Fairfax Media Case Study: Zyrtec Mobile & Tablet

Fairfax Media mobile & tablet advertising drives significant lifts in unprompted brand awareness, message association and purchase intention for Zyrtec that were benchmarked in the top 20% of consumer packaged goods campaigns when compared to global mobile norms.

Campaign Objectives:

  1. Drive high impact brand awareness hay-fever
  2. Drive brand product target audience
  3. Increase Zyrtec products

Campaign Period:

1st Sept to 30th Nov 2012

Target Audience:

People aged 30-49 years

Research Methodology:

Control/exposed methodology was employed, with both control and exposed groups viewing a survey invitation page after interaction with the creative. Upon completion of the survey, respondents were directed to the Zyrtec site. (n=1,207)

Creative Execution:

The Zyrtec campaign was executed across Fairfax Media’s mobile and tablet platforms across the weather section within The Age and Sydney Morning Herald tablet app and within the Weatherzone app and m-site during the key hay-fever period of Spring. Creative placements included a high impact OTP execution within the Weatherzone m-site and banner placements across all mobile platforms.

The Results:

  • Overall, the campaign performed best amongst the target audience (30-49) reaching 47% of this group, but also performed strongly amongst the wider audience with significant lifts across all metrics for both the total sample and target audience.
  • The campaign also resonated amongst females with purchase intent lifting by +27% points along with significant lifts in unaided brand awareness.
  • The campaign worked hardest amongst year-round sufferers however significant uplifts in purchase intention were also observed amongst Spring allergy sufferers and non-sufferers who were most likely driven by the prominent value proposition.
  • The Zyrtec sponsorship of Weatherzone on mobile and tablet proved to be highly effectives in significantly increasing unprompted brand awareness, message association and purchase intentions and reaffirms mobile as a solid component for future campaigns.
  • Research proved that the Zyrtec creative met the criteria of an effective mobile creative – clearly branded with a single message that was consistent across other media – which increased its ability to significantly shift brand awareness and purchase intent
  • Uplifts in purchase intention and message association were benchmarked in the top 20% when compared to global mobile norms of consumer packaged goods campaigns.

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Patricia Donaldson
Custom Research Manager
Metro - Research & Insights
+61 (03) 8667 2935 Email Patricia Donaldson