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71 (Volume 30, no 2) July, 2016

The Energy Transition
Edited by Suren Moodliar, Weimin Tchen & Dave Burt


Jordan Kinder, The Coming Transition: Fossil Capital and Our Energy Future

Jonathan Michael Feldman, Technology, Power and Social Change: Comparing Three Marx-Inspired Views

Paul Burkett, On Eco-Revolutionary Prudence: Capitalism, Communism, and the Precautionary Principle

David Schwartzman, How Much and What Kind of Energy Does Humanity Need?

Tobias Haas and Hendrik Sander, Shortcomings and Perspectives of the German Energiewende

Christian Roselund, The Remarkable Rise of Solar Energy: Implications of Photovoltaics for the Energy Transition and the Left

Rachel Kastner, Hope for the Future: How Farmers Can Reverse Climate Change


Devan Pillay, The Labor Movement and Ecosocialist Prospects in South Africa

Jeff Diamanti, Alberta as a Petro State

Kandi Mossett, “The Inside Is Such a Sterile Place” – Organizing with the Indigenous Environmental Network

Kevin Anderson, Planting Seeds So Something Bigger Might Emerge: The Paris Agreement and the Fight Against Climate Change

brandon king, Building Power in a Frontline Community: The Cooperation Jackson Model

Directory of Organizations & Resources, by Weimin Tchen



70 (Volume 30, no. 1) March, 2016


The Future of Cuban Socialism

A Socialist Economy?

Al Campbell, Updating Cuba’s Economic Model: Socialism, Human Development, Markets and Capitalism

Debating Political Reform

Edited by Jill Hamberg and Peter Roman

Peter Roman, Introduction: Overview of Cuban Political Institutions

Emilio Duharte, Updating the Cuban Political Model: For a Systemic and Democratic-Participatory Transformation

Jesús P. García Brigos, People’s Power and the Updating of the Cuban Economic Model

Julio César Guanche, Citizen Participation in the Cuban State

Daniel Rafuls Pineda, Cuba’s Electoral System and the Dilemmas of the 21st Century: Between the Liberal-Democratic Tradition and True Participation

Left Politics

Darko Suvin, What Is To Be Done? A First Step

Merijn Oudenampsen, A Dialectic of Freedom: The Dutch Post-War Clash between Socialism and Neoliberalism

Working-Class Culture

Ronald Paul, Representing the Working Class: Two Plays by John McGrath

Gerald Meyer, Red Art on Display in New York City

Book Reviews

Lecia Rosenthal, ed. Radio Benjamin

Esther Leslie, trans., Walter Benjamin’s Archive: Images, Texts, Signs reviewed by Carolyn Elerding

Slavoj Žižek, Absolute Recoil: A New Foundation of Dialectical Materialism reviewed by Mat Callahan

Tamás Krausz, Reconstructing Lenin: An Intellectual Biography reviewed by Kyle Stanton

Paul Le Blanc, Leon Trotsky reviewed by Bryan Palmer

Sean Matgamma (ed.), The Two Trotskyisms Confront Stalinism: Debates, essays and confrontations of post-Trotsky reviewed by Paul Buhle

Lucia Pradella, Globalisation and the Critique of Political Economy: New insights from Marx’s writings reviewed by Riad Azar

Klaus Dorre, Stephan Lessenich, and Hartmut Rosa, Sociology, Capitalism, Critique reviewed by Peter Seybold

Stanley Aronowitz, The Death and Life of American Labor: Toward a New Workers’ Movement reviewed by Elvira Godek-Kiryluk

Seamus O’Malley, Making History New: Modernism and Historical Narrative reviewed by Paul Stasi

Randy Martin, ed. The Routledge Companion to Art and Politics reviewed by Olive Mckeon

Kristin Ross, Communal Luxury: The Political Imaginary of the Paris Commune reviewed by Joe Cleffie



69 (Volume 29, no. 3) November, 2015


THE RADICAL LEFT IN EUROPE edited by Babak Amini

Marcello Musto, Introduction

Babak Amini, Situating the Radical Left in Contemporary Europe

Mihalis Panayiotakis, The Radical Left in Greece

Antoni Domenech, Gustavo Buster and Daniel Raventós, “Old” and “New” Left in the Kingdom of Spain, 2008-2015

Jean-Numa Ducange, The Radical Left in France

Erik Meijer, The Radical Left in Benelux

Frieder Otto Wolf, The Radical Left in Germany

Eleonora Forenza, From Splits to Unification? On the Recent History of the Italian Radical Left

António Simões do Paço and Raquel Varela, The “Memorandum of Understanding” in Portugal and the Portuguese Radical Left

Teppo Eskelinen, The Nordic Radical Left

Stanislav Holubec, The Radical Left of the new EU: Between Communist Nostalgia and Postmodern Radicalism

Igor Štiks, “New Left” in the Post-Yugoslav Space: Issues, Sites, and Forms

Kate Hudson, The Radical Left in Britain

Conor McCabe, The Radical Left in Ireland

Babak Amini, A Chronology of the European Sovereign Debt Crisis


Joseph G. Ramsey, Does America have a “gun problem”… or a white supremacy capitalist empire problem? Reflections on Bowling for Columbine (2002) in the wake of the Charleston massacre

Sanya Osha, Ken Saro-Wiwa: Field Notes Twenty Years Later


Dan Berger, Fictionalizing Radical Activism of the 1960s


James Green, The Devil Is Here in These Hills: West Virginia Coal Miners and Their Battle for Freedom reviewed by Robert J.S. Ross

Todd Wolfson, Digital Rebellion: The Birth of the Cyber Left reviewed by Mat Callahan

Randy Martin, Knowledge LTD, Toward a Social Logic of the Derivative reviewed by Roslyn Wallach Bologh

Shalini Puri, The Grenada Revolution in the Caribbean Present: Operation Urgent Memory reviewed by Anton L. Allahar

Steve Martinot, The Need to Abolish the Prison System: An Ethical Indictment reviewed by Tammi Arford



68 (Volume 29, no. 2) June, 2015


Omar Swartz, Gay Rights/African American Rights: A Common Struggle for Social Justice

Claire Reddleman, Vampires, Foetuses and Ventriloquism: Metaphor as a Representational Strategy in Capital, Vol. 1

Fabricio Pereira da Silva, Debating New Democratic Experiences of Andean Governments on Their Own Terms

Alan West-Durán, Hannah Arendt: How to Think about a “Wound That Will Not Heal


Frank Rosengarten, Through Partisan Eyes: My Friendships, Literary Education, and Encounters in Italy, 1956-2013 reviewed by Marcella Bencivenni

Frank Rosengarten, The Revolutionary Marxism of Antonio Gramsci reviewed by Joseph Cleffie

Frank Rosengarten. Giacomo Leopardi’s Search for a Common Life through Poetry reviewed by Mark Zuss

Lawrence J. Friedman, The Lives of Erich Fromm – Love’s Prophet reviewed by Frank Rosengarten

Michael E. Brown and George Snedeker, Remembering Frank Rosengarten


Darko Suvin, The Prescience of Lucio Magri


Michael E. Brown, Randy Martin


Richard Schmitt, Reply to Critics

Victor Wallis, Reply to Schmitt


Mark Naison, Badass Teachers Unite! reviewed by Peter Seybold

David Lansky, The Cutting Edge reviewed by Louis Kontos

Ravi Malhotra and Morgan Rowe, Exploring Disability Identity and Disability Rights through Narratives: Finding a Voice of Their Own reviewed by Dustin Galer

Arundhati Roy, Capitalism: A Ghost Story reviewed by John Maerhofer

Fredric Jameson, Valences of the Dialectic reviewed by Ryan Singh Paul

Fredric Jameson, Representing Capital: A Reading of Volume One reviewed by Sean Saraka

Fredric Jameson, The Antinomies of Realism reviewed by Joe Shapiro

Seyed Javad Miri, ed. Orientalism: A Eurocentric Vision of the ‘Other’ reviewed by Gino Signoracci

Craig J. Peariso, Radical Theatrics: Put-Ons, Politics, and the Sixties reviewed by Kate Frey

John Marsh, In Walt We Trust reviewed by George Snedeker

Pietro Di Paola, The Knights Errant of Anarchy: London and the Italian Anarchist Diaspora (1880-1917) reviewed by Kenyon Zimmer

Davide Turcato, Making Sense of Anarchism: Errico Malatesta’s Experiments with Revolution, 1889-1900 reviewed by Kenyon Zimmer

Leonard Covello with Guido D’Agostino, The Heart is the Teacher reviewed by Evelyn Rossetti-Ryan

Luciana Castellina, Discovery of the World: A Political Awakening in the Shadow of Mussolini reviewed by Babak Amini

ibn Kenyatta, poems for an imperiled world reviewed by Ralph Nazareth

Brian King, So Long, Vietnam reviewed by George Fish



67 (Volume 29, no. 1) March, 2015


Victor Wallis, Introductory Note

Ben Manski, The Democratic Turn of the Century: Learning from the U.S. Democracy Movement

Richard Schmitt, Socialist Democracy and Solidarity

George Snedeker, Gerald Meyer, Victor Wallis, Comments on Schmitt


Ingar Solty, Post-Fascist Continuity and Post-Communist Discontinuity in German Cinema

Rebecca Hollender, Post-Growth in the Global South: The Emergence of Alternatives to Development in Latin America

Daniel Egan, Insurrection and Gramsci’s “War of Position”

Shin Eun-jung, Harvard’s Role in Russia’s Economic “Reform”


Suren Moodliar, System Change Without Class Struggle?

Ran Greenstein, Shlomo Sand and the De-Mystification of Jewish History


Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States reviewed by Victor Wallis

Stephen Eric Bronner, Modernism at the Barricades: Aesthetics, Politics, Utopia reviewed by John Maerhofer

Heather L. Gumbert, Envisioning Socialism: Television and the Cold War in the German Democratic Republic reviewed by Kurt Stand

Steve Early, Save Our Unions: Dispatches from a movement in Distress reviewed by Peter Seybold

John Tully, Silvertown: The lost story of a strike that shook London and helped launch the modern Labor Movement reviewed by Ronald Paul

Costas Lapavitsas, Profiting Without Production: How Finance Exploits Us All reviewed by Michael Perelman

Samir Amin, Three Essays on Marx’s Value Theory; and Samir Amin, The Implosion of Contemporary Capitalism reviewed by Sarah Hernandez

Roderick D. Bush, The End of White World Supremacy: Black Internationalism and the Problem of the Color Line reviewed by Bob Barber

Marc Frank, Cuban Revelations: Behind the Scenes in Havana reviewed by Peter Roman

George Ciccariello-Maher, “We Created Chávez”: A People’s History of the Venezuelan Revolution reviewed by Macdonald Stainsby

Gerd Callesen and Svetlana Gavril’čenko, eds., Friedrich Engels: Briefwechsel Oktober 1889 bis November 1890  (MEGA, vol. 30) reviewed by Fritz Keller

James Pattison, The Morality of Private War: The Challenge of Private Military and Security Companies reviewed by Robert Vinten



66 (Volume 28, no. 3) November, 2014

The Roots of Mass Incarceration: Locking Up Black Dissidents and Punishing the Poor
Edited by Mumia Abu-Jamal and Johanna Fernández


INTRODUCTION by Mumia Abu-Jamal and Johanna Fernandez
Locking Up Black Dissidents and Punishing the Poor: The Roots of Mass Incarceration in the US

Angela Davis, Deepening the Debate over Mass Incarceration: An Interview


Vijay Prashad, Towards a Happy Ending

Loïc Wacquant, Class, Race, and Hyperincarceration in Revanchist America

Kevin “Rashid” Johnson, Racialized Mass Imprisonment: Counterinsurgency and Genocide

Steve Martinot, Police Impunity, Human Autonomy, and Jim Crow

Suren Moodliar, Militarism, Mass Surveillance and Mass Incarceration

Political Imprisonment and the Roots of Mass Incarceration: State Reaction to the Black Power Movement

Sekou Odinga
and déqui kion-sadiqi, “We Reserve the Right to Resist”: Prison Wars and Black Resistance

Laura Whitehorn, Black Power Incarcerated: Political Prisoners, Genocide, and the State

Joseph G. Ramsey, Revolutionary, yet Relatable: Assata: An Autobiography as a Site of Radical Teaching and Learning

Nyle Fort, Insurgent Intelligentsia: Mumia Abu-Jamal in the Age of Mass Incarceration

Heather Ann Thompson, Lessons from Attica: From Prisoner Rebellion to Mass Incarceration and Back

Prison Abolition and Culture of Resistance

Mark Lewis Taylor, Christianity and US Prison Abolition: Rupturing a Hegemonic Christian Ideology

Steve Martinot, Toward the Abolition of the Prison System


Mujahid Farid and Laura Whitehorn, Release Aging People in Prison/RAPP: Challenging the Punishment Paradigm

Inez Hedges, Prison Films: An Overview


Keith “Malik” Washington, We Must Resist the “Happy Slave” Mentality in Texas Prisons



65 (Volume 28, no. 2) July, 2014

The International after 150 Years: Labor vs Capital, Then and Now edited by George C. Comninel, Marcello Musto & Victor Wallis

Victor Wallis, Introduction

Marcello Musto, Documents from the International Workingmen’s Association

George C. Comninel, Marx and the Politics of the First International

Michael Joseph Roberto, Capitalist Crisis, Cooperative Labor, and the Conquest of Political Power: Marx’s ‘Inaugural Address’ (1864) and Its Relevance in the Current Moment

Michael Löwy, A Common Banner: Marxists and Anarchists in the First International

Bill Fletcher, Jr., Race, Internationalism and Labor: Reflections upon the 150th Anniversary of the First International

Ricardo Antunes, The International Working Class in 1864 and Today

Babak Amini, The Strength of Our Collective Voice: Views of Labor Leaders from around the World

Tony Daley, The German War on American Workers: Deutsche Telekom in the United States

Patrick Bond, Barriers and Openings to a New Socialist Internationalism: South African Histories, Strategies and Narratives


Marcello Musto, ed., Workers Unite! The International 150 Years Later reviewed by George C. Comninel



64 (Volume 28, no. 1) March, 2014


edited & introduced by Mat Callahan

Introduction: Why Intellectual Property? Why Now?

Mat Callahan, Running Through the Jungle: My Introduction to Intellectual Property

Michael Perelman, The Political Economy of Intellectual Property

Jim Rogers, Canary Down the Mine: Music and Copyright at the Digital Coalface


Peter Ranis, Promoting Cooperatives by the Use of Eminent Domain: Argentina and the United States

Efe Can Gürcan and Efe Peker, Turkey’s Gezi Park Demonstrations of 2013: A Marxian Analysis of the Political Moment

Jannis Kompsopoulos and Jannis Chasoglu, The Collapse and Transformation of the Greek Party System

Haidar Eid, Solidarity with Anti-Apartheid Resistance in Post-Oslo Palestine

Ricardo R. Fuentes Ramírez, Marxist Perspectives on Twenty-first Century Transition to Socialism

Kevin B. Anderson, Revisiting Lenin’s Hegel Notebooks, 100 Years Later

Tony Mckenna, Christopher Hitchens: Pathology of an Imperialist Ideologue


Matthew Lyons, Letter to the Editors

Efe Can Gürcan, Reply to Lyons


Sheila Rowbotham, Lynne Segal, and Hilary Wainwright, Beyond the Fragments: Feminism and the Making of Socialism. Re-issue of 1979 edition with new introductions reviewed by Evelyn Burg

Nancy Stout, One Day in December: Celia Sánchez and the Cuban Revolution reviewed by Miriam Psychas

George Katsiaficas, Asia’s Unknown Uprisings, Vol. 2: People Power in the Philippines, Burma, Tibet, China, Taiwan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Thailand, and Indonesia reviewed by Mark Driscoll

Basil Fernando, Narrative of Justice, Told Through Stories of Torture Victims reviewed by George Katsiaficas

Mathias Nilges and Emilio Sauri, eds., Literary Materialisms reviewed by Ronald Paul

Mark Zuss, The Practice of Theoretical Curiosity reviewed by Michael E. Brown

Eugene Gogol, Toward a Dialectic of Philosophy and Organization reviewed by Kevin O’Brien

Anthonia C. Kalu et al., eds., Reflections: An Anthology of New Work by African Women Poets reviewed by George Fish

Myrna Nieves, ed., Breaking Ground: Anthology of Puerto Rican Women Writers in New York 1980–2012 reviewed by Carla Santamaria

Ernesto Che Guevara, The Awakening of Latin America reviewed by Daniel Egan



63 (Volume 27, no. 3) November, 2013


Joseph Grim Feinberg, The Civic and the Proletarian

Marjolein van der Veen, Contending Theories of the Current Economic Crisis

Joseph G. Ramsey, Re-Imagining the Place and Time of Communism Today: Between Hardt’s “New Love” and Jameson’s “Citizen Army”

Ronald Paul, Striking Back: Novels of Class Conflict by Two Proletarian Women Writers

B. Adebola Ayelabola Jr., Limits of the Game of Masks: Class, Ethno-religious Identities, and the Rise of Salafi-Jihadism in Northern Nigeria

Sriram Ananth, The Politics of the Palestinian BDS Movement


D. H. Melhem, Bombing Blues
D. H. Melhem, Polar Icecaps
Robert Roth, For D. H.


Larry Patriquin, ed., The Ellen Meiksins Wood Reader reviewed by Carl Grey Martin

Harilyn Rousso, Don’t Call Me Inspirational: A Disabled Feminist Talks Back reviewed by Martha Deed

George Yancy, Look, a White! Philosophical Essays on Whiteness reviewed by Steve Martinot

Christopher Z. Hobson, The Mount of Vision: African-American Prophetic Tradition, 1800-1950 reviewed by Granville Ganter

Gene Holland, Nomad Citizenship, Free-Market Communism and the Slow-Motion General Strike reviewed by Keir Milburn

Notes on Contributors


62 (Volume 27, no. 2) July, 2013


Joseph G. Ramsey, Citing the Red Horizon: Assuming the Communist Condition. Critical Reflections on Jodi Dean’s The Communist Horizon

Joseph G. Ramsey, Division and Desire: A Discussion with Jodi Dean

Benjamin Shepard, From Flooded Neighborhoods to Sustainable Urbanism: A New York Diary


Inez Hedges, “Forward Dreaming” in Cuban Film: The Work of Tomás Gutiérrez Alea

Paula Vidal Molina, The Notion of Equality in Chile’s Communist and Socialist Left, 1960-1973

Grover Furr, The “Official” Version of the Katyn Massacre Disproven? Discoveries at a German Mass Murder Site in Ukraine

Peter Mayo, Social Democracy in a Postcolonial Island State: Dom Mintoff’s Impact


Mary Boger, Remembering Arthur Felberbaum

Liz Mestres, Reflections on the Brecht Forum/New York Marxist School


Efe Can Gürcan, NATO’s “Globalized” Atlanticism and the Eurasian Alternative


Carol Quirke, Eyes on Labor: News Photography and America’s Working Class reviewed by Marcella Bencivenni

Michael Heinrich, An Introduction to the Three Volumes of Karl Marx’s Capital reviewed by Justin Paulson

John Bellamy Foster and Robert W. McChesney, The Endless Crisis: How MonopolyFinance Capital Produces Stagnation and Upheaval from the USA to China reviewed by Peter Seybold

John Eric Marot, The October Revolution in Prospect and Retrospect: Interventions in Russian and Soviet History reviewed by Jordy Cummings

Adam Hanieh, Capitalism and Class in the Gulf Arab States reviewed by Yasin Kaya

Hsiao-Hung Pai, Scattered Sand: The Story of China’s Rural Migrants reviewed by Michael L. Zukosky

David Harvey, Rebel Cities: From the Right to the City to the Urban Revolution reviewed by Philip Louro

James Lerner, Course of Action: A Journalist’s Account from Inside the American League Against War and Fascism and the United Electrical Workers Union (UE), 1933-1978 reviewed by Paul Buhle

Richard Wolff, Democracy at Work: A Cure for Capitalism reviewed by Kate Frey

Richard D. Wolff and Stephen A. Resnick, Contending Economic Theories reviewed by Dimitri Devyatkin

Gerald Meyer, Vito Marcantonio, Radical Politician, 1902-1954 reviewed by David Giglio

Notes on Contributors


61 (Volume 27, no. 1) March, 2013


Jan Rehmann, Occupy Wall Street and the Question of Hegemony: A Gramscian Analysis

George C. Comninel, Critical Thinking and Class Analysis: Historical Materialism and Social Theory


Steve Martinot, Probing the Epidemic of Police Murders

Kevin “Rashid” Johnson, Political Struggle in the Teeth of Prison Reaction: From Virginia to Oregon


Robert Weil, Yuanmingyuan Revisited: The Confrontation of China and the West

Robert Ware, Reflections on Chinese Marxism

Darko Suvin, Splendours and Miseries of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia (1945-74)


Tadeusz Kowalik, From Solidarity to Sellout: The Restoration of Capitalism in Poland reviewed by Ludmila Melchior-Yahil

Immanuel Ness, Guest Workers and Resistance to U.S. Corporate Despotism reviewed by Bai Ruixue

Kate Hudson, The New European Left: A Socialism for the Twenty-First Century? reviewed by Steve McGiffen

George Katsiaficas, Asia’s Unknown Uprisings, Vol. 1: South Korean Social Movements in the 20th Century reviewed by Michael Munk

Benjamin Shepard, Play, Creativity, and Social Movements: If I Can’t Dance, It’s Not My Revolution reviewed by Ryan Conrad

Ronnie Kasrils, The Unlikely Secret Agent reviewed by Suren Moodliar

David Gilbert, Love and Struggle: My Life in SDS, the Weather Underground, and Beyond reviewed by B. Loewe

Carl Davidson, ed., Revolutionary Youth & the New Working Class: The Praxis Papers, the Port Authority Statement, the RYM Documents and Other Lost Writings of SDS reviewed by George Fish

Notes on Contributors


60 (Volume 26, no. 3) November, 2012


Ingar Solty, Dear Left: The NRA Is Right – The Mass Shooter as High-Achiever: Historical-Materialist Considerations on the Resistible Fall of James Holmes and the Pathologization and Culturalization of the Cinema Massacre in Aurora, Colorado


George Katsiaficas and Gerardo Rénique, A New Stage of Insurgencies: Latin American Popular Movements, the Gwangju Uprising, and the Occupy Movement

Michel Vakaloulis, Young Workers and the Transformations of Commitment 

Claudio Albertani, Education as a Battlefield: The Autonomous University of Mexico City in the National and International Contexts 

Marc Becker, Building a Plurinational Ecuador: Complications and Contradictions 

Joseph G. Ramsey, Revolution Underground? Critical Reflections on the Prospect of Renewing Occupation – available for free download at


Rainer Schultz, Food Sovereignty and Cooperatives in Cuba’s Socialism

Jorge Mario Sánchez Egozcue, Challenges of Economic Restructuring in Cuba

Julio César Guanche, This Is Not a Utopia (New and old news around the National Conference of the Cuban Communist Party)


James H. Stam, “Once a Marxist…”: Alasdair MacIntyre’s Revolutionary Aristotelianism


Immanuel Ness and Dario Azzellini, eds., Ours to Master and to Own: Workers’ Control from the Commune to the Present reviewed by Sarah Hernandez

Michael Lebowitz, The Contradictions of Real Socialism: The Conductor and the Conducted reviewed by Victor Wallis

James Cronin, George Ross, and James Shoch, eds., What’s Left of the Left: Democrats and Social Democrats in Challenging Times reviewed by Steve McGiffen

Stephen Eric Bronner, Socialism Unbound: Principles, Practices, and Prospects, 3rd ed. reviewed by Ian Werkheiser

Paul Blackledge, Marxism and Ethics: Freedom, Desire, and Revolution reviewed by Carl Grey Martin

John W. Maerhofer. Rethinking the Vanguard: Aesthetic and Political Positions in the Modernist Debate, 1917-1962 reviewed by Grover Furr

Jacques Rancière, The Emancipated Spectator reviewed by Matt Applegate

Stefan Szczelkun, ed. (with Anthony Iles), Agit Disco reviewed by Mat Callahan

David Gullette, Dreaming Nicaragua reviewed by Inez Hedges

Marcella Bencivenni, Italian Immigrant Radical Culture: The Idealism of the Sovversivi in the United States, 1890-1940 reviewed by Peter G. Vellon

Robin Blackburn, The Unfinished Revolution: Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln reviewed by Mark Lause



59 (Volume 26, no. 2) July, 2012


Ron Hayduk, George Katsiaficas, and Victor Wallis, Foreword

Joel Kovel, Presentation at Occupy Wall Street

Jesse Goldstein, Occuprint: Archiving the Future

George Katsiaficas, Zuccotti Park Talk

Victor Wallis, Their Crisis and Our Response

Benjamin Shepard, Occupy Against Inequality

Richard A. Jones, OWS and the Class/Race Dynamic

Geoffrey Kurtz, Two Kinds of Public Talk: Foreword to BMCC Symposium

Fabian Balardini, The Self-Destructive Logic of Capitalism and the Occupy Movement

Jacob Kramer, Occupy Wall Street and the Strikes of 1933-34

Ron Hayduk, Global Justice and OWS: Movement Connections

Angie Beeman, Post-Civil Rights Racism and OWS: Dealing with Color-Blind Ideology

Deborah Gambs, Occupying Social Media

Rose M. Kim, Occupying The New York Times?


Thomas Powell, The Poverty of Public Art

Darko Suvin, Death into Life: For a Poetics of Anti-Capitalist Alternative

Joel Kovel, A Philosophical Quest for 21st-Century Socialism


Grover Furr, Khrushchev Lied reviewed by Sven-Eric Holmstrom

Steve Early, The Civil Wars in U.S. Labor: Birth of a New Workers’ Movement or Death Throes of the Old? reviewed by Andrew Sernatinger

Benjamin Shepard and Greg Smithsimon, The Beach Beneath the Streets: Contesting New York City’s Public Spaces reviewed by Dana Edell

Doris Zames Fleischer and Frieda Zames, The Disability Rights Movement: From Charity to Confrontation, updated ed. reviewed by Ravi Malhotra

Steve Brouwer, Revolutionary Doctors: How Venezuela and Cuba Are Changing the World’s Conception of Health Care reviewed by Christina Perez

D.H. Melhem, Art and Politics/Politics and Art reviewed by George Fish

Eric Hobsbawm, How to Change the World: Reflections on Marx and Marxist Theory reviewed by Amy Buzby

Michael Perelman, The Invisible Handcuffs of Capitalism: How Market Tyranny Stifles the Economy by Stunting Workers reviewed by Jacqueline Carrigan

Samir Amin, Global History: A View from the South reviewed by Sarah Hernandez

Malcolm Bull, Anti-Nietzsche reviewed by Geoffrey Wildanger

Daniel Geary, Radical Ambition: C. Wright Mills, the Left, and American Social Thought reviewed by Peter Seybold

Jaafar Aksikas, Arab Modernities: Islamism, Nationalism, and Liberalism in the Post-Colonial Arab World reviewed by Abdullah M. Al-Dagamseh

John Marsh, Class Dismissed: Why We Cannot Teach or Learn Our Way Out of Inequality reviewed by R. Jamil Jonna

S.S. Prawer, Karl Marx and World Literature reviewed by John Maerhofer



58 (Volume 26, No. 1) March, 2012


Xu Changfu, The Incomplete Transformation of Sinicized Marxism

Xingfu Wang, Rethinking Universalism in the Context of China


J. F. Conway, The Political Economy and Etiology of Psychopathology: An Essay

Kurt Stand, Ambivalences, Contradictions, Choices: The Legacy of GDR Socialism

Gerd Callesen, Engels on Revolutionary Tactics, 1889–1895

Antonio J. Pela´ez Tortosa, Grassroots Democracy in Rural Vietnam: A Gramscian Analysis

Jose´ M. Atiles Osoria, Pro-State Violence in Puerto Rico: Cuban and Puerto Rican Right-Wing Terrorism from the 1960s to the 1990s


Frigga Haug, the Dialektikfrauen, The Politics of Die LINKE – A Politics of Time


John Lepper, The Situationist International: Forty Years On

Robert Roth, What’s Age Got to Do with It?


Sasha Lilley, ed., Capital and Its Discontents: Conversations with Radical Thinkers in a Time of Tumult reviewed by Paul Buhle

Edward S. Herman and David Peterson, Politics of Genocide reviewed by John O’ Connor

Edward P. Morgan, What Really Happened to the 1960s: How Mass Media Culture Failed American Democracy reviewed by Peter Seybold

Steve Martinot, The Machinery of Whiteness: Studies in the Structure of Racialization reviewed by Michael E. Brown

Bruno Gulli, Earthly Plenitudes: A Study on Sovereignty and Labor reviewed by David Spataro

Georg Adler, Peter Hudis, and Annalies Laschitza, eds, The Letters of Rosa Luxemburg reviewed by George Fish

Keith Bolender, Voices from the Other Side: An Oral History of Terrorism Against Cuba reviewed by Gail Lindenberg

Marcello Musto, ed., Karl Marx’s Grundrisse: Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy 150 Years After reviewed by Yasin Kaya

David Harvey, A Companion to Marx’s reviewed by Matthew Brett

Peter Knapp and Alan J. Spector, Crisis and Change Today: Basic Questions of Marxist Sociology, 2nd ed. reviewed by Steven J. Rosenthal


57 (Volume 25, No. 3) November, 2011


Robert Weil, Is the Torch Passing? The Maoist Revolution in India


Steven Colatrella, In Our Hands Is Placed a Power: Austerity, Worldwide Strike Wave, and the Crisis of Global Governance

Goran Marković, Workers’ Councils in Yugoslavia: Successes and Failures


Gavin Walker, The Dignity of Communism: Badiou’s Communist Hypothesis

Gerd Callesen, MEGA2 at the Halfway Point


Paige Arthur, Unfinished Projects: Decolonization and the Philosophy of Jean-Paul Sartre reviewed by Steve Martinot

Axel Harneit-Sievers et al., eds., Chinese and African Perspectives on China in Africa reviewed by Minqi Li



56 (Volume 25, No. 2) June, 2011


Steve McGiffen, Introduction

Alexander van Steenderen and Karel Koster, US-EU Defence Relations: Competitors – or Partners in Crime?

Steve McGiffen, Bloodless Coup d’Etat: The European Union’s Response to the Eurozone Crisis

Stine Vejlby, War, Xenophobia, and the Death Agony of the Danish Social Democratic Welfare State

Piet den Blanken, “Welcome to Europe” (photos)

Patrick Clairzier, Paths to Development through Trade: EU-Led Trade Liberalization vs. South-South Cooperation

Stuart Shields, From the Washington Consensus to the Brussels Consensus: Neoliberalisation by Depoliticisation in Post-Communist Poland

Raj Chari and Daniel Hillebrand O’Donovan, Lobbying the European Commission: Open or Secret?


Mario Kessler, Only Nazi Games? Berlin 1936: The Olympic Games between Sports and Politics

Sanya Osha, The Order/Other of Political Culture: Reflections on Nigeria’s Fourth Democratic Experiment


Steve Early, Embedded With Organized Labor: Journalistic Reflections on the Class War at Home reviewed by Robert Ross

Carl Mirra,The Admirable Radical: Staughton Lynd and Cold War Dissent, 1945-1970 reviewed by Peter Rachleff

Al Sandine, The Taming of the American Crowd: From Stamp Riots to Shopping Sprees reviewed by Stephen McFarland, Jr.

José Saramago, The Notebook reviewed by Ronald Paul

Michael E. Brown, The Historiography of Communism reviewed by John Maerhofer

Antonio A. Santucci, Antonio Gramsci reviewed by Peter Seybold

John Gerassi, Talking with Sartre: Conversations and Debates reviewed by Howard Pflanzer

Michael A. Lebowitz, The Socialist Alternative: Real Human Development reviewed by Cliff DuRand

Martin Carnoy, Cuba’s Academic Advantage reviewed by Peter Roman

Ennis Carter, ed., Posters for the People: Art of the WPA reviewed by Gerald Meyer

Raya Dunayevskaya, The Power of Negativity: Selected Writings on the Dialectic in Hegel and Marx reviewed by Shannon Brincat



55 (Volume 25, No. 1) March, 2011


Edited by John H. McClendon III and Yusuf Nuruddin

Preface by John H. McClendon III andYusuf Nuruddin

Introduction by John H. McClendon III


John H. Bracey, Jr., Black Studies in the Age of Obama

De Anna Reese and Malik Simba,Historiography against History: The Propaganda of History and the Struggle for the Hearts and Minds of Black Folk

Stephen Ferguson, The Utopian Worldview of Afrocentricity: Critical Comments on a Reactionary Philosophy

John H. McClendon III,Materialist Philosophical Inquiry and African American Studies

Yusuf Nuruddin, Africana Studies: Which Way Forward – Marxism or Afrocentricity?  Neither Mechanical Marxism nor Atavistic Afrocentrism

Reiland Rabaka, Revolutionary Fanonism: On Frantz Fanon’s Modification of Marxism and Decolonization of Democratic Socialism

Rose M. Brewer, Black Women’s Studies: From Theory to Transformative Practice

Rod Bush, Africana Studies and the Decolonization of the U.S. Empire in the 21st Century

Greg Carr, What Black Studies Is Not: Moving from Crisis to Liberation in Africana Intellectual Work

Anthony Monteiro, The Epistemic Crisis of African American Studies: A Du Boisian Resolution

Carter Wilson, The Dominant Class and the Construction of Racial Oppression: A Neo-Marxist/Gramscian Approach to Race in the United States

Charles Pinderhughes, Toward a New Theory of Internal Colonialism


Robeson Taj P. Frazier, Afro-Asia and Cold War Black Radicalism

Charles L. Lumpkins,Rediscovering Hubert Harrison: Revolutionary Socialism and Anti-White Supremacy for 21st-Century Americans

Gerald Meyer, James Baldwin’s Harlem: The Key to His Politics


Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness reviewed by Lenore Daniels

Safiya Bukhari, THE WAR BEFORE: The True Life Story of Becoming a Black Panther, Keeping the Faith in Prison, and Fighting for Those Left Behind reviewed by David Gilbert

Notes on Contributors


54 (Volume 24, No. 3) November, 2010


Preface by Marcello Musto

Introduction by Marcello Musto

This issue was published in book form in April 2012 by Routledge (London), as Marcello Musto (ed.), Marx for Today. For information, please visit  the following website:

Readers wishing to obtain particular articles from this issue are invited to contact their respective authors, whose email addresses are in the ‘Notes on Contributors’ for this issue, to which the link is given below.

Part I

Re-reading Marx in 2010

Kevin Anderson

Not Just Capital and Class: Marx on Nationalism, Ethnicity, and Non-Western Societies

Paresh Chattopadhyay

The Failure of Twentieth-Century Socialism and Marx’s Continuing Relevance

Michael Lebowitz

Change the System, Not Its Barriers

George Comninel

Emancipation in Marx’s Early Work

Marcello Musto

Revisiting Marx’s Concept of Alienation

Terrell Carver

Marx and the Politics of Sarcasm

Victor Wallis

” Lesser Evil” as Argument and Tactic, from Marx to the Present

Rick Wolff

In Capitalist Crisis, Rediscovering Marx

Part II

Marx’s Global Reception Today

Francisco Sobrino

Marx in Hispanic America

Armando Boito and Luiz Eduardo Motta

Marx in Brazil

Paul Blackledge

Marx in the Anglophone World

Jean-Numa Ducange

Marx in France

Jan Hoff

Marx in Germany

Gianfranco Ragona

Marx in Italy

Vesa Oittinen

Marx in Russia

Daiping Hu

Marx in China

Seongjin Jeong

Marx in Korea

Hiroshi Uchida

Marx in Japan


Notes on Contributors


53 (Volume 24, No. 2) July, 2010


Raúl Zibechi, Governments and Movements: Autonomy or New Forms of Domination?

Dario Azzellini, Constituent Power in Motion: Ten Years of Transformation in Venezuela

E. San Juan, Jr., African American Internationalism and Solidarity with the Philippine Revolution


Marcello Musto, The Formation of Marx’s Critique of Political Economy: From the Studies of 1843 to the Grundrisse

Paul Blackledge, Marxism, Nihilism, and the Problem of Ethical Politics Today

Brett Clark and John Bellamy Foster, The Dialectic of Social and Ecological Metabolism: Marx, Mészáros, and the Absolute Limits of Capital

David MacGregor and Paul Zarembka, Marxism, Conspiracy, and 9-11


Bülent Gökay and Darrell Whitman, Tectonic Shifts and Systemic Faultlines: The Global Economic Crisis

Mat Callahan, Distinguishing Friend from Foe in the Intellectual Property Debate

James W. Russell, Retirement Crisis in the United States

Michael Briguglio, Malta’s Labour Party and the Politics of Hegemony


Ronald Paul, Terror and the Individual in B.S. Johnson’s Last Two Novels


Philip Appleman, Paths of Glory

Roberta Gould, At the Start of Another War

D.H. Melhem, Downsizing Flint, Michigan


Hester Eisenstein, Feminism Seduced: How Global Elites Use Women’s Labor and Ideas to Exploit the World reviewed by Ann Ferguson

Ariel Salleh, ed., Eco-Sufficiency and Global Justice: Women Write Political Ecology reviewed by Kristen Van Hooreweghe

Minqi Li, The Rise of China and the Demise of the Capitalist World-Economy reviewed by John Gulick

Susan E. Mason, David L. Strug, Joan Beder, eds., Community Health Care in Cuba reviewed by Hobart A. Spalding

Rebecca Solnit, A Paradise Built in Hell: The Extraordinary Communities that Arise in Disaster reviewed by Kristian Williams

Michael Löwy, Morning Star: Surrealism, Marxism, Anarchism, Situationism, Utopia reviewed by Inez Hedges

Benjamin Shepard, Queer Political Performance and Protest: Play, Pleasure, and Social Movement reviewed by John Andrews

Mark Rudd, Underground: My Life with SDS and the Weathermen reviewed by Ron Jacobs

Stefan M. Bradley, Harlem vs. Columbia University: Black Student Power in the Late 1960s reviewed by Bob Feldman

Tim Wise, Between Barack and a Hard Place: Racism and White Denial in the Age of Obama reviewed by Ama Biney

John Bellamy Foster, The Ecological Revolution: Making Peace with the Planet reviewed by Noah Eber-Schmid

Notes on Contributors


52 (Volume 24, No. 1) March, 2010


Preface by The Editors

Introduction by Alfredo Prieto

Rafael Hernández, Revolution/Reform and Other Cuban Dilemmas

Juan Valdés Paz, Cuba: The Left in Government, 1959-2008

Emilio Duharte Díaz, Cuba at the Onset of the 21st Century: Socialism, Democracy, and Political Reforms

Omar Everleny Pérez Villanueva and Pavel Vidal Alejandro, Cuba’s Economy: A Current Evaluation and Several Necessary Proposals

Mayra Espina, Looking at Cuba Today: Four Assumptions and Six Intertwined Problems

María del Carmen Zabala Argüelles, Poverty and Vulnerability in Cuba Today

Marta Núñez Sarmiento, Cuban Development Strategies and Gender Relations

Aurelio Alonso, Religion in Cuba’s Socialist Transition

Rodrigo Espina Prieto and Pablo Rodríguez Ruiz, Race and Inequality in Cuba Today

Notes on Contributors

51 (Volume 23, No. 3) November, 2009


Introduction by Gerardo Rénique

Atilio Boron, From Infinite War to Infinite Crisis

Gustavo Esteva, Another Perspective, Another Democracy

Jeremy Lester, Prometheus Unbound in Caracas

Bernardo Mançano Fernandes, The MST and Agrarian Reform in Brazil

Marxa Chávez, Weaving the Rebellion: Plan 3000, Center of Resistance in Eastern Bolivia

Gerardo Rénique, Indigenous Amazonian Uprising against Neoliberalism: Law of the Jungle in Peru

Mario A. Murillo, The 2008 Indigenous & Popular Minga in Colombia: Civil Resistance and Alternative Communication Practices

Simona V. Yagenova and Rocío Garcia, Indigenous People’s Struggles Against Transnational Mining Companies in Guatemala

Laura Meyer and María Chaves, Winds of Freedom: A Factory under Workers’ Control in Argentina

Melvin Wulf, William Schaap, Len Weinglass, Remembering Philip Agee


Ximena de la Barra and Richard A. Dello Buono, Latin America after the Neoliberal Debacle: Another Region Is Possible reviewed by James W. Russell

Capitalism Hits the Fan: Richard Wolff on the Economic Meltdown [DVD] reviewed by Hobart Spalding

Randy Martin, An Empire of Indifference: American War and the Financial Logic of Risk Management reviewed by Jesse Goldstein

George Yancy, Black Bodies, White Gazes: The Continuing Significance of Race reviewed by Steve Martinot

Stanley Aronowitz, Against Schooling – Towards an Education That Matters reviewed by Peter Seybold

Richard Duffee, The Slow News of Need, Vol. 1 reviewed by Victor Cohen

Dinarzad’s Children: An Anthology of Contemporary Arab American Fiction, edited by Pauline Kaldas and Khaled Mattawa reviewed by George Wallace

Samir Amin, The World We Wish to See: Revolutionary Objectives in the Twenty-First Century reviewed by Daniel Egan

Notes on Contributors


50 (Volume 23, No. 2) July, 2009


Introduction by The Editors

Rick Wolff, Economic Crisis from a Socialist Perspective

Hester Eisenstein, Some Strategies for Left Feminists (and Their Male Allies) in the Age of Obama

Andrew Kliman, “The Destruction of Capital” and the Current Economic Crisis

Gregory Meyerson and Michael Joseph Roberto, Obama and the Irreversible Crisis: Systemic Contradictions, a New New Deal, and the Limits of State Capitalism

Rohit Negi, Political Economy of the Global Crisis

Jonathan Scott, Thinking Big

Mat Callahan, The Nature of the Beast: Its Vulnerabilities and Its Replacement

Victor Wallis, Economic/Ecological Crisis and Conversion

Jeffrey Shantz, Re-Building Infrastructures of Resistance

Raúl Zibechi, Time to Reactivate Networks of Solidarity


George Snedeker, Cash Nexus

D.H. Melhem, For Gaza

George Wallace, Too Many Words


Shaka Zulu, 500 Years of Tears


Nadya Williams, Trying to Undo: Veterans of Conscience in Viet Nam


Joel Kovel, Mearsheimer and Walt Revisited


Victor Considerant, Principles of Socialism: Manifesto of 19th Century Democracy reviewed by Amy Buzby

John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark and Richard York, Critique of Intelligent Design reviewed by David Schwartzman

Andrew Hartman, Education and the Cold War: The Battle for the American School reviewed by Samuel Day Fassbinder

Nicholas Powers, Theater of War: The Plot Against the American Mind and Sam Friedman, Seeking To Make the World Anew: Poems of the Living Dialectic reviewed by Howard Pflanzer

Aviva Chomsky, Linked Labor Histories: New England, Colombia, and the Making of a Global Working Class reviewed by Ted Zuur

Robert J. Foster, Coca-Globalization: Following Soft Drinks from New York to New Guinea reviewed by Noah Eber-Schmid

Messay Kebede, Radicalism and Cultural Dislocation in Ethiopia, 1960-1974 reviewed by Teodros Kiros

Francis A. Boyle, Protesting Power: War, Resistance, and Law reviewed by Ravi Malhotra

Michael Schwartz, War Without End: The Iraq War in Context reviewed by Peter Seybold

Lance Selfa, The Democrats: A Critical History reviewed by Chris Hardnack

Annelies Laschitza, Die Liebknechts: Karl und Sophie – Politik und Familie reviewed by Gerd Callesen

Notes on Contributors


49 (Volume 23, No. 1) March, 2009

Introduction by Victor Wallis


Dagmar Barnouw, The Fog of “Evil”: The Political Use of World War II in the Ongoing War on Terror

Jonathan Scott, Hamas and Theory

George Katsiaficas, Comparing Uprisings in Korea and Burma

Daniel Faber, Poisoning American Politics: The Colonization of the State by the Polluter-Industrial Complex


Frigga Haug, The “Four-in-One Perspective”: A Manifesto for a More Just Life

Joseph Grim Feinberg, We Are the Dialectic: An Essay for Positive Politics


Roderick Graham, The Battle for the Eye: Images and Politics in Harlem


David L. Strug, Why Older Cubans Continue to Identify with the Ideals of the Revolution


Alicia Ostriker, Red Diaper

Colette Inez, Bloody Rosa

David Metres, The Tel Rumeida Circus for Detained Palestinians


Michael A. Lebowitz, Build It Now: Socialism for the Twenty-First Century reviewed by William Smaldone

Retort [Iain Boal, T.J. Clark, Joseph Matthews, Michael Watts], Afflicted Powers: Capital and Spectacle in a New Age of War reviewed by Dan Berger

Hamideh Sedghi, Women and Politics in Iran: Veiling, Unveiling, and Reveiling reviewed by Judith Van Allen

Michael D. Yates, ed., More Unequal: Aspects of Class in the United States reviewed by Heather Steffen

Bill Fletcher, Jr. & Fernando Gapasin, Solidarity Divided: The Crisis in Organized Labor and a New Path toward Social Justice reviewed by Immanuel Ness

Aviva Chomsky, Linked Labor Histories: New England, Colombia, and the Making of a Global Working Class reviewed by Ted Zuur

Peniel E. Joseph, Waiting ‘Til the Midnight Hour: A Narrative History of Black Power in America reviewed by Dan Berger

Camilo Mejia, Road from Ar Ramadi: The Private Rebellion of Staff Sergeant Camilo Mejia reviewed by Carl Mirra

Andrew Hartman, Education and the Cold War: The Battle for the American School reviewed by Samuel Day Fassbinder

Stephen A. Resnick and Richard D. Wolff, eds., New Departures in Marxian Theory reviewed by Bruce Norton

Kaushik Sunder Rajan, Biocapital: The Constitution of Postgenomic Life reviewed by Martha Lincoln

Frank Rosengarten, Urbane Revolutionary: C.L.R. James and the Struggle for a New Society reviewed by Paul Buhle

E. San Juan, Jr., In the Wake of Terror: Class, Race, Nation, Ethnicity in the Postmodern World and E. San Juan, Jr., U.S. Imperialism and Revolution in the Philippines reviewed by Michael Viola

Casey Blake, ed., The Arts of Democracy: Art, Public Culture, and the State reviewed by Roderick Graham

Annelies Laschitza, Die Liebknechts: Karl und Sophie – Politik und Familie reviewed by Gerd Callesen

The 2008 Boston Palestine Film Festival reviewed by Inez Hedges

Notes on Contributors


48 (Volume 22, No. 3) November, 2008



Introduction by Marcella Bencivenni


Gerald Meyer, The Cultural Pluralist Response to Americanization: Horace Kallen, Randolph Bourne, Louis Adamic, and Leonard Covello

Susan J. Dicker, US Immigrants and the Dilemma of Anglo-Conformity

Ron Hayduk and Susanna Jones, Immigrants and Race in the US: Are Class-Based Alliances Possible?

LaToya A. Tavernier, The Stigma of Blackness: Anti-Haitianism in the Dominican Republic

Robin Jacobson and Kim Geron, Unions and the Politics of Immigration

Stefano Luconi, Ethnic Allegiance and Class Consciousness among Italian-American Workers, 1900-1941

Héctor Perla, Jr., Grassroots Mobilization against US Military Intervention in El Salvador

Mat Callahan, Immigration in Switzerland: Facts and Phobias

Hugh Hamilton, Reframing US Immigration Discourse for the 21st Century


Angel Island Immigration Station Poetry

D.H. Melhem, say french

Alice Ostriker, West Fourth Street


John A. Imani, Regarding Blacks and Mexicans


Daniel Cassidy, How the Irish Invented Slang: The Secret Language of the Crossroads reviewed by Jonathan Scott

E. San Juan, Jr. Balikbayang Mahal: Passages from Exile reviewed by Charlie Samuya Veric

Notes on Contributors


47 (Volume 22, No. 2) July, 2008


Introduction by Jonathan Scott

Steve Martinot, The Question of Fascism in the United States

Gwendolyn Brooks, Ballad of Pearl May Lee

Holly Martis, Lineages of American Fascism: A Study of Margaret Walker’s Historical Novel Jubilee

Jonathan Scott, Why Fascism When They Have White Supremacy?

Douglas W. Greene, The Bourgeois Roots of Fascist Repression

Matthew Lyons, Two Ways of Looking at Fascism

Gregory Meyerson and Michael Joseph Roberto, Fascism and the Crisis of Pax Americana

Mike Whitney, Global Train-Wreck: The Great Credit Bust of 2008

Elan Abrell, Making Enemies: The Reification of Essentialized Cultural Difference through “Legalized” Torture

Kam Hei Tsuei, The Antifascist Aesthetics of Pan’s Labyrinth


D.H. Melhem, Stigma & The Cave: Two Novels (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 2007) reviewed by Victor Cohen

Notes on Contributors


46 (Volume 22, No. 1) March, 2008

Ingar Solty, The Historic Significance of the New German Left Party

Sriram Ananthanarayanan, New Mechanisms of Imperialism in India: The Special Economic Zones

Mitchel Cohen, The Capitalist INFESTO and How to Fight It

Ravi Malhotra, Expanding the Frontiers of Justice: Reflections on the Theory of Capabilities, Disability Rights, and the Politics of Global Inequality

Thomas Seibert, The Global Justice Movement after Heiligendamm

Peter Seybold, The Struggle against Corporate Takeover of the University


Anatole Anton & Richard Schmitt, eds., Toward a New Socialism reviewed by Paul Buhle

Rosemary Feurer, Radical Unionism in the Midwest, 1900-1950 reviewed by Steve Early

Sebastian Budgen, Stathis Kouvelakis & Slavoj Žižek, eds., Lenin Reloaded: Toward a Politics of Truth reviewed by Ronald Paul

Stan Goff, War and Sex reviewed by Pramila Venkateswaran

Gideon Polya, Body Count: Global Avoidable Mortality Since 1950 reviewed by Jacqueline Carrigan

Robert Roth, Health Proxy reviewed by Walter A. Davis

H. Bruce Franklin, The Most Important Fish in the Sea: Menhaden and America reviewed by Scott Carlin

Walter A. Davis, Art and Politics: Psychoanalysis, Ideology, Theater reviewed by Eugene W. Holland

Marc Falkoff, ed., Poems from Guantánamo: The Detainees Speak reviewed by D.H. Melhem

Joel Shatzky, Intelligent Design: A Fable reviewed by Victor Cohen

Alexander Saxton, Religion and the Human Prospect reviewed by Richard Curtis

Peter McLaren & Nathalia Jaramillo, Pedagogy and Praxis in the Age of Empire: Towards a New Humanism reviewed by Andrew Michael Lee

Helen Caldicott, Nuclear Power is Not the Answer; Helen Caldicott, If You Love This Planet: A Plan to Heal the Earth reviewed by Ronald F. Price

Andrew Kliman, Reclaiming Marx’s Capital: A Refutation of the Myth of Inconsistency reviewed by Michael Roberts

Henry Heller, The Cold War and the New Imperialism reviewed by Daniel Egan

Alexander Cockburn & Jeffrey St. Clair, End Times: The Death of the Fourth Estate reviewed by George Fish

Paul Zarembka, ed., The Hidden History of 9-11-2001 reviewed by Seth Sandronsky

Steve Ellner & Miguel Tinker Salas, eds. Venezuela: Hugo Chávez and the Decline of an “Exceptional Democracy” reviewed by Nikolas Kozloff

Michael González Cruz, Nacionalismo revolucionario puertorriqueño: la lucha armada, intelectuales, y prisioneros políticos y de guerra reviewed by Juan Antonio Ocasio Rivera

Lynn Hunt, Inventing Human Rights: A History reviewed by Judith F. Stone

Michael Hardt Presents the Declaration of Independence reviewed by Carl Mirra

Notes on Contributors


45 (Volume 21, No. 3) November, 2007


Foreword by Victor Wallis

Introduction by Teodros Kiros

F. Abiola Irele, The Political Kingdom: Toward Reconstruction in Africa

Paget Henry, Africana Political Philosophy and the Crisis of the Post-Colony

Nigel C. Gibson, Zabalaza, Unfinished Struggles against Apartheid: The Shackdwellers’ Movement in Durban

Judith Van Allen, Feminism and Social Democracy in Botswana

Biodun Jeyifo, An African Cultural Modernity: Achebe, Fanon, Cabral, and the Philosophy of Decolonization

Daniel Egan, Frantz Fanon and the Construction of the Colonial Subject: Defining “The Enemy” in the Iraq War

Kwasi Wiredu, Democracy by Consensus: Some Conceptual Considerations

Teodros Kiros, Moral Economy: An Original Economic Form for the African Condition

Roger Burbach and Camila Piñeiro, Venezuela’s Participatory Socialism


Joel Kovel, Overcoming Zionism: Creating a Single Democratic State in Israel/Palestine reviewed by Michael Steven Smith

Nikolas Kozloff, Hugo Chávez: Oil, Politics and the Challenge to the U.S. reviewed by Fred Rosen

Stanley Aronowitz, Left Turn: Forging a New Political Future reviewed by Ethan Young

Jonathan Scott, Socialist Joy in the Writing of Langston Hughes reviewed by Anamaría Flores

Steve Martinot, Forms in the Abyss: A Philosophical Bridge between Sartre and Derrida reviewed by Elizabeth Butterfield

Notes on Contributors


44 (Volume 21, No. 2) July, 2007


Robert Weil, Were Revolutions in China Necessary?

Stephen Philion, Workers’ Democracy vs. Privatization in China


Introduction by Gerardo Rénique

Gerardo Rénique, Political Formations and the Struggle for Autonomy in Oaxaca

Gustavo Esteva, Oaxaca: The Path of Radical Democracy

Lynn Stephen, “We are brown, we are short, we are fat. We are the face of Oaxaca”: Women Leaders in the Oaxaca Rebellion

Deborah Poole, The Right to Be Heard


Martha Lincoln, Black Hole, Gulag, Country Club: A Map of Guantánamo Bay

Jonathan Scott, The Demonization of Pan-American Nationalism

Inez Hedges, Signifyin’ and Intertextuality: Killer of Sheep and Black Independent Film

Joseph G. Ramsey, From “Why We Fight” to Fighting Their “We”: Zeiger’s “Sir No Sir” meets Jarecki’s “Why We Fight”


Peter Roman and Hobart A. Spalding, Response to a Misinformed “Left” Critique of Cuba


Robert Smith, “Wounded in War” Wounded in the Arts


D.L. Raby, Democracy and Revolution: Latin America and Socialism Today reviewed by Victor Wallis

Dan Berger, Chesa Boudin, and Kenyon Farrow, Letters from Young Activists: Today’s Rebels Speak Out reviewed by Shannon Farrington

Mike Davis. Planet of Slums reviewed by Martha Lincoln

Michael Perelman, Railroading Economics: The Creation of the Free Market Mythology reviewed by Andrew Michael Lee

James W. Russell, Double Standard: Social Policy in Europe and the United States reviewed by Cory Fairley

Ali Abunimah, One Country: A Bold Proposal to End the Israeli-Palestinian Impasse reviewed by Matthew Richman

Virginia Tilley, The One-State Solution: A Breakthrough for Peace in the Israeli-Palestinian Deadlock reviewed by Matthew Richman

Paul Buhle, Tim Hector: A Caribbean Radical’s Story reviewed by Frank Rosengarten

Christine Lattek, Revolutionary Refugees: German Socialism in Britain, 1840-1860 reviewed by Gerd Callesen

Notes on Contributors


43 (Volume 21, No. 1) March, 2007


Aasim Sajjad Akhtar, The New Vanguard: Challenges for the Left in Asia and Africa

Daniel Egan, Planning the Transition to Capitalism: The Commission for Assistance to a Free Cuba

Basem Ra’ad and Jamal Nafi’, The Geography of Occupation: Palestinian Education Today


Anibal Quijano, Questioning “Race”

Anamaria Flores, Toward a Revolution in American Studies: The Counter-Narratives of Jose´ Martı´ and Herman Melville

Jonathan Scott, Introduction to Theodore Allen’s Notes on Base and Superstructure

Theodore W. Allen, Base and Superstructure and the Socialist Perspective


Kevin “Rashid” Johnson, Amerikan Prisons Are Government-Sponsored Torture

Jason L. Mallory, Mass Incarceration, Democracy, and Inclusion


Christopher Phelps, The Radicalism of Randolph Bourne 123


Anthony Arnove, Iraq: The Logic of Withdrawal reviewed by Ted Zuur

Carl Mirra, ed., Enduring Freedom or Enduring War? Prospects and Costs of the New American 21st Century reviewed by Daniel Egan

Eric Stener Carlson, The Pear Tree: Is Torture Ever Justified? reviewed by Greta Hofmann Nemiroff

Dan Berger, Outlaws of America: The Weather Underground and the Politics of Solidarity reviewed by Andrew Hartman

Andrew E. Hunt, David Dellinger: The Life and Times of a Nonviolent Revolutionary reviewed by Mike Vozick

Norman Mailer and John Buffalo Mailer, The Big Empty: Dialogues on Politics, Sex, Boxing, Morality, Myth, Poker and Bad Conscience in America reviewed by Stefan Schindler

Inez Hedges, Framing Faust: Twentieth-Century Cultural Struggles reviewed by David Gullette

Lee Sustar and Aisha Karim, eds., Poetry and Protest: A Dennis Brutus Reader reviewed by Ronald Paul

Gene Santoro, Highway 61 Revisited: The Tangled Roots of American Jazz, Blues, Rock, & Country Music; Mat Callahan, The Trouble with Music reviewed by George Fish

Jeff Chang, Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop: A History of the Hip Hop Generation reviewed by Darby E. Southgate

Michael Perelman, Manufacturing Discontent: The Trap of Individualism in Corporate Society reviewed by Seth Sandronsky

William DiFazio, Ordinary Poverty, a Little Food and Cold Storage reviewed by Barbara Conn

Ron Hayduk, Democracy for All: Restoring Immigrant Voting Rights in the United States reviewed by Gene Brown

Stephen Duncombe and Andrew Mattson, The Bobbed-Haired Bandit: A True Story of Crime and Celebrity in 1920s New York reviewed by Martha Lincoln

Stanley Aronowitz, Just Around the Corner: The Paradox of the Jobless Recovery (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2005) reviewed by Matt Vidal.

Ignacio Ramonet, Fidel Castro: Biografía a dos voces (Barcelona: Random House Mondarori, 2006) reviewed by Hobart Spalding.

Luis Báez, El mérito es estar vivo (Havana: Prensa Latina, 2005) reviewed by Hobart Spalding.

Antonio Labriola, Carteggio [Correspondence], 1861-1904, edited by Stefano Miccolis. vols. 1-5 (Naples: Edizioni di filosofia e scienze, 2000-06) reviewed by Ole Jorn.

Notes on Contributors


42 (Volume 20, No. 3) November, 2006


Preface by Yusuf Nuruddin, Alcena Madeline Davis Rogan and Victor Wallis

Introduction by Victor Wallis

Yusuf Nuruddin Science Fiction as Popular Culture: A Sense of Wonder


Steven Shaviro Prophecies of the Present

Carl Freedman Speculative Fiction and Int’l Law: The Marxism of China Mieville

Lisa Yaszek – Afrofuturism Science Fiction and the History of the Future

Alcena Madeline Davis Rogan – Alienation, Estrangement and the Politics of “Free Individuality” in Two Feminist Science Fictions: A Marxist Feminist Analysis

Dennis M. LensingThe Fecund Androgyne: Gender and the Utopian/ Dystopian Imagination of the 1970s

Jonathan ScottOctavia Butler and the Base for American Socialism


Yusuf NuruddinAncient Black Astronauts and Extraterrestrial Jihads: Islamic Science Fiction as Urban Mythology

Marleen S. Barr – Science Fiction and the Cultural Logic of Early Post Postmodernism

Robert P. HorstemeierFlying Saucers Are Real! The US Navy, Unidentified Flying Objects, and the National Security State


Sherryl Vint & Mark Bould – All That Melts Into Air Is Solid: Rematerialising Capital in “Cube” and “Videodrome”

Michael G BennettThe Adoxic Adventures of John Henry in the 21st Century


Fredric Jameson Archaeologies of the Future: The Desire Called Utopia and Other Science Fictions reviewed by Alcena Madeline Davis Rogan

Sheree Thomas, ed., Dark Matter I: A Century of Speculative Fiction from the African Diaspora; Sheree Thomas, ed., Dark Matter: Reading the Bones; Nalo Hopkinson and Uppinder Mehan, eds., So Long Been Dreaming: Postcolonial Science Fiction and Fantasy reviewed by Yolanda Hood

Andrea L. Bell & Yolanda Molina-Gavila´n, eds – Cosmos Latinos: An Anthology of Science Fiction from Latin America and Spain reviewed by Aaron Dziubinskyj

Notes on Contributors


41 (Volume 20, No. 2) July, 2006

Introduction by The Editors


Saladin Muhammad Hurricane Katrina: The Black Nation’s 9/11! A Strategic Perspective for Self-Determination

Robert Weil“To Be Attacked by the Enemy Is a Good Thing”: The Struggle over the

Legacy of Mao Zedong and the Chinese Socialist Revolution

Jyotsna KapurRehearsals for War: Capitalism and the Transformation of Children into Consumers

Inez HedgesThe Aesthetics of Resistance: Thoughts on Peter Weiss

Thomas J. ButkoGramsci and the “Anti-Globalization” Movement: Think Before You Act

Jeffrey Paris American Power and the Philosophy of World-Systems Analysis

Jonah RaskinLooking Backward: Personal Reflections on Language, Gesture and Mythology in the Weather Underground

Dan BergerThe Weather Underground’s Place in History: A Response to Jonah Raskin

George Fish Blues Against Bush


Silvia Federici Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body, and Primitive Accumulation reviewed by Hester Eisenstein

Roxanne Dunbar-OrtizBlood on the Border: A Memoir of the Contra War reviewed by Roberta L. Salper

Understanding the Venezuelan Revolution: Hugo Chavez Talks to Marta Harnecker reviewed by Fred Rosen

Walter A. Davis – Death’s Dream Kingdom reviewed by Eugene W. Holland

Robert W. Cherny, William Issel & Kiernan Walsh Taylor, eds.American Labor and the Cold War: Grassroots Politics and Postwar Political Culture reviewed by Seth Sandronsky

Marc Garcelon – Revolutionary Passage from Soviet to Post-Soviet Russia, 1985–2000 reviewed by Hans Aage

Seth FarberRadicals, Rabbis, and Peacemakers: Conversations with Jewish Critics of Israel reviewed by Michael Steven Smith

John Sanbonmatsu – The Postmodern Prince: Critical Theory, Left Strategy, and the Making of a New Political Subject reviewed by Daniel Egan

Melanie E. L. BushBreaking the Code of Good Intentions: Everyday Forms of Whitenessreviewed by Anna Stubblefield

Joe Berry – Reclaiming the Ivory Tower: Organizing Adjuncts to Change Higher Education reviewed by Howard Pflanzer

David C. Brotherton and Luis Barrios The Almighty Latin King and Queen Nation: Street Politics and the Transformation of a New York City Gang reviewed by Louis Kontos

Daniel R. Faber and Deborah McCarthy, eds. Foundations for Change: Critical Perspectives on Philanthropy and Popular Movements reviewed by Leslie King

Samir AminThe Liberal Virus: Permanent War and the Americanization of the World reviewed by David Siar

Polly PattulloLast Resorts: The Cost of Tourism in the Caribbean reviewed by Leroy A. Binns

Notes on Contributors


40 (Volume 20, No. 1) March, 2006

Introduction by The Editors


Frank Rosengarten – Looking Back in Order to Look Ahead: Twenty Years of Research and Publishing by the Research Group on Socialism and Democracy

Victor Wallis Socialism and Democracy During the First 20 Years of Socialism and Democracy


Marcella Bencivenni The New World Order and the Possibility of Change: A Critical Analysis of Hardt and Negri’s Multitude

Georgy Katsiaficas – In Defense of the Dialectic: A Response to Antonio Negri


Pat McGeever Allah’s Fool: A One-Act Play

Terry Bisson Greet the Press: A Radio Play


Franciszek Wiktor Mleczko Predatory Democracy: Family, Bureaucrats and Gangsters


Alicia Herrera – Pusimos la bomba – ¿y que´? reviewed by Dawn Gable and Karen Lee Wald

Victor Grossman (Stephen Wechsler) – Crossing the River: A Memoir of the American Left, the Cold War, and Life in East Germany reviewed by Gerald Meyer

Sean McMeekin – The Red Millionaire: A Political Biography of Willi Mu¨nzenberg, Moscow’s Secret Propaganda Tsar in the West reviewed by Peter Waterman

Dave Zirin What’s My Name, Fool? Sports and Resistance in the United States reviewed by Hobart Spalding


Dave Zirin – What’s My Name, Fool? Sports and Resistance in the United States II reviewed by Robert Roth

Marx-Engels Jahrbuch – Vols 1–2 reviewed by Gerd Callesen

Nikolai BukharinPhilosophical Arabesques reviewed by David MacGregor

Louis Kontos, David Brotherton and Luis Barrios, eds. – Gangs and Society: Alternative Perspectives reviewed by George P. Mason

Kathy Kelly – Other Lands Have Dreams: From Baghdad to Pekin Prison reviewed by Seth Sandronsky

William M. KunstlerThe Emerging Police State, edited by Michael Steven Smith, Karin Kunstler Goldman and Sarah Kunstler reviewed by Hobart Spalding

Salim Lamarani, ed. – Superpower Principles: U.S. Terrorism Against Cuba reviewed by Hobart Spalding

Ben AggerSpeeding up Fast Capitalism: Cultures, Jobs, Families, Schools, Bodies reviewed by Michael Buhl

Notes on Contributors


39 (Volume 19, No. 3) November, 2005


Introduction by Gerardo Rénique


Raul Zibechi Subterranean Echos: Resistance and Politics “desde el Sotano”

Adolfo GillyBolivia: A 21st-Century Revolution

Aníbal Quijano –The Challenge of the “Indigenous Movement” in Latin America

Pablo Gonzalez Casanova – The Zapatista “Caracoles”: Networks of Resistance and Autonomy

Peter RanisArgentina’s Worker-Occupied Factories and Enterprises

Jose De EchavePeruvian Peasants Confront the Mining Industry

Peter WinnSalvador Allende: his Political Life… and Afterlife

Hugo BlancoBuilding the Democratic Power of the People


Ellen Ray and William H. Schaap, eds., Covert Action: The Roots of Terrorism reviewed by Victor Wallis

Notes on Contributors


38 (Volume 19, No. 2) July, 2005



Hans Aage The Triumph of Capitalism in Russia and Eastern Europe and Its Western Apologetics

Peter Roman – The Lawmaking Process in Cuba: Debating the Bill on Agricultural Cooperatives

Jonah RaskinJack London, Burning Man: Portrait of an American Socialist



Ed GeorgeThrough What Stage Are We Passing?

Rod BushReflections on Black Internationalism as Strategy

Peter Hudis Developing a Philosophically Grounded Alternative to Capitalism


Bertell OllmanWhat Constitutes a “Stolen Election”?

Steve MartinotPro-Democracy and the Ethics of Refusal

Joel KovelThinking the Unthinkable


Ricardo Levins MoralesThe Drinking Gourd: Vision as Strategy

Aasim Sajjad AkhtarAre We Not a Working-Class Movement?

Assata Zerai and Horace CampbellThe Black Radical Congress and Black Feminist Organizing

Hamideh Sedghi Global Feminism, Local Agendas and Actions


Stan Goff A Period for Pedagogy

Yusuf NuruddinInside/Outside vs. Left Pole/Mainstream

Kevin “Rashid” Johnson – A Practical Approach to Strategic Organizing for Popular Struggle

J.A. Shantz No One Is Illegal: Organizing Beyond Left Nationalism in Fortress North America


Michael Ratner and Ellen Ray – Guantànamo: What the World Should Know reviewed by Mumia Abu-Jamal

Robert J.S. Ross – Slaves to Fashion: Poverty and Abuse in the New Sweatshops; Immanuel NessImmigrants, Unions, and the U.S. Labor Market reviewed by Steve Early

Philip Cannistraro and Gerald Meyer, eds. – The Lost World of Italian-American Radicalism reviewed by Paul Buhle

David R. Roediger – Colored White: Transcending the Racial Past reviewed by Seth Sandronsky

Margaret Morganroth Gullette – Aged by Culture reviewed by Frank Ridzi

Vera Morozowa, Marina Uzar, Elena Vaščenko and Juergen Rojahn, eds.Karl Marx/Friedrich Engels: Briefwechsel Januar 1858 bis August 1859. Marx/Engels Gesamtausgabe III/9 reviewed by Gerd Callesen

John H. McClendon III – C.L.R. James’s Notes on Dialectics: Left Hegelianism or Marxism–Leninism? reviewed by Peter Hudis

Mark Zepezauer, Take the Rich Off Welfare, 2nd ed. reviewed by Tracy McLellan

Notes on Contributors


37 (Volume 19, No. 1) March, 2005



Gregory WilpertVenezuela: Participatory Democracy or Government as Usual?

Emilio BetancesJoaquin Balaguer and Contemporary Dominican Politics and Society


Richard Levins – Progressive Cuba-Bashing


Walter A. Davis – Passion of the Christ in Abu Ghraib: Toward a New Theory of Ideology

Pierre Mesnard y Mendez Exploring “Terror/ism”: Numinosity, Killings, Horizons

Steve Martinot Mexico, Iraq and the Two-Party System: Studies in White Supremacy

E. San Juan, Jr. – Inventing Vernacular Speech-Acts: Articulating Filipino Self-Determination in the United States


R.F. Price The HIV/AIDS Controversy and Capitalist Science


Joseph G. Ramsey Left Docudrama 2004

Amy WendlingComparing Two Editions of Marx-Engles Collected Works


Edward Said – Freud and the Non-European reviewed by Joel Kovel

Irwin SilberPress Box Red: The Story of Lester Rodney, the Communist Sportswriter Who Helped Break the Color Line in American Sports reviewed by Paul Buhle

Julian MarkelsThe Marxian Imagination: Representing Class in Literature reviewed by Ronald Paul

Walter A. Davis Deracination: Historicity, Hiroshima, and the Tragic Imperative reviewed by Eugene W. Holland

Michael Dawson – The Consumer Trap: Big Business Marketing in American Life reviewed by Louis Kontos

George Snedeker – The Politics of Critical Theory: Language /Discourse/Society reviewed by John Michael

Jeremy Varon – Bringing the War Home: The Weather Underground, the Red Army Faction, and Revolutionary Violence in the Sixties and Seventies reviewed by Dan Berger

David Gilbert – No Surrender: Writings from an Anti-Imperialist Political Prisoner reviewed by Dan Berger

Stan GoffFull Spectrum Disorder: The Military in the New American Century reviewed by Macdonald Stainsby

Elaine C. Hagopian, ed.Civil Rights in Peril: The Targeting of Arabs and Muslims reviewed by Mark Solomon

Francis A.Boyle – Palestine, Palestinians and International Law reviewed by Ian Williams

Abe Ignacio, Enrique de la Cruz, Jorge Emmanuel and Helen Toribio The Forbidden Book: The Philippine American War in Political Cartoons reviewed by Max Elbaum

Rosa Miriam Elizalde and Luis Baez Hermandez“The Dissidents”: Cuban State Security Agents Reveal the True Story reviewed by Michael Steven Smith

Notes on Contributors


36 (Volume 18, No. 2) Fall-Winter, 2004


Introduction by Victor Wallis


Kevin Powell – The Hip-Hop Generation

Kristine WrightRise Up Hip Hop Nation: From Deconstructing Racial Politics to Building Positive Solutions


John H. McClendon IIIJazz, African American Nationality, and the Myth of the Nation-State

Mark NaisonFrom Doo Wop to Hip Hop: The Bittersweet Odyssey of African-Americans in the South Bronx

Todd Boyd Intergenerational Culture Wars: Civil Rights vs Hip Hop (interview by Yusuf Nuruddin)


Mumia Abu-JamalA Rap Thing

Bakari Kitwana Hip-Hop Studies and the New Culture Wars

Regina Naasirah Blackburn – Binary Visions, Black Consciousness, and Bling Bling


HishamAidi“Verily, There Is Only One Hip-Hop Umma”: Islam, Cultural Protest and Urban Marginality

Ryan Ford Hip-Hop White Wash: The Impact of Eminem on Rap Music and Music Industry Economics

Jonathan Scott – Sublimating Hiphop: Rap Music in White America


Mark Anthony Neal Up From Hustling: Power, Plantations,and the Hip Hop Mogul

Lawrence James – Get Into the G.A.ME: The Grassroots Artists Movement (interview by Ron Hayduk)

George MartinezThe Politics of Hip Hop interview by Ron Hayduk

Marcyliena MorganPreserving Hip Hop Culture (interview by Regina Naasirah Blackburn)

Rob “Biko” Baker“Take Me to Your Leader”: A Critical Analysis of the Hip-Hop Summit Action Network

Niamo Mu’idLive, from Newark: The National Hip Hop Political Convention


Yusuf NuruddinBrothas Gonna Work It Out! Hip Hop Philanthropy, Black Power Vision, and the Future of the Race


Macdonald StainsbyCoup at Amnesty International: Venezuelan Human Rights, Canadian Film Festivals, and Censorship


Kevin PowellWho’s Gonna Take The Weight? Manhood, Race And Power In America reviewed by Cherise Davis

Jeffrey St. ClairBeen Brown So Long It Looked Like Green To Me reviewed by Josh Frank

Notes on Contributors


35 (Volume 18, No. 1) January-June, 2004

Introduction by The Editors


Introduction by Hester Eisenstein

Jennifer Disney Incomplete Revolutions: Gendered Participation in Productive and Reproductive Labor in Mozambique and Nicaragua

Tammy FindlayGetting Our Act Together: Gender, Globalization, and the State

Martha Gimenez Connecting Marx and Feminism in the Era of Globalization: A Preliminary Investigation

Kimberly EarlesThe Gendered Effects of the Reregulation of the Swedish Welfare State

Bina SrinivasanReligious Fundamentalism, Community Disintegration, and Violence Against Women: All Issues Are Women’s Issues

Carol BartonGlobal Women’s Movements at a Crossroads: Seeking Definition, New Alliances and Greater Impact


Omar Swartz Toward a Critique of Normative Justice: Human Rights and the Rule of Law

Jonathan ScottPeculiar Relations: White Identity and Imaginative Literature


Giorgi Katsiaficas Impressions of North Korea


Ben Manski The Massacre in Miami with photos by Diane Greene Lent


Anatole Anton, Milton Fisk and Nancy Holmstrom, eds.Not For Sale: In Defense of Public Goods reviewed by Cliff DuRand

Eddie Yuen, Daniel Burton-Rose and George Katsiaficas, eds.The Battle of Seattle: The New Challenge to Capitalist Globalization reviewed by Benjamin Shepard

Mike Marqusee – Chimes of Freedom:The Politics of Bob Dylan’s Art reviewed by Stefan Schindler

Steve Martinot – The Rule of Racialization reviewed by David Mertz

Steve Ellner and Daniel Hellinger, eds. – Venezuelan Politics in the Chavez Era: Class, Polarization and Conflict reviewed by Trudie Coker

Friedrich Engels – Werke, Artikel, Entwurfe Oktober 1886 Bis Februar 1891 [The Founding of the Second International] reviewed by Gerd Callesen

Takahisa Oishi – The Unknown Marx: Reconstructing a Unified Perspective reviewed by Victor Wallis

National Lawyers Guild, New York City ChapterDefend Cuba and the Cuban Five Peter Roman, People’s Power: Cuba’s Experience With Representative Government, Update Edition reviewed by Hobart Spalding

Notes on Contributors


34 (Volume 17, No. 2) Summer-Fall, 2003



Philip AgeeTerrorism and Civil Society as Instruments of U.S. Policy in Cuba

Leonard WeinglassThe Railroading of the Cuban Five


Paul Burkett Ecology and Marx’s Vision of Communism

Charles Verharen Afrocentricity, Ecocentrism, and Ecofeminism: New Alliances for Socialism

Jesse A. Rhines Agency, Race and Utopia

Jeffrey B. Perry Hubert Harrison, 1883-1927: Race Consciousness and the Struggle for Socialism


Andrew Hartman The Social Production of  American Identity: Standardized Testing Reform in the United States

Steve MartinotThe Whiteness of the Assault on Iraq

David Baronov Colonial Rule, AIDS and Social Control in Puerto Rico


Macdonald Stainsby – Beyond Summit-Hopping? G8’s Retreat to Kananaskis and the Way Ahead

Bill Smaldone “Acting Locally” in the Age of Globalization: The Case of Salem


Alliance of Radical Academic/Intellectual Organizations: Draft Mission Statement


Lawrence Blum“I’m Not a Racist, But…” reviewed by Anna Stubblefield

Keith Gilyard Liberation Memories: The Rhetoric and Poetics of John Oliver Killens reviewed by Alan Wald

John TrumpbourSelling Hollywood to the World: U.S. and European Struggles For Mastery of the Global Film Industry, 1920-1950 reviewed by Inez Hedges

Joan RoelofsFoundations and Public Policy: The Mask of Pluralism reviewed by Johnny E. Williams

Randy Martin On Your Marx: Rethinking Socialism and the Left reviewed by Manjur Karim

Karl Marx/Friedrich Engels Briefwechsel Oktober 1864 Bis Dezember 1865 [The First International and the American Civil War] reviewed by Gerd Callesen

The New Left Revisited Edited by John McMillian and Paul Buhle reviewed by Robert Pardun

Max Elbaum Revolution in the Air: Sixties Radicals Turn to Lenin, Mao and Che reviewed by Paul Buhle

Signe WallerLove and Revolution: A Political Memoir: People’s History of the Greensboro Massacre, Its Setting and Aftermath reviewed by Yonni Chapman

Mark D. NaisonWhite Boy: A Memoir reviewed by Bill Batson

Jerald PodairThe Strike That Changed New York: Blacks, Whites and the Ocean Hill Brownsville Crisis reviewed by Sean Ahern

Seymour MelmanAfter Capitalism: From Managerialism to Workplace Democracy reviewed by David Schweickart

Michael Löwy and Robert Sayre Romanticism Against the Tide of Modernity reviewed by Frank Rosengarten

Roger S. GottliebJoining Hands: Politics and Religion Together for Social Change reviewed by D. Parthasarathy

Joel KovelThe Enemy of Nature: The End of Capitalism or the End of the World? reviewed by Laurie A. Gates

Raya Dunayevskaya Marxism and Freedom, From 1776 Until Today reviewed by Eli C. Messinger

Notes on Contributors


33 (Volume 17, No. 1) Winter-Spring, 2003

Introduction by Ronald Hayduk, Yusuf Nuruddin & Victor Wallis

Yusuf NuruddinWinter in America


Rod BushAfrican Americans, Social Justice and the Aftermath of September 11, 2001

Stephen Steinberg False Optimism on Race


Ward Churchill An American Holocaust? The Structure of Denial

Anthony Monteiro Race and the Racialized State: A Du Boisian Interrogation

Joel Kovel Racism and Ecology

Rose M. Brewer Black Radical Theory and Practice: Gender, Race, and Class

Gerald HorneThe Crisis of White Supremacy

Maulana KarengaDu Bois and the Question of the Color Line: Race and Class in the Age of Globalization


Eric Foner Race and Citizenship

Salah D. Hassan Enemy Arabs

Andrew HartmanLanguage as Oppression: The English-only Movement in the U.S.

Melanie E.L. BushAmerican Identity and the Mechanisms of Everyday Whiteness


Fred JeromeThe Hidden Half-Life of Albert Einstein: Anti-Racism

Richard M. Flood Towards a Theory of Revolutionizing Street Nations

Sam Anderson & Muntu Matsimela The Reparations Movement: Recent and Current Activism

Ronald HaydukRegional Equity as a Civil Rights Issue


Yusuf NuruddinThe Sambo Thesis Revisited: Slavery’s Impact upon the African American Personality

Regina Naasirah BlackburnErupting Thunder: Race and Class in the 20th Century Plays of August Wilson

William W. Sales, Jr., Lynette Jackson, Robin D.G. KelleyCritical Black History: A Symposium


Elliot J. GornMother Jones:The Most Dangerous Woman in America

Brian Kelly Race, Class and the Power in the Alabama Coalfields, 1908-21 (Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2001) reviewed by Steve Early

The Truman Nelson Reader Edited by William J. Schafer reviewed by Bob Feldman

Notes on Contributors


32 (Volume 16, No. 2) Summer-Fall, 2002

Introduction by The Editors


Editorial Introduction – Cuba’s Challenge to U.S.-based Terrorism: Court Statements from the Trial of The Miami Five

Statement by Ramón Labañino

Statement by Gerardo Hernández


Samir Awad Background to the “Peace Process”

Nadia HijabLimitations of the Oslo Accords

Roger Normand Israel’s Economic War in Context

Yerach GoverZionism’s Zero Sum Game

Moshe BeharThe Peace Process and Israeli Domestic Policies in the 1990s

Annemarie Kattan JacirRefugees and the Right of Return

Amira SohlImplementing the Right of Return

Inez HedgesLife Under the Occupation: Two Films


Pierre Mesnard y Méndez Capitalism Means/Needs War

Gareth DaleMore Shock Than Therapy: Why There Has Been No “Miracle” in Eastern Germany

Carlos M. VilasBetween Market Democracies and Capitalist Globalization: Is There Any Prospect for Social Revolution in Latin America?

Rick WolffCapitalist Hegemony and Contesting Concepts of Class

Ronald Paul Politics and the Novel: Three British Marxist Critics of the 1930s


Jean-Charles Brisard and Guillaume Dasquié Ben Laden: La Verite Interdite reviewed by David Michael Smith

Leo PanitchRenewing Socialism reviewed by Joseph E. Ethier

David Harvey – Spaces of Hope reviewed by Gianpaolo Baiocchi

Jeff Ferrell – Tearing Down the Streets: Adventures in Urban Anarchy reviewed by Benjamin Shepard

Jamie PeckWorkfare States reviewed by Gertrude Schaffner Goldberg

Patrick Colm HoganThe Culture of Conformism: Understanding Social Consent reviewed by John Trumpbour

Regin SchmidtRed Scare: FBI and the Origins of Anticommunismin the United States reviewed by Harry Targ

Dokumente Zur Geschichte Der Kommunistischen Bewegung In Deutschland Reihe 1945/1946 reviewed by Gerd Callesen

Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels: Werke, Artikel, Ent würfe Januar bis Dezember 1855. MEGA I, Vol. 14 reviewed by Gerd Callesen

Frank RosengartenThe Writings of the Young Marcel Proust (1885-1900): An Ideological Critique reviewed by J. D. Mininger

Three Short Works on Cuba reviewed by Hobart Spalding

Notes on Contributors


31 (Volume 16, No. 1) Winter-Spring, 2002

Introduction by The Editors


Bertolt Brecht The Manifesto

Darko Suvin On Brecht’s “The Manifesto”: Comments for Readers in English


Frigga Haug Towards a Theory of Gender Relations

Robert Weil – Red Shift: Class Effects of Socialist Egalitarianism and Capitalist Polarization


Gil Scott-Heron Reparations Epigram

Yusuf Nuruddin Promises and Pitfalls of Reparations

Frances M. BealLessons from Durban

Onaje Mu’idUnited Nations World Conference Against Racism: Disparate Beacon for an Emerging New Humanity under Contest by Racist Detractors

Amiri BarakaPlenary Address to Conference on Reparations

AFTER 9/11

Hester Eisenstein Globalization and the Events of Sept. 11, 2001

John MichaelIntellectuals and the Clash of Cultures

Hamideh SedghiMuslims in the West’s Imagination: Myth or Reality?

William W. Sales, Jr. – Significance for African Americans of the Attacks of September 11, 2001

Victor WallisA Radical Approach to Justice for 9/11

Max Elbaum and Bob WingSome Strategic Implications of 9/11


Elly Leary From First to Third Gear


William Blum Rogue State: A Guide to the World’s Only Superpower reviewed by Dan Brook

Johanna Brenner Women and the Politics of Class reviewed by Hester Eisenstein

Doris Zames Fleischer and Frieda Zames The Disability Rights Movement: From Charity to Confrontation review by Ravi Malhotra

And Then, Vol. 10 (2001) reviewed by George Snedeker


30 (Volume 15, No. 2) Fall, 2001


Macdonald Stainsby Quebec City: Before and After the Storming of the Wall

Norman Solomon “A Different World Is Possible”: Porto Alegre vs. the Corporate Media

Gianpaolo BaiocchiBrazilian Cities in the Nineties and Beyond: New Urban Dystopias and Utopias

Andy Merrifield – Metro Marxism, or Old and Young Marx in the City

Kang Ouyang with replies by Robert Weil and Bertell OllmanContemporary Development of Marxist Philosophy in China

Robert Weil – On “Emancipating the Mind”: A Reply to Professor Kang Ouyang

Bertell Ollman – Reply to Professor Kang Ouyang’s Article on Marxist Philosophy in China

Renzo Llorente – The Poverty of a Darwinian Left: A Critique of Peter Singer’s New Political Paradigm

Mario Kessler Arthur Rosenberg: History and Politics between Berlin and New York

Nikos PetropoulosThe Recent General Strike in Greece


Mumia Abu-JamalAll Things Censored reviewed by Terry A. Kupers

Eric Parens and Adrienne Asch, eds. – Prenatal Testing and Disability Rights reviewed by Ruth Hubbard

August H. Nimtz, Jr. Marx and Engels: Their Contribution to the Democratic Breakthrough reviewed by Euripides Pelekanos

Leo Panitch and Colin Leys, eds. – Working Classes: Global Realities. Socialist Register 2001 reviewed by Hobart A. Spalding

James Blaut Eight Eurocentric Historians reviewed by Louis Proyect

Susanne JonasOf Centaurs and Doves: Guatemala’s Peace Process reviewed by Greg Grandin

Bertell Ollman – How to Take an Exam… And Remake the World reviewed by Dave Lippman


29 (Volume 15, No. 1) Spring-Summer, 2001


Introduction The Cuba Issue Collective


Introduction by Cuba Issue Collective

Pedro MonrealCuba: The Challenges of Being Global and Socialist… at the Same Time

Mayra Paula Espina PrietoThe Effects of the Reform on Cuba’s Social Structure: An Overview

Marta Nunez SarminetoCuban Strategies for Women’s Employment in the 1990s: A Case Study of Professional Women

Alejandro de la FuenteRecreating Racism: Race and Discrimination in Cuba’s “Special Period”


Introduction by Cuba Issue Collective

Juan Valdes PazThe Cuban Political System in the 1990s: Continuity and Change

Jesus Pastor Garcia Brigos People’s Power in the Organization of the Cuban Socialist State

Section III: The Agrarian Sector

Hans-Jurgen BurchardtCuba’s Agriculture after the New Reforms: Between Sagnation and Sustainable Development

Niurka Perez Rojas and Dayma Echevarria Leon The Relationship Between Participation and Managerial Autonomy in Cuba’s Basic Units of Cooperative Production: Six Case Studies


28 (Volume 14, No. 2) Fall-Winter, 2000

Introduction by The Editors


Fidel Castro – Cuba and the Struggle Against Global Poverty

Julio C. Gambina – The Crisis of Representation in Argentina: Guidelines for an Alternative Project

Anibal Quijano – Fujimorism, the OAS and Peru

Deborah Poole and Gerardo Renique – Popular Movements, the Legacy of the Left, and the Fall of Fujimori

Jan RehmannThe Historical-Critical Dictionary of Marxism: A Noah’s Ark of Critical Thinking

Mehmet Tabak – A Marxian Theory of Democracy

Derek Boothman – A Note on the Evolution of Some Key Gramscian Terms

Diane Greene Lent – Philadephia 2000: Scenes of Protest at the Republican Convention

Martin Hernandez Los Angeles, the Democratic Convention, and the Left


27 (Volume 14, No. 1) Spring-Summer, 2000

Introduction by The Editors


Wolfgang Fritz Haug – Gramsci’s “Philosphy of Praxis”

Neil Larsen Preselective Affinities: Marxism and Surrealism in Latin America

Michael LowyMarx’s Dialectic of Progress: Closed or Open?

Victor Wallis“Progress” or Progress? Defining a Socialist Technology

Milton Fisk Neoliberalism and the Slow Death of Public Healthcare in Mexico

George Katsiaficas Remembering the Kwangju Uprising


Mike MarquseeRedemption Song: Muhammad Ali And The Spirit Of The Sixties reviewed by Stefan Schindler

Marilyn Buck, David Gilbert, and Laura WhitehornEnemies of the State reviewed by Akinyele O. Umoja


26 (Volume 13, No. 2) Fall-Winter, 1999

Introduction by The Editors


Jan Rehmann“Abolition” of Civil Society?: Remarks on a Widespread Misunderstanding in the Interpretation of “Civil Society”

Leo Panitch“The Impoverishment of State Theory”

Tania Noctiummes & Jean-Pierre Page“Yugoslavia: An Imperialist War for a New World Order”

Tania Noctiummes and Jean-Pierre PageAppendix: War in Yugoslavia: Preparatory Manipulations – Human Rights, Diplomacy, the KLA

Sungur Savran“From the Balkans to Central Asia: Kosovo as Harbinger”

Boris Kagarlitsky“Bombs and Multiculturalism”

Joan McQueeney MitricAnti-NATO and Anti-Milosevic in Belgrade


25 (Volume 13, No. 1) Spring-Summer, 1999

Introduction by The Editors


Maria Helena Moreira Alves, Barbara Fields, Stephen Jay Gould, Richard Levins, Daniel Singer, Cornel West, Ellen Meiksins Wood and

Steve Brier (Moderator) – Roundtable on the Future of the Left


Giorgio Baratta“The Individual and the World: From Marx to Gramsci to Said”

Inez Hedges – “Faust and Utopia: Socialist Visions”

John E. Coombes“Roth and Coover: Excess and Subversion in Post-Modernist Fiction”


Volker Braun, Property


Carl Davidson Anti-Market Mystifications: A Response to Bertell Ollman

Bertell OllmanReply to Carl Davidson


Daniel Burton-Rose, with Dan Pens and Paul Wright, eds.The Celling of America: An Inside Look at the U.S. Prison Industry reviewed by Hugh R. Lyons

Winston JamesHolding Aloft the Banner of Ethiopia: Caribbean Radicalism in Early Twentieth-Century America reviewed by Fanon Che Wilkins

Rupert Charles Lewis Walter Rodney’s Intellectual and Political Thought reviewed by Larvester Gaither


David Worley – The Brecht Forum, New York

Exposing the New World Order: Seattle WTO Summit


23-24 Double Issue (Volume 12, Nos. 1 and 2), 1998

Introduction by The Editors


Bertell Ollman“What We Can Still Learn from the Communist Manifesto: The Dance of the Dialectic, or How to Study the Communist Future Inside the Capitalist Present”

Victor Wallis“The Communist Manifesto and Capitalist Hegemony After 150 Years”

John Ehrenberg“Civil Society and Marxist Politics”

Mario A. Manacorda – “The Manifesto and Humanity’s Destiny”

Richard Levins“Rearming the Revolution: The Tasks of Theory for Hard Times”

Helena Sheehan – “Grand Narratives Then and Now: Can We Still Conceptualise History?”

Boris Kagarlitsky – “De-Revising Marx”

Joel Kovel“The Spectre Redefined”

Michael Parenti – “The Increasing Relevance of Marxism”

Dave Lippman“Who’s on Third? Poaching in the Culture Wars”

Daryl Glaser“Marxism and Democracy: Or, Towards a Three-Hatted Marxism”

Marcel van der Linden“Metamorphoses of European Social Democracy”

James Petras and Chronis Polychroniou – “Rethinking Globalization: From the Future to the Past”

Tyree Scott “Black Workers and the Global Economy”

Bob Sutcliffe“The Communist Manifesto and Globalization”

Boris Kagarlitsky“The Russian Economic Crisis and the International Monetary Fund”


Eric Canepa“Report on the 150th Anniversary of the Communist Manifesto at Cooper Union”


22 (Volume 11, No. 2) Fall-Winter, 1997

Introduction by The Editors


Bertell Ollman“Market Mystification in Capitalist and Market Socialist Societies”

Joan Cocks – Touché: “Marx on Nations and Nationalism”

John McDermott – “On the Origins of the Present World in the Defeat of the 60s”

Victor Wallis – “Keeping the Faith: The ’60s Contribution to the ’90s Left”


James Petras – Neruda in Colombia


Raul Hilberg – The Politics of Memory: The Journal of a Holocaust Historian reviewed by John McDermott

Miguel BarnetBiography of a Runaway Slave reviewed by James Russell


Eric CanepaReport on Conferences

Wolfgang Fritz Haug – Guidelines for the Historical-Critical Dictionary of Marxism

Cumulative Table of Contents:

Nos. 11 – 22 (Fall 1990 – Fall 1997)


21 (Volume 11, No. 1) Spring-Summer, 1997

Introduction by The Editors


Annette T. Rubinstein – “Fundamental Problems in Marxist Literary Criticism: Form, History and Ideology”

Michael Löwy“Lucien Goldmann or the Communitarian Wager”

Peter Hudis“Conceptualizing an Emancipatory Alternative: István Mészáros’s Beyond Capital”

Patrick V. Peppe – “The Struggle for Workers’ Control in Italian Industry, 1968-1977”

Colin Hay – “A Sorry State? Diagnosing the British Affliction”


Whose Congress? John C. BergUnequal Struggle: Class, Gender, Race and Power in the U.S. Congress reviewed by Pat McGeever

Karl Mannheim’s Liberalism David Kettler and Volker Meja Karl Mannheim and the Crisis Of Liberalism: The Secret of These New Times reviewed by Stephen E. Slaner

Red Not Dead Constance Coiner Better Red: The Writing and Resistance of Tillie Olsen and Meridel Le Sueur reviewed by Robin Dizard

My Mother The Teacher Ruth Jacknow MarkowitzMy Daughter, The Teacher: Jewish Teachers In The New York City Schools reviewed by Edward Greer with a personal response by Ruth Greer


Eric Canepa – Research Groups, Libraries, Periodicals
