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Kangaroo enjoys nice dip in South Hedland backyard pool

There's nothing better on a hot day than relaxing in your own backyard pool.

But South Hedland resident Kelly Gay recently had an unexpected guest join her for a quick dip.

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Roo pool rescue

This Kangaroo enjoys nice dip in a South Hedland backyard pool before being rescued and set free.

"I was in the en-suite and my 5 year old son came in, screaming at the top of his lungs," she said.

"He said there was a kangaroo in our yard - at first I didn't believe him.

"But when I walked through to the laundry, I could see it straight away.

"It was just in the pool, sitting there on the step, pretty much cooling itself down and having a nice little dip!" she said.


Ms Gay said she immediately called the local Port Hedland ranger to help remove the animal.

"He obviously had never dealt with a kangaroo rescue out of a backyard pool before either. He said he thought it was going to be a joey he could fit in a snake bag!"

A second ranger was called to help with the removal, and Ms Gay snapped some photos of the relaxed roo.

However when the ranger began to approach the animal, Ms Gay said it appeared to become more spooked.

"It tried to swim in the deep end of our pool, and it was trying really hard to get out," she said.

"I'm an animal lover, so I really didn't want it to hurt itself or drown.

"After awhile it returned to the step, which was big enough for it to sit on."

After the arrival of the second ranger, the roo was eventually plucked from his mid-afternoon dip and released. 

The ranger assured Ms Gay the animal was not hurt during the rescue. 

Ms Gay said while the experience was certainly weird, she was going to look into getting a filter clean and some extra chlorine. 
