested in wildlife conservation, the cute factor was a close second.

"People want to see baby animals," he said.

"What emotion are they feeling that makes them prepared to pay for that? It is the cuteness emotion but it doesn't have a word so I thought we should give it one."

His opinion piece, published in Frontiers in Psychology, found there had been little published in relation to the "cute-emotion" despite the fact the emotion was manipulated heavily for marketing purposes.

"The cute emotion seems to have been involved forever in things like persuading parents to look after their babies and choosing a partner, it is not a new emotion but what is new is that it is used in modern society as marketing tool," he said.

"It is odd that we have an emotion that we have a society that is manipulating that emotion to buy things but we don't have a word for it."

So what does Professor Buckley define as cute?

"We think of things as having roundish head, round eyes, soft and furry. They are all things important for cuteness," he said.

"In Japan, the thing that makes something cute is the fact that it is helpless.

"I think in English, something can be cute without being helpless. There are some kids who are cute but far from helpless."

Professor Buckley hopes the name he has given for the emotion will go some way towards encouraging more research into the emotion.

"There is no good reason why it doesn't have a name and I decided to give it one, the closest English popular word to what most people would say is 'aww' so I called it that," he said.

"It means every time you were talking about something you thought was cute, you could say, 'I felt aww'."

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