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The Washington Post
Two of the president-elect’s Cabinet picks said tax reform would spur companies to hire more workers.
One of them also called for direct interventions to keep jobs, similar to this week’s negotiations that led to the manufacturer Carrier retaining operations in Indiana.
Many of Donald Trump’s appointees were born rich, attended elite schools and increased their fortunes as adults.
After referendum voters rejected the original pact with FARC, Colombia’s president revised it with the idea that the treaty needed just a simple vote in the legislature.
Alyssa Bermudez said TSA's firing of her was retaliatory. (Bill O'Leary/TWP)
Alyssa Bermudez said TSA's firing of her was retaliatory. (Bill O'Leary/TWP)
Alyssa Bermudez, a Bronze Star veteran, became a whistleblower in a case against an agency riddled with accusations.
Youths are dying every day in rural Yemen, as the health system and other safety nets have been shorn away by a 20-month-old conflict in which the United States is playing a role.
Lavishing praise on the Pakistanis would be a major turnaround for President-elect Donald Trump. In 2012, he took to his favorite social media platform, Twitter, to denounce Pakistan.
An audio recording of the final conversation between the pilot and air traffic controller was leaked to the Colombian press, providing the clearest image yet of the crash that killed 71 people.
The initiative is aimed at tracking and battling foreign propaganda amid growing concerns over Russian efforts to spread “fake news” and disinformation that threatens U.S. national security.
The Labor Department regulation, which was scheduled to kick in today, was challenged in court by a number of business groups and a collection of states.
While she cleared her self-declared margin of victory, a two-thirds majority, almost a third of the caucus was willing to vote for a backbench lawmaker with no major policy or political experience.
It's no easy task to reconstruct the lifestyle of a hominid who has been dead for 3.2 million years, but bone scans suggest that the Australopithecus both climbed trees and walked on land — representing a turning point in human evolution.
Startup Comma.ai released a free software kit to help developers learn to build a device that can turn any car into an autonomous vehicle. Washington is not happy with how this coder is getting around regulation.
Mandy McGowan, who was filmed on the floor of a Massachusetts Family Dollar store as her toddler daughter tried to wake her, was arraigned on a child endangerment charge.
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360-Degree Video
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Take a 360 look around the Wyoming Dinosaur Center, one of the most fertile sources of prehistoric fossils in North America.
Experts examine how the U.S. health-care system is being shaped by a disease that touches the lives of millions.
Health Care Look Ahead (Dec. 12)
The Washington Post will look at the future of health care in the new Administration.