16 year-old antifa stabbed to death in Madrid

On November 11 in Madrid, a local neo-Nazi party, Democracia Nacional — which, incidentally, has adopted the imagery which recently helped the far right in Switzerland gain record votes — organised a public rally, officially in order to protest “anti-Spanish racism” (sic). (Spain in November is apparently replete with racist and fascist demonstrations of one sort or another.) Madrid antifa organised a counter-protest. On their way to it, a small group of antifa encountered some of the neo-Nazis in or near a train station. A fight broke out, and a 16 year old antifa was stabbed to death, and a number of others (perhaps six) injured. One person has been arrested by police and charged with the murder. Democracia Nacional, which is also expected to contest elections next March, has denied all involvement, as well as the allegation that one of their members was responsible for the stabbing. Following the murder, there have been rallies in Madrid and a number of other cities across Spain, and in Madrid a number of banks and other business properties damaged…

Update November 13 : According to further reports, Carlos was with a group of friends when they encountered a neo-Nazi in the metro. When confronted, the fascist stabbed Carlos in the heart, and another antifa in the lung, and then fled. He was soon caught, and badly beaten. When police arrived, they attacked the antifa and took the fascist, a member of the army, to hospital, where he remains in a serious condition. The neo-Nazi protest was authorised by local government authorities and scheduled to take place in an area (Usera) with a relatively high population of immigrants, principally from South America. November 20 is the anniversary of fascist dictator Franco’s death, is marked by fascist protests and outrages, and the period leading up to it by other, smaller actions by the far right. On the other hand, an antifa taking part in the counter-protest on November 11 was shot with a rubber bullet by police; a reaction to anti-fascist actions — ie, repression — typical of Spanish authorities.

Update November 14 : Fuck me. Spanish authorities have apparently granted some fascist twats legal permission to hold a rally on November 17: “MADRID, Spain (AP) – A Spanish court has given the go-ahead for a far-right rally this weekend despite tensions after a fight between leftist and rightist gangs left a teenager stabbed to death, officials said Tuesday. The demonstration will commemorate the killing of Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera in 1936 by leftist forces during the Spanish Civil War… The demonstration is to include a march to the Valley of the Fallen, a massive monument housing the tombs of Franco and Primo de Rivera 54 kilometers (34 miles) northwest of Madrid.” And in Prague: “Czech right-wing extremists announced that they will hold a November 17 rally after police prevented a neo-Nazi march from taking place in Prague’s Jewish quarter last Saturday in keeping with a court ban. The new demonstration is scheduled for Palackeho namesti square, the Prague “Hyde Park,” according to the Web site of the Autonomous [!] Nationalists. Participants are urged on the site to arrive dressed in black, preferably with wreaths, candles, flowers and black flags in mourning for “freedom of speech”.” What’s that old saying? ‘Your funeral. Our party.’

Also : According to ‘Think Spain’, David Fucking Duke is gonna address Spanish fascists later in November, but in the meantime, “…the regional government of Madrid has authorised four demonstrations convoked by various extreme right-wing organisations over the coming days. Next Saturday, the Falange will pay tribute to former party leader, Primo de Rivera… On Sunday, the National Confederation of Ex-Combatants will gather, and on the 20th November itself, the National Front will get together at the Valle de los Caídos while the Falange will meet up in Alcalá de Henares. Permission for a demonstration organised by the Anti-Fascist Confederation on the 24th November has been denied.”

Update November 21 : In Madrid, the expected rally declared by National Democracy in Puerta del Sol failed to materialise, and despite attempts at intimidation by police, approximately 500 (police estimate) to 1,000 (organiser estimate) people took to the streets to remember Carlos and to let the fascists know they will not pass. Other rallies, both authorised and unauthorised, took place on November 17 in Barcelona and in other cities around Spain. On November 20, fascists held rallies to commemorate the deaths of Primo de Rivera in 1936 and Franco in 1975. Note that November 20, 1936, is also the day upon which Buenaventura Durruti was killed in Madrid.

    It is we the workers who built these palaces and cities here in Spain and in America and everywhere. We, the workers, can build others to take their place. And better ones! We are not in the least afraid of ruins. We are going to inherit the earth; there is not the slightest doubt about that. The bourgeoisie might blast and ruin its own world before it leaves the stage of history. We carry a new world here, in our hearts. That world is growing this minute.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

1) 1 dead, 7 injured in Madrid gang clash
The Associated Press
International Herald Tribune
November 11, 2007

MADRID, Spain: One person [Carlos] was stabbed to death and at least seven were injured when fighting broke out Sunday between two politically opposed gangs in an underground railway station in Madrid, officials said.

A man died from stab injuries to the heart, and another four were hospitalized — one in serious condition — emergency service spokesman Javier Ayuso said.

First aid workers closed off Paseo de las Delicias, an important Madrid thoroughfare, to set up a mobile hospital to treat the injured, Ayuso said.

Some people suffered from gas inhalation, although it was not clear if this was from personal defense dispensers or fire extinguishers, Ayuso said.

“It was a very violent fight in a confined space,” Ayuso said.

Press reports said the clash occurred when a right-wing gang on the way to an anti-immigration rally encountered a left-wing gang in the station.

Among the injured were a policeman who was hit on the head with a bottle and a female metro attendant who suffered an anxiety attack, Ayuso said.

Alfredo Prada, the community justice spokesman for Madrid’s local government, condemned the violence.

“Madrid is an open and integrated region where there is no room for racist, xenophobic or extremist expressions,” Prada said.

Several hundred people later gathered in Madrid’s central Sol square to protest the stabbing and racism.

2) Teenager killed as rival gangs clash in Madrid metro station
‘Typically Spanish'[?]

The 16 year old was [allegedly] a member of a left-wing gang on its way to an anti-immigration rally called by neo-Nazis…

Hundreds demonstrated in Madrid’s Puerta del Sol on Sunday evening in protest at the death of a 16 year old boy who was stabbed to death in a clash between two rival gangs in the Legazpi area of the city on Sunday afternoon. Eight others were injured in the clashes – one of them seriously – and one of them could be the suspected attacker, according to a report by the EFE news agency [Un muerto y ocho heridos tras una reyerta entre neonazis y antifascistas en Madrid y El joven asesinado en Madrid por otro de ideología neonazi será enterrado hoy, El Mundo].

The paper said it happened in a confrontation between neo-Nazi skinheads and the anti-fascist redskin gang, and began inside a metro train at the local station, when the victim was on his way with a group of friends to support immigrants at an anti-immigration protest called by the far right political organisation, Juventudes de Democracia Nacional.

El País newspaper said [Un fallecido y tres heridos graves en Madrid durante una reyerta entre neonazis y antifascistas] some of those involved in the confrontation between the two groups used self-defence sprays, and anti-riot police were brought in to control any further disturbances, both in Legazpi and at the next station in Usera.

They said five suspects were taken into custody, and a group of 300 were seen armed with sticks, stones and Molotov cocktails.

The autopsy on the body of the teenager, who died from a stab wound to the chest, will take place on Monday. He lived in Vallecas with his mother, and was an only child.

3) Teen killed in fascist protest battle
Reuters / news.com.au
November 12, 2007

A 16-year-old Spaniard was killed when anti-fascists fought members of a small far right group inside the Madrid subway ahead of an anti-immigrant rally, police said today.

Carlos Javier Palomino was stabbed in the heart yesterday afternoon and about six people were injured as the rival groups fought with knives, pepper sprays and fire extinguishers inside a subway train and the Legazpi station, police said.

Police said they arrested a 24-year-old man suspected of killing Palomino.

The man had been beaten by anti-fascists and taken to hospital after the incident, police said.

Hundreds of anti-fascists later fought police with sticks and molotov cocktails as they tried to stop the march by members of a youth wing of the small far-right National Democracy party.

The clashes follow racially motivated attacks in recent weeks on an Ecuadorean woman in Barcelona and a black African man selling DVDs in Madrid.

Spain’s immigrant population has quadrupled to four million or 10 per cent of the population since 2000, with the biggest groups coming from Latin America, Morocco and Romania.

A poll in the Publico newspaper today found 54 per cent of Spaniards considered the Socialist Government had done a bad or very bad job on the issue of immigration.

TV España:

See also : lahaine.org for more… Local punks meanwhile, continue to drink, laugh at sing at local neo-Nazi venue The Birmingham, and police have confirmed that Melbourne Croatia Social Club has arranged for Thompson to come and play. (Next gig @ The Birmy: December 1, 2007, with The Boots, Donkey Punch, Sewer Cider, The Worst and Wot Rot.) Speaking of hating Jews… Vorchheimer’s attackers plead guilty, AJN, November 12, 2007, “TWO more footballers have pleaded guilty to verbally assaulting Menachem Vorchheimer as he walked home from synagogue in October last year. After a number of lengthy adjournments, James Bellarine Football League’s 2006 best and fairest winner Dalton and Matthew Cuthbert appeared in the Melbourne Magistrates Court on Monday morning to answer a range of charges. They will return to court for sentencing on Thursday. Cuthbert pleaded guilty to a charge of using insulting words in public. He admitted to saying, “I’m not going to apologise to no f***ing Jew.” Three other charges against Cuthbert were dropped. Dalton meanwhile, pleaded guilty to one count of offensive behaviour. The AJN understands that it was Dalton, the captain of the Ocean Grove Football Club, who snatched Vorchheimer’s kippah and hat from his head. Vorchheimer was walking with his children on Simchat Torah over 12 months ago when he was subjected to antisemitic abuse from a busload of young men who were leaving the Caulfield racecourse after a day out. Another player involved in the incident, Simon Christian was fined $1000 earlier this year after he admitted yelling “Go Nazis” at Vorchheimer, the son of Holocaust victims… Two men admit racially abusing Jewish man, The Age, November 12, 2007

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2017 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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33 Responses to 16 year-old antifa stabbed to death in Madrid

  1. This lump of worthless crap was a anarchist. Clearly a enemy of the proletariat. [His] death is welcomed because it means one less anarchist to deal with.

    Ha Andy, when I come to power I will order Kommissar Dean to set up a special concentration camp just for anarchists. You and your friend Darp will be the first ones to go.

  2. Luke says:

    Both the Frente Nacional and the Falange have a reasonable presence over here still… although it’s primarily in their ability to plaster posters on banks, from what I understand, and not from their level of public support.

    Interestingly though, in comparison to Australia at least – where something like this may have made a small little corner of The Australian or The Age, the events of last night were front page news of both El Pais and El Mundo plus had substantial articles in Metro, ADN and I think even Que! (all free train station papers). I’m not sure about ABC (the monarchist paper) or La Razon (the far right paper) as I didn’t see them. Unfortunately, I didn’t know about the protest so wasn’t there, but I think the fallout from this might be significant. I’ll keep you posted on any thing I hear or see in the next weeks, if you’d like.

  3. Luke says:

    In addition, I thought it also interesting that the one English speaking paper here (International Herald Tribune) described it as “rival gangs” with barely a mention of the actual politics… whilst even ADN (street rag that it is) reported it as between antifascista and grupos de ultraderecha.

  4. Adam says:

    fucking hell, and you fascist pricks think this is the world we need where we stab 16yos

    R.I.P amigo

  5. Sharp Shooter says:

    If the Antifa had the chance they’d do the exact same, they attacked a lone Nationalist while in a mob and paid the consequences. All is fair in love and war fellas, see you on the barricades!

  6. @ndy says:

    The exact circumstances surrounding Carlos’ murder are unknown. I’ve read varying reports. Some claim it took place before the DN protest, others after. Some claim the neo-Nazi was on his own, others that he was travelling in a group. Some claim Carlos was a redskin, others that he was simply opposed to bigotry and wanted to express it in the streets of Madrid, in an area of town chosen by the DN for its high immigrant population, having received the blessing of local authorities, and in the full knowledge that such events are almost invariably accompanied by fascist vigilantism. In any case, he was 16, and his murderer a fascist soldier.

    Your bravado, incidentally, is tedious.

    PS. Luke: please do.

  7. PF says:

    G’day @ndy,

    Have been trying to get an email to the FDB mob but can’t find an address to get to. Could you please send me a contact email [I assume you have my email address from posting] for this group.

    By the way, I’m impressed with your political and musical stance on things, as well as your pedantry with the language. Thanks for providing some entertaining and enlightening (especially re European antifa) knowledge about the anti-racist scene.

    BTW, I have a copy of a NN/WP band from Sydney in the 90s. I was told their name was “Open Season”, named after a line on the album:

    “It’s open season on SHARP scum,
    let’s make those nigger-lovers run”

    Alarmingly, this is one of the least offensive parts of the album. I have been told (albeit through word-of-mouth in the punk scene) that this group dispersed – possibly with the help of police – in the mid to late nineties. I’ve googled these people but can find no reference at all, even after searching for such memorable lines as:

    “Ape man, you’re a smelly coon”
    “Give ’em a taste of Zyklon-B”
    and my favourite…
    “One world, one people … WHITE PEOPLE!”

    You seem to have a good knowledge of the racist right scene in AUS, have you come across these cretins? If not, I have a tape that would be considered evidence and would be happy to pass it on.



  8. @ndy says:

    Hey PF,


    (By NN you mean… NS?) Afaik, during the period you refer to police and other authorities exerted various forms of pressure on the far right, both formal and informal, and in proportion to the number of bashings and killings they committed (and hence the degree of public alarm/political pressure to ‘do something’ such actions generated). Boneheads in particular were fairly strongly ensconced within National Action, right from its beginnings (1982), through a string of murders and assaults, under first Saleam and then Brander, before its final implosion (late ’90s, early ’00s), and a small scene coalesced around it. Anyways, most of the NS/WP bands I’m aware of are from the east coast — Canberra, Melbourne, Newcastle, Sydney — but like other marginal genres — but more so in the case of this particular form of muzak — bands come and go in pretty short order, and those that do survive aren’t necessarily very prolific. The generation of boneheads most active in the late ’80s and early ’90s are now either dead, have moved on, or are still flying the flag, only more quietly, and often with a job, a mortgage and a family in tow. So to cut a long story short: no, I haven’t heard of Open Season, but it’s possible some of my friends would’ve. Of course, they’re all over the place too…

  9. PF says:

    (By NN you mean… NS?)

    Sorry amigo, I get confused with all this shit. I used NN to mean Neo-Nazi, and I presume NS is Nationalist Socialist (although arguably a contradiction in terms). What is the difference? Are Nationalist-Socialists just Nazis trying to escape the “Nazi” image?

    Sorry ’bout the confusion


  10. Nazis are members of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party. Since 1945, people of the fare right have been called Neo-Nazis.

  11. Luke says:

    There was a solidarity protest last night in Sol against Carlos’ death – 1500 strong or thereabouts. Once again there seemed to be reasonable media coverage but I’m not sure of the content. My Spanish is not quite up to scratch – El Pais had a bit more today. Point of interest – there has definitely been a slight increase in security in the Metro.

    The general consensus here seems to be that Carlos was a red skin and I’ve only seen it stated that they were both travelling in small groups. I’m not a hundred percent certain on the nature of the ‘red skins’ – I make my assumptions and garner what I can from my flatmates, but neither groups have been portrayed in a positive light. What do you know about them Andy?

  12. PF says:

    Thanks Peter. I know the historical definition but is there an ideological difference between modern Neo-Nazism and National Socialism? Is there anything ‘new’ in Neo-Nazism? From a linguistic point of view it implies they have moved away from the older (ie National Socialist) ideology, but I can’t see a significant difference. I have a feeling I’m reading too much into it and the difference is purely organisational or nominative.



  13. Adam says:

    nothing new the pricks are just younger so they are the next generation or the neo generation

  14. @ndy says:

    Hola Luke,

    Yeah, it’s certainly possible. Although whether that means he was a formal member of RASH Madrid or just a skinhead with left-wing politics, I dunno. The Redskins were originally a band from the UK in the late ’70s — mid-’80s, closely aligned with the (Trotskyist) SWP. I’m not a fan of Trotskyism, but I kinda like The Redskins (I got their only full-length album (Neither Washington Nor Moscow) and The John Peel Sessions on vinyl and a live CD as well (MOJO re-issue)). Anyways, they — or more precisely, their name — became identified with left-wing / ‘red’ skinheads, and since their rather brief tenure at the top of the socialist charts, a whole slew of other bands have emerged, combining oi, reggae, ska and soul music with politically-conscious, ‘progressive’ lyrics (as well as various other forms of musical/political activism). My impression is that this trend is much stronger in (especially Western) Europe than elsewhere. The generic term redskin can also refer to a range of left-wing ideologies, from Orthodox Communism (Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin) to Maoist, Trotskyist, various left-wing nationalisms (Basque, for example) to more libertarian forms. RASH Madrid is of the former variety, which leads to some confusion, as RASH = Red & Anarchist Skin Heads, and I don’t think I need to elaborate too much on why a genuine anarchist might find the worship of figures such as Lenin et al a problem. In any case, like most youth sub-cultures, identities and allegiances can be fluid, change over time, and organisational affiliations are generally looser than they are stricter. As for Carlos himself, RASH Berlin held a protest regarding his murder, so it’s quite possible he was a member or very close to RASH Madrid…

  15. “nothing new the pricks are just younger so they are the next generation or the neo generation”

    A better way to put it is:

    The Next Generation.

  16. Adam says:

    if you’re a bigoted shitheel sure, exactly what is your problem with queer people anyway?

  17. Luke says:

    Saturday will not only see a march to the Valley of the Fallen. Two fascist marches have had approval to be held in Puerta del Sol – right in the centre of Madrid… there will also be a counter protest. I do not think this will turn out pretty. Nor will the streets around Sol be safe on Saturday.

  18. Dumb kid. Pity all like him won’t all off the planet.

  19. Coolmanjr says:

    He got what he deserved, go David Duke. Sieg Heil!

    www . stormfront.org

  20. Eugene says:

    Same shit – different day. These idiots fail for life, cannot study, have no job, no prospect, no girl, so they shave their empty fucking skulls and get into knife fights with unarmed teens who are 8 years younger. Cowards. Fucking cowards. One 5 cent bullet to the brain through the forehead or eye. 5 cents. That’s all it takes to get rid of these cunts. As for the Madrid fascist Franco dick-licking Franco ass-sucking cops. Fuck ’em too. 5 cents each.

  21. Lumpen says:

    I’ll give you 10 cents to stop being a homophobe, but a dollar for the sentiment.


    No confusion here. Skinheads who originally were working class and non political have all grown up and have lives now. It’s unfortunate that this young man died. The reality is that communism is another tool used by the Elite (World Bank, U.N.and Illuminists) to further divide and conquer the working class.

  23. Krunar says:

    Well… According to the surveillance footage, the commie had it coming.

    How many are they? 200 against one guy? Reds are always so cocky in big numbers, but this time they picked on the wrong guy.

    And as always the controlled media is lying. You can clearly see that there is no fight between GROUPS, just 200 commies against one guy…


    (oh, and click the link to see the footage and judge for yourself)


  24. @ndy says:

    I’ve watched the footage.

    The fascist is on a train which pulls into a station. He appears to sight a group of ‘anti-racists’ (political opponents) upon the platform, and draws a knife. When the train stops, a number of this group board the train. One member of this group, a man wearing a red cap, walks onto the train, and appears to gesture in the direction of the fascist, presumably to point out the fact that his clothing (sweatshirt) contains a fascist insignia of some description. Immediately, the fascist strikes the curious man in the red cap in the chest. The (presumably injured) man leaves the carriage, which is then largely abandoned, while the psychotic with the knife stalks up and down its length.

    There then follows some back-and-forth on the part of the group (and other members of the public), on to and then off the train, and it also appears that some kinda uniformed security is present (the woman with the radio).

    At 2:55 a man in a red tracksuit with white stripes enters the carriage. He runs toward the knife-wielding fascist and appears to strike him on or near the head with an object of some kind. The man then stabs him with his knife.

    There is nothing especially glorious in any of this; it certainly hasn’t ended the anti-fascist struggle in Madrid, Spain, or anywhere else — nor would it.

  25. Common Sense says:

    I can’t believe that man got 26 years in fucking PRISON, for defending himself against 50 other people, who would’ve been more than happy to crush his skull!

    My heart goes out to all nationalists every where, stay strong.

  26. @ndy says:

    In reality, Josué Estébanez received 19 years for Carlos’ murder and 7 years for the attempted murder of Carlos’ friend (who came to his aid). Estébanez stabbed Carlos in the heart suddenly, and without warning; Carlos had taken no action against Estébanez.

  27. sektor666 says:

    ok, so let’s get the facts straight. the guy is riding a metro train, sees a huge group of antifas on the station, getting ready to get on the train, so he draws his knife and prepares for the worst, most of them walk in, simply eyeing him.

    then one, feeling particularly tough in such a huge group against one guy, appears to walk up to him and taunt/push him, to which the other responds by defending himself. and everybody’s crying for the idiot who started it? why the fuck did he even walk up and talk to him, instead of being a nice little 16 y.o. boy and standing quietly with his friends? imo, he got what was coming to him. and the rest of his friends are a bunch of pussies for running from just one guy.

  28. Regardless of your opinion says:

    The kid that walked up to him was the ONLY one talking to him- the other kids stood back. That 16 yo also was EMPTY HANDED. The douchebag murderer had a knife. Not only did he have a knife- but he was walking around with it out and ready- before he even saw the anti-fascist group.

    Fascists and racists are all scum. Period. Not only scum- but cowards. Cowards who use military training and weapons to murder empty-handed 16yo kids. As evidenced.

  29. Pingback: antifa notes (november 14, 2011) | slackbastard

  30. Truth[iness] says:


    Here you can see he was on his own, when attacked by a mob of AntiFa faggots. He stood his ground, while they acted like baboons outside.

    The AntiFa retard deserved to die, the nationalist is a hero.

  31. Pingback: antifa notes (july 11, 2015) : #UnitedPatriotsFront + guns + knives + moar! | slackbastard

  32. A.R.A. - U.S.A. says:

    Truth (iness) go f yourself. Funny how on here all these dumbass nazis talk. But like the scared guy in the train who drew a knife while wearing (Im a big pussy nazi shirt). Attacks a kid… a kid… not the others, or an older person. No he went for a person he assumed would be easy… a kid… what a big nazi pussy. Lol, my one tat (with its add-ons) accts for all the stupid men who thought they were brave enough to face me. And failed, period. Supposed men, not kids… keep bringing them, and I’ll keep sending them to hell… hahahahaha… A.R.A.

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