
The Age editor-in-chief stood down

THE Age’s editor-in-chief, Mark Forbes, has been stood down after a sexual harassment allegation.

New laws keep terrorists in jail

New laws keep terrorists in jail

CONVICTED terrorists will be kept in jail once their sentence expires if they are still considered a threat, under new laws passed last night.

One Nation at war with itself

One Nation at war with itself

SENATOR Rod Culleton has signalled a possible split with One Nation after a tiff with Pauline Hanson over the backpacker tax.

Backpacker tax passes the Senate

Backpacker tax passes the Senate

THE 15 per cent backpacker tax has cleared its final hurdle in an 11th hour deal, passing the Senate after the Greens agreed to support the hotly debated bill.

Odds Shorten on a new Lib leader

Odds Shorten on a new Lib leader

BILL Shorten has told ABC’S 7.30 the Coalition will likely ditch Malcolm Turnbull before the next election just hours after a feel-good Christmas message to the PM.

Oz ‘most desirable’ Xmas destination

Oz ‘most desirable’ Xmas destination

THROW another shrimp on the barbie and forget about a white Christmas. What the world really wants is a fair dinkum party Down Under.

Federal politics Parliament protesters may be charged

PROTESTERS who shut down Question Time this week and abseiled the face of Parliament House could still be charged, but an expert warns a crackdown will only alienate the public.