The North American economy is a vast web. Unraveling it risks big blow to consumers.

The vote comes nearly two months after the peace pact failed in a national referendum.

Accounts from the surviving crew describe chaos and darkness in final moments.

Just six survivors were found after the plane carrying championship-bound Chapecoense slammed into a Colombian hillside.

Whether out of loyalty or obligation, thousands of Cubans filed past memorials to Castro.

Trump officials want to put new pressure on Cuba and its 85-year-old leader, Raul Castro.

Castro’s example can be found in social programs and rebel movements.

Although health had forced him to step back, the country largely retained the system he created.

Many Brazilians escaped poverty during the boom years only to fall for fast food.

A Texas border crossing shows the difficulties the new president will face on immigration. 

A crackdown on corruption has boomeranged and hurt the campaign against the disease.

  • Marina Lopes
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  • Nov 12
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The peso plummeted after Trump’s win, and Mexicans are worried about relations with the U.S.

Authorities are making contingency plans as experts warn that the peso could plunge.

Some ruined villages are so remote that aid still hasn’t arrived.

Reporters trying to cover anti-government demonstrations are told they need authorization.

  • Nov 1
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