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Ann Coulter: How Trump Could Ruin His Presidency—Or Save America

oon after Trump's announcement speech, I said he would win the nomination and likely the election. It wasn't that hard to predict. For anyone familiar with the Republican Party's repeated betrayals of the American people, it was a 2-foot putt.

I issue this warning with the same certitude—in fact, for the exact same reason I knew anyone running on Trump's platform would have unbreakable support from millions of voters.

What coalesced Trump's base, what made his support tempered steel, was the fact that voters had been lied to, over and over again—on many things, but most smugly and repeatedly on immigration.

How many times did we have to see the GOP choke? There's 30 seconds left in the game, Republicans are down by two, they move the ball up the court, have a man in position—and, every time, the GOP would do anything to avoid taking the 3-point shot.

That is the beating heart of the anger that voters felt toward the party. No one trusted Republicans to ever score when they had the ball.


Derb’s November Diary: Our Star-Spangled Park Service; Transcribing Trump; New Depths Of Anarcho-Tyranny, Etc....

Oh, say, can you see?     The first weekend of November saw the annual conference of the Mencken Club in Baltimore. I was there to do a party piece, along with Peter Brimelow, Jared Taylor, and many other friends from senior Alt Right ranks.

It all went off very well. Many thanks to Paul Gottfried and to his wife Mary, who between them did all the organizational chores and kept us in order.

ssb_flagThis time around Peter and I took time out for some sightseeing. What's to see in Baltimore? Fort McHenry, that's what.

It was o'er the ramparts of Fort McHenry that they raised the star-spangled banner for Francis Scott Key to see in the distance, by the dawn's early light, on September 14th, 1814. Key actually saw the flag  (still flying, meaning the fort was still in American hands) from the deck of an enemy (i.e. British) ship, whither he had gone under flag of truce for some prisoner-exchange negotiations while the British fleet bombarded the fort.

It's a great story and a fine stirring song. It's the more stirring when you stand at the actual place where the flag was raised, and let your imagination take over.

Here are Lydia Brimelow and the boss on those very ramparts.

As was the case during last year's Great Civil War Battlefields Birthday Tour, I was impressed by how well the Parks Service does its Visitors' Centers at these historic sites. At Fort McHenry they show an excellent short movie about Key and the song.

There's a lot that needs abolishing in the feddle gummint, but I hope our new Chief Executive will leave the Federal Parks Service alone.

Civilization gets tweetified.     Driving home up the New Jersey Turnpike, we stopped for a bathroom break at the Woodrow Wilson service area. How long before the Social Justice Warriors force a rename of that?

Personally I'm happy with the name. What left me un-happy was the little convenience store in the facility. Among the numerous articles on sale, there was not a single item of printed matter — not a book, not a magazine, not even a newspaper. Walking back to the car I stopped to see if there were at least some newspaper-vending machines in the plaza outside. Nope.

For a writer, that's depressing. I know of course that print on paper is a vanishing technology, but it's still startling to see how far things have gone. I recently visited the spacious home that a wealthy man ( not our President-Elect) had purchased a couple of years ago. It contained not a single book. Our host even grumbled about it containing bookshelves! ("What use are they?")

Wealthy men's houses used to contain libraries. True, Daddy Warbucks didn't necessarily use the library much, but it was there when he, or his house guests, needed it.

Now thoughtful 400-page stories and disquisitions on this and that have been replaced by 140-character tweets.

Where will that take us, I wonder? Surely nowhere good.

I am thinking of the Sack of Baghdad, when, according to the chroniclers, the Mongol invaders looted the great libraries so thoroughly that the River Tigris ran black with ink from the priceless books and manuscripts thrown into it. Nowadays we of course proceed more gently, but the end result may be the same.

It's useless to complain of course. And there's a silver lining: Second-hand books — those that escape the incinerator — are getting awfully cheap. Read more >>

DOE Pick Betsy DeVos Is Not A “White Nationalist.” In Fact, She’s Useless On Quotas And Political Correctness...

Main Stream Media hyperventilating that Donald Trump is a “white nationalist,” stacking his Administration with secret racists, should be dispelled with his picks, not just of the bland Elaine Chao (Mrs. Mitch McConnell) for Secretary of Transport, but of PC enforcer and Affirmative Action supporter Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education.

Of course, there was never any reason to think Trump was a “white nationalist,” based on his rhetoric during the campaign. Trump took heroic stands for law and order and immigration control, policies that help all Americans--arguably blacks the most. Yet he was quiet or equivocal on ant-white racial preferences—Affirmative Action.

When Chris Wallace asked him about Affirmative Action, he replied,
I'm fine with it, but we have it, it's there. But it's coming to a time when maybe we don't need it. That would be a wonderful thing. I don't think we need it so much anymore. It has served its place, and it served its time. Some people have loved it and some people don't like it at all. But I think there will be a time when you don't need it.’

[ Full Interview and Transcript: Donald Trump on "FOX News Sunday", RealClearPolitics, October 18, 2016]

Trump criticized Justice Scalia’s comments about how Affirmative Action recipients may perform better at easier schools (based apparently on the “mismatch” theory that Affirmative Action Read more >>

Justin Trudeau: Baby-Faced Commie Apologist Unmasked

smoking so much marijuana that the pilot and co-pilot were forced to wear oxygen masks.Wasn't one vapid pretty boy named Justin from Canada enough?

At least

Sessions Is Not Enough—What About Kobach?

See also: RATs Scrambling Back On Board USS TRUMP Now It’s Underway. Don’t Let Them!

“Let Reagan Be Reagan” was the cry of right wingers during the conservative hero’s administration. Now that the Republicans are the party of Trump, it should be the slogan of nationalists and immigration patriots who want the President-elect to fulfill his promises. And that means keeping the pressure on against the enemies within Trump’s own party.

As this is written, the speculation about Cabinet appointments is receiving the most attention, with the Main Stream Media resembling those Kremlinologists from the 1970s who attached great importance to the seating order at the May Day Parade. Today, we get breathless reports about who is or is not being invited to Trump Tower. And ominously, it is Mitt Romney who is making a return appearance to Trump’s home this Tuesday.

“Personnel is policy” in the words of conservative organizer Morton Blackwell, and Romney’s sins are threefold.

  • First, he repeatedly whined to the MSM and magnified whatever Narrative the Leftist journalists were using to destroy Trump during the campaign, notably during the scandal over Trump’s bawdy talk about women.

  • Second, he consistently attacked Trump from the Left on issues of immigration, the Muslim ban and political correctness, showing the “cuckservative” instincts that made him a loser in 2012.

  • Thirdly, and most damningly, he talked up potential Third Party challenges to try to split the GOP and ensure a Hillary Clinton victory.

This is hardly a record that should be rewarded by being given the most prestigious post in the Cabinet, especially when Romney has already shown his willingness to run to the Lying Press and work with the enemy. To use a relevant quote from the President-elect himself: “You know damn well I was a snake before you took me in.” Read more >>

Populist-Nationalist Tide Rolls On In Europe And The West

Now that the British have voted to secede from the European Union and America has chosen a president who has never before held public office, the French appear to be following suit.

In Sunday's runoff to choose a candidate to face Marine Le Pen of the National Front in next spring's presidential election, the center-right Republicans chose Francois Fillon (right) in a landslide.

While Fillon sees Margaret Thatcher as a role model in fiscal policy, he is a socially conservative Catholic who supports family values, wants to confront Islamist extremism, control immigration, restore France's historic identity and end sanctions on Russia.

"Russia poses no threat to the West," says Fillon. But if not, the question arises, why NATO? Why are U.S. troops in Europe? Read more >>
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