Brand Discover

Brand Discover is Fairfax Media's Native Advertising portfolio that allows advertisers to reach audiences with highly engaging content, produced by Fairfax content specialists and brought to life with a variety of formats.

The products are designed to take full advantage of Fairfax Media's expertise in content creation and offers advertisers the opportunity to integrate audience-relevant, high quality editorial with brand integration and promotion. The interactive digital experience provides a rich content platform allowing advertisers to bring brand stories to life.


Brand Discover Products

Brand Discover has a three tier product portfolio.

Brand Discover 'Standard' is a templated format, with six creative templates available:
1. Articles - long form content
2. Opinion - long form content + client written integration
3. Influencer - long form blog content written by client and edited by Fairfax content specialists
4. Shorticles - top 10 list
5. Infographics - data visualisation
6. Remix - a native content hub integrating existing brand content

Brand Discover 'Flex' is a customisable format, which offers a mix of templated formats and custom design elements.

Brand Discover 'Premium' is a completely bespoke and immersive storytelling platform with interactivity and parallax scrolling ability.

To learn more about the products in the Brand Discover product portfolio, simply contact your Fairfax sales representative. 


How Does it Work?

Based on the campaign brief, Fairfax Media will plan a native content solution that will meet the campaign objectives and appeal to our readers.

  • Content is created by dedicated writers that specialise in creating quality branded content.
  • Advertisers get final sign-off on all content.
  • All templates have provision for custom, large format advertising. The advertiser provides these assets to specification (either as imagery OR video). Please visit the Ad Specs – Brand Discover page for the full creative specs and deadlines.
  • Brand Discover content is promoted through native drivers, integrated in the existing editorial flow across the Fairfax digital and social networks.
  • Fairfax providescontent performance reporting and detailed analysis.

Watch the clip below for another overview on native advertising and Brand Discover:

Native Insights

84% of marketers say their top priority over the next year will be creating more engaging content

81% of Australian organisations use content marketing 

Source: CMI – Content Marketing in Australia 2016