The unpopular Socialist leader’s approval rating has sunk to 4 percent.

(Lionel Bonaventure / AP)

About 350 alleged victims have reported accusations possibly spanning decades.

Thailand has a new king, with the country’s crown prince formally taking the throne to succeed his much-revered late father, who reigned for 70 years.

  • Grant Peck | AP
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  • 4 hours ago
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The prime minister and an ex-cricket star square off in a legal battle over corruption.

Mexico to Trump: Those Carrier jobs are not the story

"Globalization is not going to end with Mr. Trump. The United States cannot and will not isolate. It is not possible.”

Did Obama just sign the last waiver before Trump moves the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem?

During his campaign, the president-elect Donald Trump vowed to move the seaside embassy — and pronto.

The reason French President Hollande won’t seek reelection, in one chart

Hollande has set new negative records.

Exploding vehicles have been the defensive tactic of choice for militants battling the Iraqi advance.

The president-elect’s business ties with India and lack of foreign-policy expertise remain concerns.

The Kremlin leader focused his annual address on consolidating society, avoiding upheaval.

Merera Gudina spoke out earlier this month in Brussels against the campaign of arrests in Ethiopia.

The North American economy is a vast web. Unraveling it risks big blow to consumers.

The vote comes nearly two months after the peace pact failed in a national referendum.

Accounts from the surviving crew describe chaos and darkness in final moments.

He recently professed his innocence after a former model accused him of raping her three decades ago.

Children are dying as conflict pushes the Middle East’s poorest country closer to a famine.

Kids across the country run, jog or walk a mile every school day — in addition to regular physical education.

Haitian voters appear to have reached outside the political class to pick a first-time candidate to steer the deeply divided country.

  • David McFadden | AP
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  • 1 day ago
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Hundreds feared missing amid mass detentions; dozens reported killed in government shelling.

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Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon apologized Thursday for the U.N. not doing enough to contain the spread of a cholera outbreak in Haiti, but he stopped short of apologizing for bringing the disease to the Caribbean nation.

  • Michael Astor | AP
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  • Politics
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  • 38 minutes ago
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A strong, shallow earthquake struck a sparsely populated area in Peru’s southern Andes near Lake Titicaca on Thursday. Local media said there were no reports of injuries or serious damage.

  • Associated Press
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  • 41 minutes ago
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Authorities prepared Thursday to transport home the bodies of dozens of victims of this week’s air tragedy in Colombia as grief turned to anger amid indications the airliner ran out of fuel before slamming into the Andes. Bolivian aviation officials announced they were indefinitely suspending the charter company that operated the flight.

  • Fernando Vergara and Hannah Dreier | AP
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  • 1 hour ago
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A strong, shallow earthquake has hit in a sparsely populated area in southern Peru near Lake Titicaca in the Andes, but local media say there are no immediate reports of injuries or serious damage.

  • Associated Press
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  • 1 hour ago
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An unmanned Russian cargo spaceship heading to the International Space Station broke up in the atmosphere over Siberia on Thursday due to an unspecified malfunction, the Russian space agency said.

  • Nataliya Vasilyeva | AP
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  • 1 hour ago
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Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon apologized Thursday for the U.N. not doing enough to contain the spread of a cholera outbreak in Haiti, but he stopped short of apologizing for bringing the disease to the Caribbean nation.

  • Michael Astor | AP
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  • 1 hour ago
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