Lead - Metal That BULLETS Are Made From
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Thoisoi?ty=h
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thoisoi2
Interesting page about chemical experiments: http://m.chemicum.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thoisoi/
So today I will tell you about the metal lead. Lead is pretty much at the bottom of Group 4 of the periodic table of chemical elements.
Of all the non-radioactive elements, this metal has almost the biggest atomic mass. Outwardly lead is a soft, silvery metal which is very easy to scratch, since it is 1.5 times softer than gold. It's also a very easy to melt metal because of its melting point of 327 degrees, you can easily create ingots or cast figures from the lead.
This metal is very stable on air and does not react with acid solutions. However, lead and its compounds are quite toxic and...
published: 16 Oct 2016
Infrared Camera Enclosure for Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks(CVISN)
Infrared windows and enclosures for Infrared Cameras sales@dmphotonics.com
Infrared Camera Housing
Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks (CVISN)
Roadside Electronic Screening
A thermographic camera or infrared camera is a device that forms an image using infrared radiation, similar to a common camera that forms an image using visible light. Instead of the 450--750 nanometer range of the visible light camera, infrared cameras operate in wavelengths as long as 14,000 nm (14 µm).
Infrared Cameras by Application
Infrared Cameras for Automation
Infrared Cameras for Building Diagnostics
Infrared Cameras for Predictive Maintenance
Infrared Cameras for Optical Gas Imaging / Furnace Inspection
Infrared Cameras in Research & Development
Infrared Cameras in Emerging Industries
published: 12 Jul 2013
scandium Sc السكانديوم
فوتونات قناة علمية تلخص لك العلوم بصورة مبسطة
السكانديوم العنصر الخفيف مثل الالمنيوم و القوي مثل التيتانيوم
للتواصل على
#الهيدروجين (H).
#الهيليوم (He).
#الليثيوم (Li).
#البريليوم (Be).
#البورون (B).
#الكربون (C).
#النيتروجين (N).
#الأوكسجين (O).
#الفلورين (F).
#نيون (Ne).
#الصوديوم (Na ).
#المغنيسيوم (Mg).
#الألمنيوم (Al).
#السيليكون (Si).
#الفوسفور (P).
#الكلور (Cl).
#الكبريت (S).
#أرغون (Ar).
#البوتاسيوم (K).
#الكالسيوم (Ca).
#السكانديوم (Sc).
#التيتانيوم (Ti).
#الفاناديوم (V).
#الكروم (Cr).
#المنغنيز (Mn).
#الحديد (Fe ).
#الكوبالت (Co).
#النيكل (Ni).
#النحاس (Cu).
#الزنك (Zn).
#الغاليوم (Ga).
published: 17 Apr 2021
Tantalum - The MOST CONFLICT Metal On EARTH!
Thanks for the provided tantalum: http://www.samaterials.com/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Thoisoi?ty=h
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thoisoi2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thoisoi/
Do not repeat the experiments shown in this video!
So, today I want to tell you about this refractory and also a conflict making metal, tantalum. In the periodic table of chemical elements tantalum is located in the fifth group, among the so-called transitional refractory metals.
Due to its rarity and difficulty in obtaining, tantalum was named after the Greek king Tantalus. According to the legend, he offended Zeus and the other gods, for which he was cast out of heaven for an eternal torment. Like the ancient Greek king, many scientists and researchers have suffered and endured, trying to obta...
published: 02 Dec 2017
Quick Video: Electron configuration practice
Problem 8.28 Chang and Goldsby
published: 25 Oct 2020
Pyroelectric Materials
Dr. Laurie Carrillo, Thermal Engineer, NASA JSC
published: 17 Sep 2017
Pronunciation of the Elements
hydrogen helium lithium beryllium boron carbon nitrogen oxygen fluorine neon sodium magnesium aluminium silicon phosphorus sulfur chlorine argon potassium calcium scandium titanium vanadium chromium manganese iron cobalt nickel copper zinc gallium germanium arsenic selenium bromine krypton rubidium strontium yttrium zirconium niobium molybdenum technetium ruthenium rhodium palladium silver cadmium indium tin antimony tellurium iodine xenon caesium barium lanthanum cerium praseodymium neodymium promethium samarium europium gadolinium terbium dysprosium holmium erbium thulium ytterbium lutetium hafnium tantalum tungsten rhenium osmium iridium platinum gold mercury thallium lead bismuth polonium astatine radon francium radium actinium thorium protactinium uranium neptunium plutonium americium...
published: 18 Aug 2012
What element is attracted the most to a magnet?
I wanted to know what element is attracted the most to a magnet, so I did some testing and got some unexpected results. Who won?
The F71 Teslameter donated by Lake Shore Cryotronics:
One of the 150x50 mm disc magnets donated by: https://www.magnetportal.de/
My Patreon-page: https://www.patreon.com/Brainiac75
Did you miss one of my videos?: https://www.youtube.com/user/brainiac75/videos
Time codes: 0:00 + 4:18
Impact Lento by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
ISRC: USUAN1100619
Time codes: 0:43 + 8:14 + 10:13
Floating Cities by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
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published: 31 Jan 2019
From voltage-driven phase transition towards electrocaloric devices - Dr. Emmanuel Defay
Ferroelectures: A Virtual Lecture Series!
April 15: Emmanuel Defay, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), “From voltage-driven phase transition towards electrocaloric devices”
After a successful Ferro2021 workshop, we are excited to announce a series of monthly lectures: Ferroelectures! Each month, we will feature a prominent member of our ferroelectrics community to talk to you about the exciting work happening in their field of study. Each lecture, held via Zoom, will be an hourlong session beginning at 10 a.m. EST.
The first four lectures have been scheduled:
April 15: Emmanuel Defay, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), “From voltage-driven phase transition towards electrocaloric devices”
May 13: David Muller, Cornell University, “New Ways to see...
published: 16 Apr 2021
Mod-09 Lec-23 Relaxor Ferroelectric
Advanced ceramics for strategic applications by Prof. H.S. Maiti,Department of Metallurgy and Material Science,IIT Kharagpur.For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in
published: 22 Jan 2014
Lead - Metal That BULLETS Are Made From
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Thoisoi?ty=h
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thoisoi2
Interesting page about chemical experiments: http://m.chemicum.com/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Thoisoi?ty=h
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thoisoi2
Interesting page about chemical experiments: http://m.chemicum.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thoisoi/
So today I will tell you about the metal lead. Lead is pretty much at the bottom of Group 4 of the periodic table of chemical elements.
Of all the non-radioactive elements, this metal has almost the biggest atomic mass. Outwardly lead is a soft, silvery metal which is very easy to scratch, since it is 1.5 times softer than gold. It's also a very easy to melt metal because of its melting point of 327 degrees, you can easily create ingots or cast figures from the lead.
This metal is very stable on air and does not react with acid solutions. However, lead and its compounds are quite toxic and you need to be careful when working with lead salts. In ancient Rome, lead was often being used as wall facing, for the manufacture of pipes and utensils. Romans did not know about the toxicity of lead, which they then subsequently paid for as lead affects the brain, and the human’s psyche then suffers greatly from it. The usage of lead at home is considered one of the causes for the Roman Empire collapse. And now that we know you should be careful with it let's conduct some nice experiments with lead, or rather with its compounds.
In the first experiment we'll take a hot solution of lead nitrate and mix it with a hot solution of potassium iodide, and then will wait until the mixture cools down. Upon cooling beautiful crystals of lead iodide will start to fall from the solution, resembling gold tinsel. We now just did the favorite trick of medieval alchemists, received gold from lead, although this is just a chemical delusion. This experiment is also known as the golden rain. Lead iodide crystals look very nice in the dark at lateral illumination.
For the second experiment we'll take the lead acetate, which is a salt of lead and acetic acid, and drop a piece of zinc into it. Over time a layer of lead crystals will start to grow on the zinc due to the reaction of substitution of lead by zinc ions.
The layer of lead crystals looks very nice. It turns out to resemble something like a lead hedgehog. Lead has a very wide application these days.
Mainly they tend to make bullets for weapons, some of those are covered with a copper shell. Lead is also used in the manufacture of lead-acid batteries for cars, as a part of solder alloys. Because of its low price and high density, lead is used as a protection against radiation and as the load in fishing floats.
Lead is obtained by reacting lead ore concentrate with carbon, after which it is purified from silver, nickel and other metals.
Now you know a bit more about one other metal from the periodic table, if you want to continue this journey of the elements, like and subscribe to my channel to see many more new and interesting.
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Thoisoi?ty=h
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thoisoi2
Interesting page about chemical experiments: http://m.chemicum.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thoisoi/
So today I will tell you about the metal lead. Lead is pretty much at the bottom of Group 4 of the periodic table of chemical elements.
Of all the non-radioactive elements, this metal has almost the biggest atomic mass. Outwardly lead is a soft, silvery metal which is very easy to scratch, since it is 1.5 times softer than gold. It's also a very easy to melt metal because of its melting point of 327 degrees, you can easily create ingots or cast figures from the lead.
This metal is very stable on air and does not react with acid solutions. However, lead and its compounds are quite toxic and you need to be careful when working with lead salts. In ancient Rome, lead was often being used as wall facing, for the manufacture of pipes and utensils. Romans did not know about the toxicity of lead, which they then subsequently paid for as lead affects the brain, and the human’s psyche then suffers greatly from it. The usage of lead at home is considered one of the causes for the Roman Empire collapse. And now that we know you should be careful with it let's conduct some nice experiments with lead, or rather with its compounds.
In the first experiment we'll take a hot solution of lead nitrate and mix it with a hot solution of potassium iodide, and then will wait until the mixture cools down. Upon cooling beautiful crystals of lead iodide will start to fall from the solution, resembling gold tinsel. We now just did the favorite trick of medieval alchemists, received gold from lead, although this is just a chemical delusion. This experiment is also known as the golden rain. Lead iodide crystals look very nice in the dark at lateral illumination.
For the second experiment we'll take the lead acetate, which is a salt of lead and acetic acid, and drop a piece of zinc into it. Over time a layer of lead crystals will start to grow on the zinc due to the reaction of substitution of lead by zinc ions.
The layer of lead crystals looks very nice. It turns out to resemble something like a lead hedgehog. Lead has a very wide application these days.
Mainly they tend to make bullets for weapons, some of those are covered with a copper shell. Lead is also used in the manufacture of lead-acid batteries for cars, as a part of solder alloys. Because of its low price and high density, lead is used as a protection against radiation and as the load in fishing floats.
Lead is obtained by reacting lead ore concentrate with carbon, after which it is purified from silver, nickel and other metals.
Now you know a bit more about one other metal from the periodic table, if you want to continue this journey of the elements, like and subscribe to my channel to see many more new and interesting.
- published: 16 Oct 2016
- views: 166419
Infrared Camera Enclosure for Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks(CVISN)
Infrared windows and enclosures for Infrared Cameras sales@dmphotonics.com
Infrared Camera Housing
Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks (CVISN)...
Infrared windows and enclosures for Infrared Cameras sales@dmphotonics.com
Infrared Camera Housing
Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks (CVISN)
Roadside Electronic Screening
A thermographic camera or infrared camera is a device that forms an image using infrared radiation, similar to a common camera that forms an image using visible light. Instead of the 450--750 nanometer range of the visible light camera, infrared cameras operate in wavelengths as long as 14,000 nm (14 µm).
Infrared Cameras by Application
Infrared Cameras for Automation
Infrared Cameras for Building Diagnostics
Infrared Cameras for Predictive Maintenance
Infrared Cameras for Optical Gas Imaging / Furnace Inspection
Infrared Cameras in Research & Development
Infrared Cameras in Emerging Industries
vanadium(V) oxide (metal insulator phase change material, for microbolometer arrays)
lanthanum barium manganite (LBMO, metal insulator phase change material)
amorphous silicon
lead zirconate titanate (PZT)
lanthanum doped lead zirconate titanate (PLZT)
lead scandium tantalate (PST)
lead lanthanum titanate (PLT)
lead titanate (PT)
lead zinc niobate (PZN)
lead strontium titanate (PSrT)
barium strontium titanate (BST)
barium titanate (BT)
antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI)
polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF)
Infrared windows and enclosures for Infrared Cameras sales@dmphotonics.com
Infrared Camera Housing
Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks (CVISN)
Roadside Electronic Screening
A thermographic camera or infrared camera is a device that forms an image using infrared radiation, similar to a common camera that forms an image using visible light. Instead of the 450--750 nanometer range of the visible light camera, infrared cameras operate in wavelengths as long as 14,000 nm (14 µm).
Infrared Cameras by Application
Infrared Cameras for Automation
Infrared Cameras for Building Diagnostics
Infrared Cameras for Predictive Maintenance
Infrared Cameras for Optical Gas Imaging / Furnace Inspection
Infrared Cameras in Research & Development
Infrared Cameras in Emerging Industries
vanadium(V) oxide (metal insulator phase change material, for microbolometer arrays)
lanthanum barium manganite (LBMO, metal insulator phase change material)
amorphous silicon
lead zirconate titanate (PZT)
lanthanum doped lead zirconate titanate (PLZT)
lead scandium tantalate (PST)
lead lanthanum titanate (PLT)
lead titanate (PT)
lead zinc niobate (PZN)
lead strontium titanate (PSrT)
barium strontium titanate (BST)
barium titanate (BT)
antimony sulfoiodide (SbSI)
polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF)
- published: 12 Jul 2013
- views: 237
scandium Sc السكانديوم
فوتونات قناة علمية تلخص لك العلوم بصورة مبسطة
السكانديوم العنصر الخفيف مثل الالمنيوم و القوي مثل التيتانيوم
للتواصل على
فوتونات قناة علمية تلخص لك العلوم بصورة مبسطة
السكانديوم العنصر الخفيف مثل الالمنيوم و القوي مثل التيتانيوم
للتواصل على
#الهيدروجين (H).
#الهيليوم (He).
#الليثيوم (Li).
#البريليوم (Be).
#البورون (B).
#الكربون (C).
#النيتروجين (N).
#الأوكسجين (O).
#الفلورين (F).
#نيون (Ne).
#الصوديوم (Na ).
#المغنيسيوم (Mg).
#الألمنيوم (Al).
#السيليكون (Si).
#الفوسفور (P).
#الكلور (Cl).
#الكبريت (S).
#أرغون (Ar).
#البوتاسيوم (K).
#الكالسيوم (Ca).
#السكانديوم (Sc).
#التيتانيوم (Ti).
#الفاناديوم (V).
#الكروم (Cr).
#المنغنيز (Mn).
#الحديد (Fe ).
#الكوبالت (Co).
#النيكل (Ni).
#النحاس (Cu).
#الزنك (Zn).
#الغاليوم (Ga).
#جيرمانيوم (Ge).
#الزرنيخ (As).
#سيلينيوم (Se).
#البروم (Br).
#الكريبتون (Kr).
#الروبيديوم (Rb).
#سترونشيوم (Sr).
#زركونيوم (Zr).
#النيوبيوم (Nb).
#موليبدنوم (Mo).
#تكنيشيوم (Tc).
#الروثينيوم (Ru).
#الروديوم (Rh).
#بالاديوم (Pd).
#الفضة (Ag)
#كادميوم ( Cd).
#الإنديوم (In).
#القصدير (Sn).
#إثمد (Sb).
#تيلوريوم (Te).
#يود (I).
#زينون (Xe).
#سيزيوم (Cs).
#لانثانوم (Ba).
#سيريوم (La).
#السيريوم (Ce).
#براسوديميوم (Pr).
#نيوديميوم (Nd).
#بروميثيوم (Pm).
#ساماريوم (Sm).
#يوروبيوم (Eu).
#الغادولينيوم (Gd).
#التربيوم (Tb).
#ديسبروسيوم (Dy).
#هولميوم (Ho).
#إربيوم (Er).
#توليوم (Tm).
#إتيربيوم (Yb).
#لوتيشيوم (Lu).
#هافنيوم (Hf).
#تانتالوم (Ta).
#تنجستن (W).
#رينيوم (Re).
#أوزميوم (Os).
#إريديوم (Ir).
#بلاتين (Pt).
#ذهب (Au).
#الزئبق (Hg).
#ثاليوم (Ti).
#رصاص (Pb).
#بزموت (Bi).
#بولونيوم (Po).
#أستاتين (At).
#راديون (Rn).
#فرانسيوم (Fr).
#راديوم (Ra).
#أكتينيوم (Ac).
#ثوريوم (Th).
#بروتكتينيوم (Pa).
#يورانيوم (U).
#نبتونيوم (Np).
#بلوتونيوم (Pu).
#أمريسيوم (Am).
#كوريوم (Cm).
#بركيليوم (Bk).
#كاليفورنيوم (Cf).
#أينشتاينيوم (Es).
#فرميوم (Fm).
#مندليفيوم (Md).
#نوبليوم (No).
#لورنسيوم (Lr).
#رذرفورديوم (Rf).
#دوبنيوم (Db).
#سيبورغيوم (Sg).
#بوريوم (Bh).
#هاسيوم (Hs).
#مايتنريوم (Mt).
#دارمشتاتيوم (Ds).
#رونتيجينيوم (Rg).
#كوبرنيسيوم (Cn).
#نيهونيوم "أنون تريوم" (NH).
#فليروفيوم (Fl).
#موسكوفيوم (Mc).
#ليفرموريوم (LV ).
#تينيسين (TS).
#أوغانيسون (og).
فوتونات قناة علمية تلخص لك العلوم بصورة مبسطة
السكانديوم العنصر الخفيف مثل الالمنيوم و القوي مثل التيتانيوم
للتواصل على
#الهيدروجين (H).
#الهيليوم (He).
#الليثيوم (Li).
#البريليوم (Be).
#البورون (B).
#الكربون (C).
#النيتروجين (N).
#الأوكسجين (O).
#الفلورين (F).
#نيون (Ne).
#الصوديوم (Na ).
#المغنيسيوم (Mg).
#الألمنيوم (Al).
#السيليكون (Si).
#الفوسفور (P).
#الكلور (Cl).
#الكبريت (S).
#أرغون (Ar).
#البوتاسيوم (K).
#الكالسيوم (Ca).
#السكانديوم (Sc).
#التيتانيوم (Ti).
#الفاناديوم (V).
#الكروم (Cr).
#المنغنيز (Mn).
#الحديد (Fe ).
#الكوبالت (Co).
#النيكل (Ni).
#النحاس (Cu).
#الزنك (Zn).
#الغاليوم (Ga).
#جيرمانيوم (Ge).
#الزرنيخ (As).
#سيلينيوم (Se).
#البروم (Br).
#الكريبتون (Kr).
#الروبيديوم (Rb).
#سترونشيوم (Sr).
#زركونيوم (Zr).
#النيوبيوم (Nb).
#موليبدنوم (Mo).
#تكنيشيوم (Tc).
#الروثينيوم (Ru).
#الروديوم (Rh).
#بالاديوم (Pd).
#الفضة (Ag)
#كادميوم ( Cd).
#الإنديوم (In).
#القصدير (Sn).
#إثمد (Sb).
#تيلوريوم (Te).
#يود (I).
#زينون (Xe).
#سيزيوم (Cs).
#لانثانوم (Ba).
#سيريوم (La).
#السيريوم (Ce).
#براسوديميوم (Pr).
#نيوديميوم (Nd).
#بروميثيوم (Pm).
#ساماريوم (Sm).
#يوروبيوم (Eu).
#الغادولينيوم (Gd).
#التربيوم (Tb).
#ديسبروسيوم (Dy).
#هولميوم (Ho).
#إربيوم (Er).
#توليوم (Tm).
#إتيربيوم (Yb).
#لوتيشيوم (Lu).
#هافنيوم (Hf).
#تانتالوم (Ta).
#تنجستن (W).
#رينيوم (Re).
#أوزميوم (Os).
#إريديوم (Ir).
#بلاتين (Pt).
#ذهب (Au).
#الزئبق (Hg).
#ثاليوم (Ti).
#رصاص (Pb).
#بزموت (Bi).
#بولونيوم (Po).
#أستاتين (At).
#راديون (Rn).
#فرانسيوم (Fr).
#راديوم (Ra).
#أكتينيوم (Ac).
#ثوريوم (Th).
#بروتكتينيوم (Pa).
#يورانيوم (U).
#نبتونيوم (Np).
#بلوتونيوم (Pu).
#أمريسيوم (Am).
#كوريوم (Cm).
#بركيليوم (Bk).
#كاليفورنيوم (Cf).
#أينشتاينيوم (Es).
#فرميوم (Fm).
#مندليفيوم (Md).
#نوبليوم (No).
#لورنسيوم (Lr).
#رذرفورديوم (Rf).
#دوبنيوم (Db).
#سيبورغيوم (Sg).
#بوريوم (Bh).
#هاسيوم (Hs).
#مايتنريوم (Mt).
#دارمشتاتيوم (Ds).
#رونتيجينيوم (Rg).
#كوبرنيسيوم (Cn).
#نيهونيوم "أنون تريوم" (NH).
#فليروفيوم (Fl).
#موسكوفيوم (Mc).
#ليفرموريوم (LV ).
#تينيسين (TS).
#أوغانيسون (og).
- published: 17 Apr 2021
- views: 482
Tantalum - The MOST CONFLICT Metal On EARTH!
Thanks for the provided tantalum: http://www.samaterials.com/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Thoisoi?ty=h
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thoisoi2
Thanks for the provided tantalum: http://www.samaterials.com/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Thoisoi?ty=h
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thoisoi2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thoisoi/
Do not repeat the experiments shown in this video!
So, today I want to tell you about this refractory and also a conflict making metal, tantalum. In the periodic table of chemical elements tantalum is located in the fifth group, among the so-called transitional refractory metals.
Due to its rarity and difficulty in obtaining, tantalum was named after the Greek king Tantalus. According to the legend, he offended Zeus and the other gods, for which he was cast out of heaven for an eternal torment. Like the ancient Greek king, many scientists and researchers have suffered and endured, trying to obtain this element in its pure form. Externally, tantalum looks like a grey shiny metal, and by the way quite heavy. In its density it comes next after the gold. If you take the current market price, one kilogram of tantalum costs around $150, therefore this metal is quite expensive.
Tantalum is very ductile, it’s very easy to make a wire or foil from it. This metal is extracted from the mineral coltan, the deposits of which are located in Brazil, but especially rich deposits of tantalum ores are found in Central Africa.
Recently tantalum is referred to as a conflict making metal, because a lot of African countries are fighting to get their hands on it. For example, in Congo and Rwanda there are military conflicts associated with the smuggling of tantalum ore. From about the last decade, about 9 African countries and 20 different military groups were involved in the tantalum wars. However, let’s go back to the chemical properties of the tantalum metal. From the chemical point of view, this metal is extremely stable, it is not soluble in dilute acids, even in the hydrofluoric acid due to a very robust oxide film covering the metal. One of the very few caustic environments that can dissolve tantalum is a mixture of hydrofluoric acid and nitric acid, in which from the tantalum a complex compound forms that is soluble in water. In the form of a powder tantalum burns quite well in air, forming the tantalum oxide. In spite of all its chemical stability, this metal also reacts well with molten alkalis, forming tantalates.
For example, if you pour a bit of dry sodium hydroxide on the tantalum foil and then melt it, such an aggressive environment can easily dissolve the tantalum and burn a hole in the tantalum foil. Though that’s pretty much it, you cannot conduct any other special chemical experiments with tantalum due to its inertness. The only thing we can do is heat the tantalum rod and see how fast will it oxidize in the hot flame of a gas burner. After such an abuse, tantalum rod gets covered with a white and inert substance – tantalum oxide from reacting with oxygen in air. This material is also used in creating glass that absorbs gamma rays.
Because of its plasticity and chemical stability, in the olden days tantalum was used for making filaments for light bulbs, but later with the rise of the price for this metal, tantalum was replaced with a much cheaper tungsten. The internal resistivity of tantalum is comparable to the one of steel, hence this element can be used to create heating elements instead of using nichrome, especially in places where you need a very high temperature, as tantalum melts at more or less about three thousand degrees Celsius! So, for example, it is possible to heat the tantalum wire and it will not oxidize as much. At the moment, one of the most important applications of tantalum is in manufacturing the most efficient tantalum capacitors, in electronics. In the capacitors like anode a very fine tantalum powder is used, which is pressed around the tantalum wire and is sintered to the form of a sponge. Then such sponge is anodized, i.e. is covered with a layer of tantalum pentoxide that acts as the dielectric layer. Next, the anodized tantalum sponge is covered with a layer of the cathode of manganese dioxide. Then, on top, a layer of graphite and a layer of silver is added, and now the capacitor is ready. The advantage of these capacitors is that they can be made to be extremely small, due to the very thin dielectric film. These kind of capacitors can be put into any computer, smartphone or a tablet. So say thanks to tantalum for the smartphones. Recently, jewelers are trying to use tantalum in the jewelry, as this metal is quite dense and is completely non-toxic to humans. Now even the Chinese sell tantalum rings. Hmm, would you gift your girlfriend a tantalum decoration? In my opinion, it would be quite original. However, tantalum by itself is grey and doesn’t shine as beautifully as gold.
Thanks for the provided tantalum: http://www.samaterials.com/
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Do not repeat the experiments shown in this video!
So, today I want to tell you about this refractory and also a conflict making metal, tantalum. In the periodic table of chemical elements tantalum is located in the fifth group, among the so-called transitional refractory metals.
Due to its rarity and difficulty in obtaining, tantalum was named after the Greek king Tantalus. According to the legend, he offended Zeus and the other gods, for which he was cast out of heaven for an eternal torment. Like the ancient Greek king, many scientists and researchers have suffered and endured, trying to obtain this element in its pure form. Externally, tantalum looks like a grey shiny metal, and by the way quite heavy. In its density it comes next after the gold. If you take the current market price, one kilogram of tantalum costs around $150, therefore this metal is quite expensive.
Tantalum is very ductile, it’s very easy to make a wire or foil from it. This metal is extracted from the mineral coltan, the deposits of which are located in Brazil, but especially rich deposits of tantalum ores are found in Central Africa.
Recently tantalum is referred to as a conflict making metal, because a lot of African countries are fighting to get their hands on it. For example, in Congo and Rwanda there are military conflicts associated with the smuggling of tantalum ore. From about the last decade, about 9 African countries and 20 different military groups were involved in the tantalum wars. However, let’s go back to the chemical properties of the tantalum metal. From the chemical point of view, this metal is extremely stable, it is not soluble in dilute acids, even in the hydrofluoric acid due to a very robust oxide film covering the metal. One of the very few caustic environments that can dissolve tantalum is a mixture of hydrofluoric acid and nitric acid, in which from the tantalum a complex compound forms that is soluble in water. In the form of a powder tantalum burns quite well in air, forming the tantalum oxide. In spite of all its chemical stability, this metal also reacts well with molten alkalis, forming tantalates.
For example, if you pour a bit of dry sodium hydroxide on the tantalum foil and then melt it, such an aggressive environment can easily dissolve the tantalum and burn a hole in the tantalum foil. Though that’s pretty much it, you cannot conduct any other special chemical experiments with tantalum due to its inertness. The only thing we can do is heat the tantalum rod and see how fast will it oxidize in the hot flame of a gas burner. After such an abuse, tantalum rod gets covered with a white and inert substance – tantalum oxide from reacting with oxygen in air. This material is also used in creating glass that absorbs gamma rays.
Because of its plasticity and chemical stability, in the olden days tantalum was used for making filaments for light bulbs, but later with the rise of the price for this metal, tantalum was replaced with a much cheaper tungsten. The internal resistivity of tantalum is comparable to the one of steel, hence this element can be used to create heating elements instead of using nichrome, especially in places where you need a very high temperature, as tantalum melts at more or less about three thousand degrees Celsius! So, for example, it is possible to heat the tantalum wire and it will not oxidize as much. At the moment, one of the most important applications of tantalum is in manufacturing the most efficient tantalum capacitors, in electronics. In the capacitors like anode a very fine tantalum powder is used, which is pressed around the tantalum wire and is sintered to the form of a sponge. Then such sponge is anodized, i.e. is covered with a layer of tantalum pentoxide that acts as the dielectric layer. Next, the anodized tantalum sponge is covered with a layer of the cathode of manganese dioxide. Then, on top, a layer of graphite and a layer of silver is added, and now the capacitor is ready. The advantage of these capacitors is that they can be made to be extremely small, due to the very thin dielectric film. These kind of capacitors can be put into any computer, smartphone or a tablet. So say thanks to tantalum for the smartphones. Recently, jewelers are trying to use tantalum in the jewelry, as this metal is quite dense and is completely non-toxic to humans. Now even the Chinese sell tantalum rings. Hmm, would you gift your girlfriend a tantalum decoration? In my opinion, it would be quite original. However, tantalum by itself is grey and doesn’t shine as beautifully as gold.
- published: 02 Dec 2017
- views: 260616
Pyroelectric Materials
Dr. Laurie Carrillo, Thermal Engineer, NASA JSC
Dr. Laurie Carrillo, Thermal Engineer, NASA JSC
Dr. Laurie Carrillo, Thermal Engineer, NASA JSC
- published: 17 Sep 2017
- views: 3951
Pronunciation of the Elements
hydrogen helium lithium beryllium boron carbon nitrogen oxygen fluorine neon sodium magnesium aluminium silicon phosphorus sulfur chlorine argon potassium calci...
hydrogen helium lithium beryllium boron carbon nitrogen oxygen fluorine neon sodium magnesium aluminium silicon phosphorus sulfur chlorine argon potassium calcium scandium titanium vanadium chromium manganese iron cobalt nickel copper zinc gallium germanium arsenic selenium bromine krypton rubidium strontium yttrium zirconium niobium molybdenum technetium ruthenium rhodium palladium silver cadmium indium tin antimony tellurium iodine xenon caesium barium lanthanum cerium praseodymium neodymium promethium samarium europium gadolinium terbium dysprosium holmium erbium thulium ytterbium lutetium hafnium tantalum tungsten rhenium osmium iridium platinum gold mercury thallium lead bismuth polonium astatine radon francium radium actinium thorium protactinium uranium neptunium plutonium americium curium berkelium californium einsteinium fermium mendelevium nobelium lawrencium rutherfordium dubnium seaborgium
hydrogen helium lithium beryllium boron carbon nitrogen oxygen fluorine neon sodium magnesium aluminium silicon phosphorus sulfur chlorine argon potassium calcium scandium titanium vanadium chromium manganese iron cobalt nickel copper zinc gallium germanium arsenic selenium bromine krypton rubidium strontium yttrium zirconium niobium molybdenum technetium ruthenium rhodium palladium silver cadmium indium tin antimony tellurium iodine xenon caesium barium lanthanum cerium praseodymium neodymium promethium samarium europium gadolinium terbium dysprosium holmium erbium thulium ytterbium lutetium hafnium tantalum tungsten rhenium osmium iridium platinum gold mercury thallium lead bismuth polonium astatine radon francium radium actinium thorium protactinium uranium neptunium plutonium americium curium berkelium californium einsteinium fermium mendelevium nobelium lawrencium rutherfordium dubnium seaborgium
- published: 18 Aug 2012
- views: 179550
What element is attracted the most to a magnet?
I wanted to know what element is attracted the most to a magnet, so I did some testing and got some unexpected results. Who won?
The F71 Teslameter donated by ...
I wanted to know what element is attracted the most to a magnet, so I did some testing and got some unexpected results. Who won?
The F71 Teslameter donated by Lake Shore Cryotronics:
One of the 150x50 mm disc magnets donated by: https://www.magnetportal.de/
My Patreon-page: https://www.patreon.com/Brainiac75
Did you miss one of my videos?: https://www.youtube.com/user/brainiac75/videos
Time codes: 0:00 + 4:18
Impact Lento by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
ISRC: USUAN1100619
Time codes: 0:43 + 8:14 + 10:13
Floating Cities by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
ISRC: USUAN1600018
Time codes: 3:36 + 4:45 + 11:43
Perspectives by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
ISRC: USUAN1300027
Time code: 7:30
Movement Proposition by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
ISRC: USUAN1100778
Time codes: 9:33 + 13:55 + 14:07
In a Heartbeat by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
ISRC: USUAN1100197
All music above licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Time code: 13:22
Mix of two tracks:
1) The Shimmering by fran_ky (freesound.org/s/237363)
Licensed under Creative Commons 0 license
2) Spacial Harvest by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
ISRC: USUAN1100653
#Elements #Ferromagnetism #Brainiac75
I wanted to know what element is attracted the most to a magnet, so I did some testing and got some unexpected results. Who won?
The F71 Teslameter donated by Lake Shore Cryotronics:
One of the 150x50 mm disc magnets donated by: https://www.magnetportal.de/
My Patreon-page: https://www.patreon.com/Brainiac75
Did you miss one of my videos?: https://www.youtube.com/user/brainiac75/videos
Time codes: 0:00 + 4:18
Impact Lento by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
ISRC: USUAN1100619
Time codes: 0:43 + 8:14 + 10:13
Floating Cities by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
ISRC: USUAN1600018
Time codes: 3:36 + 4:45 + 11:43
Perspectives by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
ISRC: USUAN1300027
Time code: 7:30
Movement Proposition by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
ISRC: USUAN1100778
Time codes: 9:33 + 13:55 + 14:07
In a Heartbeat by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
ISRC: USUAN1100197
All music above licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
Time code: 13:22
Mix of two tracks:
1) The Shimmering by fran_ky (freesound.org/s/237363)
Licensed under Creative Commons 0 license
2) Spacial Harvest by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
ISRC: USUAN1100653
#Elements #Ferromagnetism #Brainiac75
- published: 31 Jan 2019
- views: 664634
From voltage-driven phase transition towards electrocaloric devices - Dr. Emmanuel Defay
Ferroelectures: A Virtual Lecture Series!
April 15: Emmanuel Defay, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), “From voltage-driven phase transitio...
Ferroelectures: A Virtual Lecture Series!
April 15: Emmanuel Defay, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), “From voltage-driven phase transition towards electrocaloric devices”
After a successful Ferro2021 workshop, we are excited to announce a series of monthly lectures: Ferroelectures! Each month, we will feature a prominent member of our ferroelectrics community to talk to you about the exciting work happening in their field of study. Each lecture, held via Zoom, will be an hourlong session beginning at 10 a.m. EST.
The first four lectures have been scheduled:
April 15: Emmanuel Defay, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), “From voltage-driven phase transition towards electrocaloric devices”
May 13: David Muller, Cornell University, “New Ways to see polar (and multipolar) order at the atomic scale”
June 10: Cyrus Dreyer, Stony Brook University, “Nonadiabatic Born effective charges in metals and the Drude weight”
July 8: Dennis Meier, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, “Improper ferroelectrics for sustainable nanotechnology”
Ferroelectures: A Virtual Lecture Series!
April 15: Emmanuel Defay, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), “From voltage-driven phase transition towards electrocaloric devices”
After a successful Ferro2021 workshop, we are excited to announce a series of monthly lectures: Ferroelectures! Each month, we will feature a prominent member of our ferroelectrics community to talk to you about the exciting work happening in their field of study. Each lecture, held via Zoom, will be an hourlong session beginning at 10 a.m. EST.
The first four lectures have been scheduled:
April 15: Emmanuel Defay, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), “From voltage-driven phase transition towards electrocaloric devices”
May 13: David Muller, Cornell University, “New Ways to see polar (and multipolar) order at the atomic scale”
June 10: Cyrus Dreyer, Stony Brook University, “Nonadiabatic Born effective charges in metals and the Drude weight”
July 8: Dennis Meier, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, “Improper ferroelectrics for sustainable nanotechnology”
- published: 16 Apr 2021
- views: 238
Mod-09 Lec-23 Relaxor Ferroelectric
Advanced ceramics for strategic applications by Prof. H.S. Maiti,Department of Metallurgy and Material Science,IIT Kharagpur.For more details on NPTEL visit htt...
Advanced ceramics for strategic applications by Prof. H.S. Maiti,Department of Metallurgy and Material Science,IIT Kharagpur.For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in
Advanced ceramics for strategic applications by Prof. H.S. Maiti,Department of Metallurgy and Material Science,IIT Kharagpur.For more details on NPTEL visit http://nptel.ac.in
- published: 22 Jan 2014
- views: 4043