
First Contact's David Oldfield claims he was banned from visiting prison as 'payback'

It's a stunning moment in the last episode of the SBS documentary series, but was it about safety, politics or simply an old feud?

David Oldfield claims he was barred from entering a remote prison for Aborigines in Western Australia because of a feud from his days as a staffer in Tony Abbott's office.

In a stunning scene in the final episode of SBS reality series First Contact, Oldfield is about to board a bus to visit the West Kimberley Regional Prison along with his five fellow cast members when he is told he has been refused entry.

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Oldfield denied access to Kimberley Prison

In the second season of SBS' First Contact series, retired MP David Oldfield is denied access to the West Kimberley Regional Prison by the MInister for Correctional Services in Western Australia.

He is told the decision was made by Joe Francis, Western Australia's Minister for Corrections. No reason for the refusal is given.

The show's producers, Blackfella Films, told Fairfax Media negotiations for the visit began months earlier but the decision to block Oldfield was only communicated at the last minute.

Oldfield told Fairfax he was convinced the call was made on purely personal grounds, and not because of fears his presence would spark trouble among the prison's Indigenous population.

"My belief is that it was some old payback because the minister was an underling in Tony Abbott's office when I worked for Tony," says Oldfield, who worked for the then Liberal backbencher from 1996, before leaving to co-found One Nation with Pauline Hanson the following year.


Whatever grievance Mr Francis might hold would stem from "nothing particular", Oldfield insists. "We just didn't get along. He was probably aware I didn't think very much of him. But back then, nobody much did."

But a spokesman for Mr Francis insisted it was not personal, merely a matter of timing.

"Given that we were in a caretaker period in the run-up to the federal election [when the visit was filmed in June], the minister thought it was inappropriate to have a former One Nation MP visiting a West Australian prison."

The spokesman added: "He wasn't aware it would be a six-month turnaround for the program to go to air."

WA Corrective Servicesd minister Joe Francis.

WA Corrective Services minister Joe Francis. Photo: James Mooney

Ray Martin telling Oldfield he will not be allowed to join the others on the prison visit provides one of the most memorable moments in the second season of the documentary-cum-reality show.

"In a few minutes, a van from the West Kimberley Regional Prison will arrive here and collect you," Martin tells the six "well-known" Australians on the show. "That is, all of you except you, David.

"David, the Minister for Correctional Services here in WA has intervened, and he's told us he doesn't want you to go inside the prison. I don't know why, it's not our call, it was his decision. It's unfortunate, we would like you to go."

"I would like to go as well," says a clearly surprised Oldfield.

"We asked why and their reply was no comment," says Martin.

"It's appalling really, Ray … I would have liked to have gone, and to just single me out, as a retired Member of Parliament, that I'm not allowed to go in. What is he worried that I'm going to see, what is it that he's worried I'm going to say?"

"I can't answer that."

David Oldfield, Natalie Imbruglia, and Ian 'Dicko' Dickson in First Contact.

David Oldfield, Natalie Imbruglia, and Ian 'Dicko' Dickson in First Contact. Photo: David Dare Parker

His fellow cast members are divided in their response to the bombshell. Ian "Dicko" Dickson opts out of the visit in protest, but actress Nicki Wendt declines to join him.

"I think maybe David's reputation has a little bit preceded him," she says.

Speaking to Fairfax, Oldfield conceded that thought had crossed his mind at the time, but he no longer felt it was the case.

"If he'd said, 'You're a controversial person and your appearance may cause some problem', I'd have accepted that. But the fact that never occurred indicates it was something else."

Karl Quinn is on facebook at karlquinnjournalist and on twitter @karlkwin
