
Why create space?

Why create space

Reflections on why we occupy. Ideas behind our autonomous spaces.

The anarchist cookbook - Keith McHenry with Chaz Bufe

Cover image

Unlike the original Anarchist Cookbook, which contained instructions for the manufacture of explosives, this 2015 version is both a cookbook in the literal sense and also a “cookbook” of recipes for social and political change.

Damn his charity, we'll have the cheese for naught! Nottingham's great cheese riot and other 1766 food riots - Valentine Yarnspinner

Illustration of a protest to reduce the price of grain

Superb pamphlet by Valentine Yarnspinner published by the People's Histreh group about a cheese riot in Nottingham in 1766, and other food riots of the time.

Alcoy bakery workers strike

Alcoy strike of bakery workers

The Inter-Professional (cross-trade) Union of the CNT (Spanish section of the International Workers' Association IWA-AIT) in the city of Alcoy (pop. 60,000) has been engaged in an indefinite general strike of workers of the Mariel Bakery and its retail outlets since August 10 2015.

Contemporary agriculture: climate, capital, and cyborg ecology

Picnic in the food forest by Molly Danielsson (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

Climate change will put pressure on world food production. We must disentangle the potential benefits of agricultural science and technology from agribusiness' centralised control of the food chain.

Forest of Dean, UK community farmers resist land grab

A barricade tower at the entrance of Yorkley Court Farm, Gloucestershire, UK

ON one side is a millionaire land-grabber propped up by fellow rich landowners, councillors, a judge, planning officers, freemasons and a recently retired police inspector... and on the other a group of gardeners of Yorkley Court Community Farm backed by much of the wider community. The siege is on now, which side will prevail?

The scene of the action: a wildcat strike in Barbados - Constance R. Sutton

Constance R. Sutton's dissertation on the 1958 wilcat strike by Barbadian sugar workers.

Food and climate

A series of articles by Out of the Woods looking at the past, present and future of food production and climate change.

Capitalist agriculture: class formation and the metabolic rift

In this fourth installment on our series on food and climate, we look at the dynamics of capitalist agriculture in terms of production, class formation, and the ‘metabolic rift’ in the nitrogen cycle.

Continuing the fight for economic justice: the Barbadian sugar workers' 1958 wildcat strike - Constance R. Sutton

History of the 1958 sugar cane workers' wildcat strike in which workers at two adjoining plantations in Barbados refused to cut cane unless they were given a 15 cent per ton wage increase, before spreading plantations around the country.