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Blogger Matthew N Lyons said...

On a related topic, the Resistance in Brooklyn collective has issued a statement about anti-racism and the Occupy movement, entitled "Occupation: Liberation - Building Sustainable Resistance Movements," at http://www.newclearvision.com/2011/11/28/occupation-and-liberation/

See also "Whiteness and the 99%," by Joel Olson of Bring the Ruckus, at http://bringtheruckus.org/?q=node/146

December 06, 2011 8:32 PM

Anonymous schalom libertad said...

Interesting post. It seems though like you are equating "class politics" with anti-capitalism. This is too simple, as many working class movements aimed to secure better living and working conditions, and not the abolition of capitalism. Of course, the latter is no easy goal. But it also does not come automatically, or simply incrementally. Strikes and port shutdowns are however good *strategies* for stopping capital, and putting on pressure.

December 08, 2011 9:01 PM

Blogger Matthew N Lyons said...

schalom libertad: Good point. I did not mean to equate class politics and anti-capitalism, but did not address this clearly. Thanks for the clarification.

December 09, 2011 8:40 PM

Anonymous negative potential said...

This is an ok piece, but ultimately the main thought behind it is that mass social movements are not uniformly anti-capitalist, and anti-capitalist ideas within them are a minority current.

That's true, but it's also kind of banal. Is the argument then that explicit anti-capitalists should be promoting a rigorous critique of capitalism among their movement contacts? I agree with that, but even then, I think such perspectives, short of some kind of revolutionary crisis, are not likely to win a majority of social movement activists.

I'm not a "spontaneist" by any means, but I think consciousness matters a lot less in mass movements than most leftists think, and are likely to fail due to a confluence of factors that often have nothing to do with the ideological convictions of participants.

March 10, 2012 3:27 PM

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