Thought for the day 28 November 2016

As the parent of a cheeky Sagittarian toddler, I spend much of my time running after him, as he engages in some sort of mischief or another. And I don't need to consult my astrology books to spot when he's devised a new plan. A delicious grin spreads across his face in anticipation of potential mayhem! This weekend, Mercury trined Uranus. It's the celestial equivalent of that wry smile on my little monster's face! Whatever you're up to now, spare a thought for those who have to tidy up!

Your 2017 Guide to the Future is ready. Find out about your next year in amazing detail. Every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future and use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. Get your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Jan 21 - Feb 19


'I've looked under chairs, I've looked under tables' sang Roger Daltrey. 'I tried to find the key to fifty million fables, they call me the seeker, I've been searching low and high!' Perhaps it's why The Who never found a band name! You're a keen sleuth when it comes to finding solutions or remedies to societal ills. Life is about to offer you a key to fit a locked door. But, it'll take more than just your strength to turn it. If you can convince others to help, you'll all benefit from exploring what lies beyond. And the future? Well your 2017 Guide to the Future is ready so you can find out about your next year in fine detail. Every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you and what it will mean. Use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Feb 20 - Mar 20


How can you tell who your true friends are? Are they the ones who only ever say nice things to you? Or are they the ones with the courage to tell you what you need to hear, even if you don't want to hear it? There are times when our enemies can act endearingly, and say seductively persuasive things. We have to employ our higher discrimination, just as we do when our friends express potentially antagonistic views. As Venus prepares to link tensely with Uranus, look a little deeper to see the truth today. Now, are you worried about the future and what's going to happen? Your 2017 Guide to the Future is ready. It covers every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you, what it means and how you can make the most of every moment. Seize the moment... download your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Mar 21 - Apr 20


I know how to fix the world! We just need to ask PSY, the YouTube phenomenon responsible for the unforgettable Gangnam Style. Surely, if he can create a moment of outrageous genius with a song, he could turn his creativity towards solving more important issues. But... perhaps not. Just because we have a moment of inspiration in one area, it doesn't follow that we can do the same elsewhere. Today, harmony, co-operation and kindness are also required if you wish to turn inspiration into success. And the future? Well your 2017 Guide to the Future is ready so you can find out about your next year in fine detail. Every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you and what it will mean. Use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Apr 21 - May 21


There are some factors in your life that seem most unfair and undesirable. The more you dwell on the downside, the greater a problem seems. Whilst it's hardly appropriate to ignore what's wrong, if you don't try to put a brave face on a set of trials and tribulations, you'll lose the enthusiasm you need to cope with them. And, as the New Moon approaches, if you can only do your best for a little longer, things will improve, at least to the point where you can have a wise and constructive look at your options. Now, are you worried about the future and what's going to happen? Your 2017 Guide to the Future is ready. It covers every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you, what it means and how you can make the most of every moment. Seize the moment... download your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


May 22 - June 22


Some battles need fighting, some causes need championing, and some devils need defeating. And then there are those minor irritations that, much like a mosquito bite, only get worse if you scratch them. Somewhere in your life, something or someone has been giving you enough of a headache to distract you from what really matters. Now it's time to refocus. Your powerful mind is full of brilliant, unique solutions. Don't let your energy be sapped. Not now, when suddenly so much more is possible. And the future? Well your 2017 Guide to the Future is ready so you can find out about your next year in fine detail. Every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you and what it will mean. Use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Jun 23 - Jul 23


Here's how to get rid of a headache. Just stub your toe on a piece of concrete. The new agony will be so intense it will draw all your attention from your previous source of pain. There! Aren't you glad you turned to this page for astrological advice? Perhaps I'm pushing my luck. What we both need to be conscious of is that the best way to solve a problem never involves creating even bigger problems. As the coming New Moon encourages you, if that's what is happening, don't let it happen! Now, are you worried about the future and what's going to happen? Your 2017 Guide to the Future is ready. It covers every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you, what it means and how you can make the most of every moment. Seize the moment... download your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Jul 24 - Aug 23


When at your most impressive, you function almost like royalty or a celebrity. When people expect you, they have an extra spring in their step, arising from the anticipation of things to come. At your best you're imaginative, charming and regal. You light up people's lives and inject frivolity that will brighten up a grey day. Have you forgotten how good you can be? It's time to remind yourself that a positive frame of mind is contagious. When you infect others with it, you're likely to catch it yourself! Now, are you worried about the future and what's going to happen? Your 2017 Guide to the Future is ready. It covers every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you, what it means and how you can make the most of every moment. Seize the moment... download your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Aug 24 - Sep 23


There's an old saying: once bitten, twice shy. People who know how painful an experience can be are always reluctant to go through it again. But those with no first-hand knowledge can let themselves be more cavalier. Or that's the theory. If you've been bitten and recovered, you may be less intimidated than someone who can only imagine what the whole thing feels like and imagines the worst. The New Moon brings the promise of adventure. Your past may yet be the reason why your future is so fruitful. Now, are you worried about the future and what's going to happen? Your 2017 Guide to the Future is ready. It covers every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you, what it means and how you can make the most of every moment. Seize the moment... download your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Sep 24 - Oct 23


In our haste to share a flash of inspiration, or a moment of decisiveness, we can inadvertently seem rude. It's unintentional, a moment of thoughtlessness when our focus is on exciting new information. Just be careful that, in your excitement to take advantage of new opportunities, you tread lightly. There may be toes lining the path of progress, which you really don't want to walk on. Just by treating them respectfully you'll be far less likely to trip over them. Your way ahead will be clear! And the future? Well your 2017 Guide to the Future is ready so you can find out about your next year in fine detail. Every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you and what it will mean. Use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Oct 24 - Nov 22


We have selective memories and selective hearing too. When people say things that please us, we catch every nuance - and may even invent one or two more that were not actually intended. We may even do the same with statements that upset us. We can have a perverse tendency to secretly revel in umbrage and outrage. Grand and simple statements of fact, though, can easily be ignored! Someone is speaking now, but they're not being heard. The approaching New Moon has a message for you. Listen! And the future? Well your 2017 Guide to the Future is ready so you can find out about your next year in fine detail. Every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you and what it will mean. Use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Nov 23 - Dec 21


They say, 'different horses for different courses'. And, there are different roads for different destinations. It's all very well ambling along in the countryside if you have time to kill. But if A is a considerable distance from B, you're unlikely to want to take the scenic route. Right now, life is not only giving you a new destination to aim for, it's urging you on to the motorway and offering you an upgrade on your vehicle. It's not only speed that will give you an advantage, but manoeuvrability as well. And the future? Well your 2017 Guide to the Future is ready so you can find out about your next year in fine detail. Every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you and what it will mean. Use the amazingly accurate predictions it contains to make your future, a better future. Download your 2017 Guide to the Future now!


Dec 22 - Jan 20


Some people believe in getting in their retribution before they are attacked. Others like to feel guilty before they have done anything wrong. When you find yourself in difficulty, you tend to handle it well. You take it in your stride and keep a cool head. Something within you now senses a drama is due. But it need only be a minor drama. As long as you don't add to it unnecessarily, it won't grow. As the New Moon approaches, you may as well relax. Really, it shines a gentle way forwards. Now, are you worried about the future and what's going to happen? Your 2017 Guide to the Future is ready. It covers every major (and minor) astrological influence that will affect you, what it means and how you can make the most of every moment. Seize the moment... download your 2017 Guide to the Future now!