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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very interesting. What a positive article; I find myself feeling positive about the organization almost despite myself. I know nothing about them, but found the idea of a "new SDS" kind of ridiculous. (And indeed, their ties to original SDS'ers seems to be their biggest liability--or at least that was the perspective of the article). [Why do you put 'new' in scare quotes, incidentally?]

If anyone has any experience with them and any other analysis to share of exactly what's going on with that organization (or point to another online essay or article), that would be informative.


April 10, 2007 11:49 PM

Anonymous StaceyQ said...

Left Turn magazine published a great article by one of the actual students in SDS at:


SDS is an important up and coming student organization, we should all try and support it any way we can, even if initially they (like all groups) will have their problems and contradictions.

April 12, 2007 12:15 PM

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