- published: 05 Jan 2017
- views: 19731
Skylanders is a toys-to-life video game series published by Activision. Games in the series are played by placing character figures called the Skylanders on the "Portal of Power", a device that reads the figures' tags through NFC and "imports" the character represented by the figure into the game as a playable character.
A few of the Skylanders available for play include Spyro the Dragon and Cynder, both of which were previously included in The Legend of Spyro series. Skylanders is otherwise unrelated to the series.
The game's setting takes place in a world called Skylands, a realm filled with magic and floating islands. It is the very centre of the universe where it is constantly threatened by dark forces who seek the rule Skylands and gain access to all worlds. Luckily, a band of heroes called the Skylanders use their magical weapons and machinery to defend their world from various threats, which they have done so for generations. They worked with the Portal Masters in keeping peace and balance in Skylands, battling the forces of darkness, and protecting the Core of Light. The Skylanders have an unbreakable bond with their Portal Masters. Though they are not servants, the Skylanders chose to serve their Portal Master and do so eagerly. Each Skylander is associated with one of the ten elements of Skylands: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, Magic, Tech, Life, Undead, Light, or Dark.
I Am may refer to:
The Lorax but Only When Cy "the Delivery Guy" Is on Screen
Creating CY from Skylanders Academy w/ BONUS Share (Chirp)
森哥阿銘解釋梁繼昌對CY殺傷力極大,所以被針對!!黃浩銘再爆官員討厭行為:開會前1分鐘先俾文件議員!再同森哥分析政府告長毛影響極惡劣!(風波裏的茶杯2017-05-19) dd
Skylanders Academy Clip - Whip You into Shape (Feat. DanTDM as Cy)
【UGL醜聞】CY都係起底高手 梁繼昌被狂咬無得唞
CY Harvesting, Chopping Silage 2016
Thneedville but Cy hits the high notes.
Cy - Ave Maris Stella
【短片】【同特首開心勁selfie~~】婆婆:CY好善良、對老人家好好 工作好勤力、畀佢90分!
Si Cy Psy Ci who knows gang?
Do you know who "CY" is? Cy is the Banana headed Imaginator that makes an appearance in the NEW Hit Netflix series - Skylanders Academy! His Official credited name is "C Four", but he is called and referred to as "Cy" in the show. His first appearance is in episode 3 (of season 1) when the Skylanders are needing help in improving their team skills. Master Eon enlists the help of Master King Pen, as Sensei - who has developed Creation Crystals and the ability to "Create" New Skylanders or "Imaginators" with the power of your Imagination. "Cy" was the first Imaginator ever created in the show. Voiced by Dan Middleton of DanTDM on YouTube, Dan recently did an Ad video promoting Skylanders Academy and his role in the show as "Cy". In that video... he showed off a 3D printing of "Cy" that Activ...
黃浩銘爆官員開立法會時嘅乞人憎行為:半夜、甚至開立會前一分鐘先俾文件議員!再同森哥分析點解政府用《權力及特權條例》告長毛,影響會極其惡劣!最後解釋梁繼昌對CY殺傷力好大,所以先被CY針對!! D100 一呼百應 還聲於民 http://www.d100.net http://www.facebook.com/D100Radio http://livestream.com/d100tv http://www.youtube.com/d100hk http://twitter.com/d100hk
A clip from the new Netflix original series, Skylanders Academy. This clip features the voice TheDiamondMinecart, Dan Middleton, as the voice of Cy, the Banana Imaginator. Fan forum: http://skylandsacademy.com/ All Skylanders related material are all owned by Activision Blizzard, Toys for Bob, etc.
【本報訊】特首梁振英透過民建聯周浩鼎修改提交立法會調查UGL事宜專責委員會文件後死撐無做錯,更一連五日透過網誌及公開發言狙擊調查委員會委員梁繼昌,昨指控對方由向稅務局投訴至參與委員會是「自編、自導、自演」,明言要用民事及刑事手段遏止有人利用執法機構打擊官員,新聞統籌專員馮煒光更到梁繼昌的fb留言洗版,有議員直言難以理解梁振英近乎瘋狂的行徑,指作為特首發表有關言論會對執法或司法機構有施壓之嫌。 蘋果日報:http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com 即like蘋果fb:http://www.facebook.com/hk.nextmedia iPhone App:http://bit.ly/AppleDailyApp-iPhone Android App:http://bit.ly/AppleDailyApp-Android
【本報訊】特首梁振英被揭私通民建聯周浩鼎後,雖然周浩鼎已辭去立會調查UGL事件專責委員會職務,但事件另一主角梁振英仍然死撐,繼續向委員會成員梁繼昌開火,揚言過去一、兩日不斷翻查梁在社交網的發文,聲稱「發現」梁繼昌兼具報案人、主控官、陪審員3個角色,有身份衝突,逼梁繼昌辭去委員職務,又批評挺梁繼昌是雙重標準。民主派質疑梁振英不斷針對梁繼昌,懼怕梁參與UGL調查工作,追究他的稅務問題。 記者:呂浩然 蘋果日報 : http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com 即 like 蘋果 fb : http://www.facebook.com/hk.nextmedia iPhone App : http://bit.ly/AppleDailyApp-iPhone Android App : http://bit.ly/AppleDailyApp-Android
Chopping corn silage for Meadowstar Dairy and East Dublin Dairy near Pennock and Murdock MN. We chopped 97,300 tons at Meadowstar Dairy and 87,000 tons at East Dublin Dairy
Whenever they say "Ville" A scene replaces the word where Cy is hitting the high notes and it keeps getting higher. Also whenever O'Hare is on the screen, it just all goes to hell. I am seriously amazed by the power of poo poo memes. You guys love it, and I don't know why but you are subscribing to me. Honestly it makes me feel I am forced to make these videos for you because you subbed to me. I would truly hope that you guys would understand that I am a normal person like you that has the hobbies of making videogames and playing videogames alongside video making. I greatly appreciate all these supportive and funny comments that you guys keep making. I will be sure to provide you more enjoyment in the near future.
Le groupe Cy interprète le chant national acadien qui a été choisi à Miscouche, Île-du-Prince-Édouard, en 1884, lors de la deuxième Convention nationale des Acadiens. Tourné en 2015 lors de la Semaine acadienne à Courseulles Sur Mer en france.
Asi lo vivi by G4Eramos amigos nada mas
tu enamorado de alguien mas
y yo tan solo consejera de algo inusual
no esperaba imaginar tanto
no esperaba descubrir
Pero al final así lo viví
pero entendí mejor
Cada dia cada momento era especial
lo entendi mejor que los demas
no esperaba presentir pensé que
estaba mal sentir que al final
regresar de nuevo no quiero expresar
ah ah ah ah
Hubo momentos que quise llorar
y me aguante asi de mas
las lagrimas en tus mejillas
era de una niña
que le arranco ah la soledad
Pero al final así lo viví
pero entendí mejor
Cada dia cada momento era especial
lo entendi mejor que los demas
no esperaba presentir pensé que
estaba mal sentir que al final
regresar de nuevo no quiero expresar
pero al final asi lo vivi